Could somebody please come with a "cookbook" for installing latest snapshot (23388, 23426 or 23431)?
I have tried all, updated the sources list - but haven't manage even seeing the A/V wizard!
The install process differs quite a lot from 23388 to 23431 - so info on which order to do which steps in which snapshot to get the best result would be much appreciated.
Am not a total noob (be working with CentOS/Red Hat for 10+ years. And even at some point (probably 0710) tested LinuxMCE...
Any recent snapshot with a file size of 3.8GB should work. The old-repositories issue has been fixed. I have done a successful install with 23388 and edit the sources.list with the old-repositories. It could be that a newer snapshot could come out with the sources.list fixed but it should be visually verified.
I boot from the LMCE dvd and select the lmce installation at the bottom of the list. I make the selections from the subsequent initial screens and let it install. Once that has finished I edit my sources.list and replace any lines that have either us.archive, archive, or security to old-releases. I also make sure that the 20dev_ubuntu main line is present. I then save this and do a sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade installing anything that is found. I make sure that the latest nvidia driver is activated. I reboot the machine. Once the machine is at the desktop I click the lmce installation link on the desktop, enter my password when prompted, and find something else to do until it tells me to reboot again. This will bring me to the AV Wizard. If you are not seeing the AV Wizard at this point then you may be connected to a graphics port that is not defaulted to in the install. I believe that vga is the default connector for the AV Wizard. If connected to the DVI connector then you may get the black screen that has been discussed on this forum and has a post that has been pinned. You can either move you cable to the appropriate connector or follow the directions given in the other posts.