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Messages - mythtified

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Users / Re: Can't delete entries from "Respond to Events"
« on: December 03, 2010, 03:42:02 pm »
I am not sure.  I have read about some of what is talked about but have not actually put it into practice, so playing directly with sql commands on an active system would scare hell out of me.  I am not even sure if finding the mysql log and watching it as you try to delete from the admin page would yield results that could be used.  I would think that if there was a major problem that the present sql log level would be sufficient.  I do think that turning off your pop up blocker will help.  If it does work you may try fine tuning it by turning it back on and adding an exception to allow it to allow popups from your lmce machine.  I have not had the issue of not being able to delete things from the admin page for some time but I think I did turn off the pop up blocker and things started working.  I also noticed that things look different and act different between firefox and explorer.  So I pretty much use firefox when using a windoze machine to look at lmce through the admin page.

Users / Re: Can't delete entries from "Respond to Events"
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:34:08 pm »
yes I understand but after you say ok delete it then two other windows will try to open.  The popup blocker usually catches those.  But as I said I don't know if this is the case in all instances.  Sorry if this did not help.

I just had another thought.  There may be some corruption in the database(just a guess on my part).  It may be interesting to do a tail -f on the mysql log while you are trying to delete an entry to see if any errors occur.  I am not sure what you will see since I know almost nothing about mysql(other than what I have read lately) but it could be worthwhile.

Installation issues / Re: Ubuntu 8.10 end of life breaks installer
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:31:05 pm »
In linux there are certain areas and processes that require root privileges to change them.  To gain temporary root privileges type sudo <your command> if making a change in a terminal.  If the program is gui based then from a command prompt it would be ksudo and the command.  So in your case, you could ksudo <your favorite editor> /etc/apt/sources.list, hit enter, and type in your password.  Edit the file and save it.  You are done.  Or you could edit a copy, save it to your home directory, change the permissions to match the original file, change owner ship to root, then sudo cp the file into the /etc/apt directory.  I will leave it up to you to research chmod(for changing permissions) and chown ( for changing ownership ).

I am sure there is probably a better way but I usually edit the file with vi in a terminal.  Being new to linux you would probably want to steer clear of vi for now.

Installation issues / Re: video and audio problems
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:54:52 am »
I did some searches on your motherboard and the sound chip.  It may be too new.  Do some searches on the internet to see if there is a solution to your problem.

Users / Re: Can't delete entries from "Respond to Events"
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:33:54 am »
This will sound off the wall but try to turn off pop up blocker.  Also you might try deleting from firefox if you are not using it already.  I don't know if this will take care of your problem but I have seen an active pop up blocker not allow things to complete and some things will look/act different in firefox.  When deleting an item a couple of windows will try to open.  One of which is a box that tells you that an item has been deleted and to click ok.

Users / Re: Z-wave woes - Everspring door/window sensor not behaving
« on: December 02, 2010, 01:59:41 am »
I know that I played with mine for quite a while before I put it into service as I had trouble getting it to work.  I cannot say now what I might have done to get it to work.  Turn on extended logging and watch the zwave log while you trigger it with the magnet.

Installation issues / Re: Ubuntu 8.10 end of life breaks installer
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:13:20 pm »
It does appear to be a bit contradictory but when you first install before you run the lmce script you will want to do the dist-upgrade.

I just did another install on my test machine and the intrepid line seems to work with no problem.  Doing the dist-upgrade pulled in the mplayer packages and installed them.  I was not able to see everything that was going by but I do not think I had a problem.  I used snapshot 23326.

Users / Re: Z-wave woes - Everspring door/window sensor not behaving
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:00:00 pm »
So the Seluxit is your recommendation for a controller then or do you like something else?
I use a seluxit as static controller on the LinuxMCE core and really recommend it.

br Hari

I did not see a US version of that controller.  I did order a US version of the Tricklestar though.  Thx for the other info by the way.

Installation issues / Re: Ubuntu 8.10 end of life breaks installer
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:26:04 am »
The medibuntu site seems to work.  I just started another test install and was able to do an apt-get dist-upgrade that installed a couple of packages from their site.

Sternness accepted, but I do take offence about coming from a strictly windows world.
Your mother wears army boots.

How did you know she wore army boots?  You knew my mom?
<look of nostalgic thoughfulnes> Mom could sure put a spit shine to those boots too.

I had no idea where that guy ended up at the time of my question.
I also did not want to hijack someone else's thread.

Also, when I remove the 'not' from my subject, my path might help others.'

I can't imagine a beginner trying to find this info from the present wiki.

Thank you, I'll put this in my etc/apt folder and report back.

If I appeared to be stern it was not my intention.  I understand what it means to be new to linux let alone linuxmce.  It will take some time but if you stick with linux it will get easier.  It is especially tough if you are coming from a stricly Windows world where everything is pretty much done for you.  I have been messing with linux for years and am just now feeling comfortable enough with it to start migrating some of my windoze boxes to Ubuntu.

Users / Re: Z-wave woes - Everspring door/window sensor not behaving
« on: November 29, 2010, 07:24:20 pm »
So the Seluxit is your recommendation for a controller then or do you like something else?

Installation issues / Re: Ubuntu 8.10 end of life breaks installer
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:15:26 pm »
I think your problem is the latest snapshot.  I don't believe that all of the files are being pulled into the dvd and during the lmce install some packages aren't found.  An example of this is the nvidia 195 driver.  I had to manually install that while playing with a latest snapshot.  I would go back to a previous snapshot from 11-1.  I believe it is 23388.  That was the last good snapshot before the version went end of life.

Users / Re: Z-wave woes - Everspring door/window sensor not behaving
« on: November 29, 2010, 02:04:34 pm »

#250 - the node id of your dongle, probably 1 when you are using the crap dongle with the inclusion button


Hari, I get the distinct impression that you do not like this dongle.  Could you give me the reason why and your preferences in a private message so as to not to give the appearance of hijacking this thread?


There are several posts that discuss this already. 
I found this in a thread that you have already participated in.  This is a working sources.list file that came from that thread and a good example for you to follow:

deb file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./
deb intrepid  main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src intrepid  main restricted universe multiverse
deb intepid-updates  main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src intrepid-updates  main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid-security  main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src intrepid-security  main restricted universe multiverse
deb intrepid  beta2
deb stable  main
deb intrepid  free non-free
deb 20dev_ubuntu  main
deb replacements_debian  main

It was found in this post

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