Users / Re: Can't delete entries from "Respond to Events"
« on: December 03, 2010, 03:42:02 pm »
I am not sure. I have read about some of what is talked about but have not actually put it into practice, so playing directly with sql commands on an active system would scare hell out of me. I am not even sure if finding the mysql log and watching it as you try to delete from the admin page would yield results that could be used. I would think that if there was a major problem that the present sql log level would be sufficient. I do think that turning off your pop up blocker will help. If it does work you may try fine tuning it by turning it back on and adding an exception to allow it to allow popups from your lmce machine. I have not had the issue of not being able to delete things from the admin page for some time but I think I did turn off the pop up blocker and things started working. I also noticed that things look different and act different between firefox and explorer. So I pretty much use firefox when using a windoze machine to look at lmce through the admin page.