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Messages - seagullarity

Pages: 1 [2]
Users / Re: Webadmin takes 10 mins to respond to clicking on AV Equipment
« on: February 04, 2011, 03:51:28 am »
Well, I dug deeper and found that the problem lies in the calling of functionFormatDeviceData in this line:

<td class="alternate_back" rowspan="5" valign="top" align="right">'.formatDeviceData($rowD['PK_Device'],$deviceDataArray[$rowD['PK_Device']],$dbADO,$rowD['IsIPBased'],0,1,'textarea').'</td>

And within the function formatDeviceData, the function serialPortsPulldown causes problem in this line:


And within the function serialPortsPulldown, the following line is where the hangup occurs:


The values that are called by that function are:
$topParent = 63 (One of my MDs)
$value = pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7+5.1:1.0
$dbADO = (blank)
(five minute delay)
$topParent = 63
$value = pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7+5.2:1.0
$dbADO = (blank)

Not really sure what to make of this, but I'll look at it more tomorrow.

Users / Re: Webadmin takes 10 mins to respond to clicking on AV Equipment
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:53:01 pm »
I did a little debugging and found out that in /var/www/lmce-admin/operations/myDevices/avWizard.php the code is hanging somewhere in the if statement pasted below. If I put print statements for logging purposes anywhere within the print statement, the page won't reload (not sure why) so I can't get any more specific than that it's in the following if statement. I am not familiar with PHP -- I will do my best to figure out what is wrong, but I've been having trouble so far, and if someone with PHP experience can look over this, I'd appreciate it:

Code: [Select]
                    $out.='<tr class="tablehead">
                        <td align="center" width="200"><B>'.$TEXT_DEVICE_ROOM_CONTROLLED_BY_CONST.'</B></td>
                        <td align="center" width="200"><B>'.$TEXT_PIPES_CONST.'</B></td>
                        <td align="center" width="200"><B>'.$TEXT_DEVICE_DATA_CONST.'</B></td>
                        <td align="center" width="125"><B>'.$TEXT_ACTION_CONST.'</B></td>

                        <td rowspan="5" align="left" valign="top" class="alternate_back">
                            '.$TEXT_DEVICE_NUM_CONST.': '.$rowD['PK_Device'].'<br>
                            '.$TEXT_DEVICE_TEMPLATE_NUM_CONST.': '.$rowD['FK_DeviceTemplate'].'<br>
                            '.$TEXT_CONTROLLED_BY_CONST.': '.$controlledViaLink.'<br><br>
                            <a name="deviceLink_'.$rowD['PK_Device'].'"></a>'.$deviceName.'<br>'.$roomPulldown.'

                        <td align="center" height="10"><B>'.$TEXT_AUDIO_PIPE_CONST.'</B></td>
                        <td class="alternate_back" rowspan="5" valign="top" align="right">'.formatDeviceData($rowD['PK_Device'],$deviceDataArray[$rowD['PK_Device']],$dbADO,$rowD['IsIPBased'],0,1,'textarea').'</td>
                        <td align="center" rowspan="5" valign="top">'.$buttons.'</td>
                        <td height="20">
                        <u>'.$TEXT_OUTPUT_CONST.'</u>: '.@$devicePipes['1']['output'].'<br>
                        <u>'.$TEXT_TO_CONST.'</u>: '. @$devicePipes['1']['to'].'<br>
                        <u>'.$TEXT_INPUT_CONST.'</u>: '.@$devicePipes['1']['input'].'<br><br>
                    <td align="center" height="10"><B>'.$TEXT_VIDEO_PIPE_CONST.'</B></td>

                        <td height="20">
                        <u>'.$TEXT_OUTPUT_CONST.'</u>: '.@$devicePipes['2']['output'].'<br>
                        <u>'.$TEXT_TO_CONST.'</u>: '. @$devicePipes['2']['to'].'<br>
                        <u>'.$TEXT_INPUT_CONST.'</u>: '.@$devicePipes['2']['input'].'<br><br>
                        <td align="center" valign="top"><a href="javascript:windowOpen(\'index.php?section=editPipes&deviceID='.$rowD['PK_Device'].'&from=avWizard\',\'width=600,height=300,toolbar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1\');">'.$TEXT_EDIT_PIPES_CONST.'</a></td>

Installation issues / Re: Media Directors hanging
« on: June 27, 2010, 11:59:01 pm »
I fixed the hanging problem by deleting the sda1 from the Core from the Devices Tree (in the WebAdmin). Then my MD booted fine.

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