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Messages - aico

Users / Re: Dianemo IOS Orbiter
January 31, 2012, 06:15:42 AM

look at my post here:,11655.30.html

I had this error too - I removed my Orbiter settings (iOS App) and entered all values again. Then it worked maybe so somewhere you have a "space"

Users / Re: New Version of the Dianemo iOS Orbiter
January 29, 2012, 10:11:18 AM
Hi brononi,

look at this picture:;topic=11655.0;attach=2337;image. As you can see the Device Number is 105.

I am a Dianemo user and my settings are:
   * Description: ServerName - here you can use what ever you whant
   * Installation number: 114 (couldn't figure this one out, i've also tried the listen port (3463)) - in Dianemo this is a 5 Digit Number - in my case 3xxxxx
   * Device number: 114 - you can see, if you look at the picture, what the Device Number is (on my first try I used the wrong one)
   * User name: UserName in LinuxMCE - in my case this is empty because the username is for secure remote access via internet - I just whant to use the orbiter at home
   * Password: Password for user above - in my case this is empty because the password is for secure remote access via internet - I just whant to use the orbiter at home
   * Nerve Centre IP: (IP of linuxmce) - thats OK

You should also select "Connect locally"

In settings I have set:
Wifi only - ON
Load indicator - ON
Polling frequency - every 2 seconds
Enhanced UI - ON - I do not know if this works in LinuxMCE.

I am a user of Dianemo S10.10 too.
I can say that the support that the Dianemo-Team gives to me is realy great, and belive me, I had and I will have a lot of questions to Andrew and his team.

Hi Hari,

look at:,8880.msg84403.html#new.

Here posde asks about BTicino and LinuxMCE and
totallymaxed answered: "Its a DCEwhisperer device so yes it will be available in LinuxMCE."

Hi rages,

a friend of me is building a new home unsing KNX, a other friend of me will start building a new home next year and he looked at both systems. The one who is starting next year ist goning to use BTicino. For the most home needs it is powerfull enough (I use BTcino too). With BTicino MyHome I had best best experiences.

I think it will be a religious war what system is better. Each one has its benefits.

But the most important thing - Dianemo an LinuxMCE will support both systems KNX and BTicino MyHome  ;)

Installation issues / Re: Several lights in 1 room
August 31, 2011, 01:44:14 PM

I added lightning scenarios for each light in the room. The autogenerated "on" "off" buttons are disabled in my configuration.

Users / Re: No Audio in Xine through HDMI
August 31, 2011, 06:12:11 AM
I had the same problems using Audio over HDMI.
I solved the problem by installing the latest NVIDIA ION Drivers. You can download the drivers from NVIDIA.

Users / Re: Sound problems.
June 06, 2011, 04:12:17 AM

I did a alsa update and sound over HDMI worked.

My LinuxMCE is 0810.

Users / Re: WebOrbiter 2.0
May 27, 2011, 06:19:29 AM
Hi Darren,

I will try your Android Orbiter the next days - at the moment I am busy with my new kitchen...

Users / Re: WebOrbiter 2.0
May 26, 2011, 05:12:11 AM

Thank you all - the problem was:

I did not do step 5 in the WebOrbiter Setup:
"Click on your new Generic Proxy Orbiter in the device tree, give it a unique name and then scroll to the bottom of the page on the right and look for the field called 'Listen Port'. This field will be set to '3461' by default (if this Web Orbiter is not your first then you should increment this value by one ie to '3462' - each Web Orbiter must have a unique 'Listen Port' number) "

Now I did it and everything works fine - but please do not ask me why I missed step 5!?!?!?!

Users / Re: WebOrbiter 2.0
May 24, 2011, 08:30:47 PM
Here my configuration:

iPhone: Generic Web Device #1748 - Device #181
iPhone: Generic Proxy Orbiter #1749 - Device #185

mini6410: Generic Web Device #1748 - Device #183
mini6410: Generic Proxy Orbiter #1749 - Device #184

I think the config is ok?!?
May be it will help, if i delete this 4 devices and generate them again?

Sorry - but how do I set up a second weborb instance?

@ALL - no one using more than one Web Orbiter with different resolutions?

Users / WebOrbiter 2.0
May 23, 2011, 06:51:03 AM

my home gets ready and now I am playing around with WebOrbiter.

This Orbiters I plan to use or I do use:
Nokia N900 - works without problems

iPhone 4
mini6410 with 7" Touchdisplay and Android (screen resolution 800x480)

I have generated 2 generic Webdevices. One is called iPhone an one is called ARM11 (for the mini6410). Then I generated 2 Orbiters.
Device ID 184 is for the mini6410 - Size=480p
Device ID 185 is for the iPhone - Size=960x640(iPhone4)
I also plan to use a iPad2 as Orbiter - I think the Size will be 1024x768 - so I have to generate a third generic Webdevice and another Orbiter for the iPad.

My Problem at the moment is, that, if I do a Quick Reload Router sometimes the iPhone shows the correct Orbiter resolution and sometimes the mini6410 shows the correct resolution.

Is there a way to tell the iPhone App what Orbiter to use?


Users / Re: Ruby Problems
April 21, 2011, 04:13:35 AM
Hello Merkur2k

Thank you - that solved the problem!

Users / Ruby Problems
April 20, 2011, 04:16:55 PM

I am playing with Ruby Codes and some strange things happen:

This is the code I try (Extended Editor):

#system("tdtool --on 4")
command = "*1*1*"+device_.devdata_[294]+device_.devdata_[295]+"##"
log("Light On")

If I hit "update" (Extended Editor) the code looks like this:

#system(\"tdtool --on 4\")
command = \"*1*1*\"+device_.devdata_[294]+device_.devdata_[295]+\"##\"
log(\"Light On\")

As you can see, there are some \ added...

I use Firefox 3.6.16.

Any ideas?
