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Messages - jaynkeel

Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 15, 2010, 10:27:22 PM
No wifi built in I bought the cheaper model when I bought it, double checked the product card to make sure and nothing listed for wifi so unless it's buried in there and I havn't noticed yet!!! Model #AR1600-U910H. Included a snapshot of the screen where it ends with the flashing cursor and prompt.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 15, 2010, 09:07:07 PM
Ok after removing the quiet splash and rebooting the md I end up with a prompt saying network is unreachable after a whole bunch of other information.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 15, 2010, 08:00:03 PM
Nope just the R1600, no wireless. I have seen some of the threads that deal with the revo's but being a noob if the directions aren't layed out simple I fear I'll screw it up. And most of those threads deal with wireless which isn't my problem, it is weird though.
#   IP Address   MAC Address   Expires   Status   Hostname   Description   Device
0   90:FB:A6:2D:DB:61   --   static   moon50   Generic PC as MD   50
1         --   static      DCERouter   2
2         --   static      DCERouter   2
3         --   static      DCERouter   2
4         --   static      DCERouter   2

Thats what my dhcp lease lists so I am pretty sure the revo is detected just must be something on the revo's end just not sure how to troubleshoot it?
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 15, 2010, 07:50:10 AM
Cableing issue taken care of media director showing up in dhcp leases as moon 40. But whenever I try to net boot I get it to load up to the kubuntu bar and then it goes to a blinking white cursor? I have been chasing this thing all day now and am running out of ideas.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 15, 2010, 12:01:41 AM
Might have been that bowl of stupid I had for breakfast!!!! ;D On a lighter note I had the cables hooked up wrong and couldn't get the media director to access the core. Once I re did the cables internet from the cable modem into the router then all devices and the core hooked to the router letting the netgear do it's normal thing, everything popped up and was recognized. As far as the software updates for the core went I added:

deb intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse

then did the update and then installed the image and everything started working from there on out so far
I do have some issues still, as I can no longer log into the admin page from the computer I am typing this on, once again from the core i can log in and internet works from the core as in weather & youtube. And I am still waiting on the media director to boot all the way up, i do get a kubuntu screen then it goes to a flashing dot so i was playing it safe and just letting it be for a bit.


Guess I didn't quite get it yet, as the media director won't boot up fully, getting a kernal panic and with the admin page not functioning on remote pc's something must still be amiss, has to be the cableing right?
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 11:31:08 PM
ok got it fixed the proper way, now all my other computers in the house are working mce core is functioning, new media director was recognized and began downloading image to it. On the new media director I saw the kubuntu splash screen then it went to a flashing cursor dot which is where i am at now. I heard these can take a long time to set up so I will leave it sit for a while. Many many thanks to everyones help it has saved me from going bonkers. And many many thanks to the people who created and continue to invest their time into Linuxmce as it is a wonderful and amazing piece of equipment. What can I say I'm hooked. I am sure I will have many more questions in the future and perhaps along the way I can help someone else out to....
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 08:18:48 PM
ok got updates to go through also did the /usr/pluto/bin/, which took a good bit of time to do. Once that was finished I restarted the core. Then once back up and running I turned my director in the new room on but still getting the same message where it could not find or connect to dhcp?

Maybe my cables are not hooked up correctly? Once again my main internet line comes from my cable modem to the core, then a line runs from the core to my netgear wireless router to the internet port on the router, then all the other computers in the house hook up to the router the way they would in a normal situation. On my linuxmce core I set it up as dhcp, on my netgear router I tried disabling and enabling dhcp neither did anything. On my admin page for lmce network settings eth0 = external, eth1 = internal.

Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 04:50:45 PM
forgot the first time, got the downloads to go when I remembered to do sudo, now after it doing it's thing for a bit i get package pluto orbiter failed wait 10 sec try again? seemed like it was clipping along fine then got snagged there. From what I can tell some kind of error to do with sun java? If that helps any.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 04:31:13 PM
ok went and adjusted the source list just getting permission denied and operation not permitted along with the same package failed, gonna have to reread what I changed.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 03:51:38 PM
OK so how do I pull up the sources list to adjust them if they are incorrect?
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 03:41:39 PM
Thanks for all the replies so far everyone I will try some of the suggestions, the image I used I downloaded around oct 28 not sure if that makes a difference? Is this something common to always have to do during a first setup, as far as changing the places where the updates come from? Or does it usually just work from the get go on it's own? As far as the /usr/pluto/bin/ goes I have tried several times only to get the wait 10sec message repeatedly.
Installation issues / Re: Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 08:37:53 AM
yes dhcp is active, ip, internet as in browsing youtube channel and such yes that works
Installation issues / Rookie in need of some help
November 14, 2010, 08:25:55 AM
Ok first time user of linuxmce. Installed 8.10 everything looks great and I even got some of my x10 things working. Problem is with media director. Gone through all the links on the internet I could find with no luck. Heres my setup, Ethernet cable from my cable modem to my core/ media director, another ethernet cable from my core/ media director to a netgear wireless router where everything else in my house hooks to. When I try to netboot my acer revo it never connects? I have tried to run the /usr/pluto/bin/ because I thought thats what was wrong but still nothing. Nothing ever pops up on my core saying something new was detected not even a usb drive with music on it? I figure I must be missing something major in my install or something?  ???