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Hi Jon,

   Worked like a champ !! Thanks for the info and the contributions !!

Hi Jon,

   Thanks for the reply. I'll update my installation and restart and give it another shot...
   Do I need to do a pluto db update as well ?

   I'll keep you posted.


   I have a a device setup with a generic device template - I have specified a command line exec for it called fred.
   I have put fred in /usr/pluto/bin. The permission is set to x and owned by root. fred is currently setup as a shell
   script that takes a host and device id as arguments.

   I was expecting my fred exec to be launched when I do a router reload. Is this correct ?
   In essence, I am not seeing fred being called at all and I am not sure where to look to figure out why this exec
   is not being invoked.

   I am running 810 alpha 2.

   Any suggestions ?

Thanks !!
Developers / Re: Device state information
February 27, 2009, 08:25:37 PM
Thanks for the info Thom !

So are you saying there is actually no way to talk to the device directly and ask it for its current state/status ?

It would seem that I should be able to perform a MessageSend to that device somehow and ask it which state is it currently in ?

Thanks !!
Developers / Device state information
February 27, 2009, 07:44:13 AM

    Can anyone post some information on how to get a device current state. Somehow the state is persisted in the db for lights only but does not appear to be consistent across other devices.

    So can someone enlighten me on how to ask a device for it's current state ie can I use MessageSend to get this type of information somehow - ie a light is on/off/dimed. an IP cam is active or not - a motion sensor is active, etc...

Thanks !!
Users / Hsm100 - 3 in 1 motion sensor
February 27, 2009, 07:40:59 AM

   Just bought an hsm100. It's been associated with my mcv dongle . Now I am trying to figure out how to set up in mce 701.
   Can someone post out a set of instructions on how to configure it  ?

Thanks !!
Developers / Re: Registering a Message Interceptor....
February 25, 2009, 01:37:13 AM
Hi Chris, Dan,

   Thanks so much for the response. Very useful insights....

Developers / Registering a Message Interceptor....
February 15, 2009, 07:21:47 PM

   I am trying to register an exec to catch various events. I have put a shell script in /usr/pluto/bin and was hoping for this exec to be invoked when in this case lighting events occurs. I am following the post on the wiki to set up my interceptor, which was added as a child device (#43) of core with a generic#1 template.

   I register my interceptor using the following command:

MessageSend localhost 43 -1000 8 0 5 2 4 73 6 192

DCE log says

Device 43 registered Message interceptor 0/0/0/73/2/192 <0x6d8c7b90>

all good so far... ( I think ? )

Then I issue the following cmd to turn the light on

MessageSend localhost -r 0 42 1 192

Now the dce log says

The target device 43 (routed to 43) has not registered. <0x6d8c7b90>

Any ideas ?

The just of it: I would like to trap device events and have some custom code run when specific events take place. I am hoping I could register an interceptor to get callbacks when certain events get trigger on adhoc devices with some info for which device fired the event and which event occurred....

Is this achievable ? Is so can someone shed some light ?

Many Thanks !!
Users / Problem with event and timed events
January 19, 2009, 06:22:12 AM
Hi all,

   I have searched related post but don't seem to find the magic spell to get my events to run on linuxmce v8.

   I've started by setting up a timed evt using absolute time at 5mins after the current time and setting up the
   device as my zwave dimmer. I can test the cmd via the admin ifc and the light will turn on.

   However when the time trip nothing seems to happen. The light remains off and tailing the dcerouter log shows
   nothing going on. Check my timezone and system clock and all seems to be correct..

   Any ideas, suggestions ?

Thanks !!
Users / Problem with event and timed events
January 18, 2009, 05:33:48 PM
Hi all,

   I have searched related post but don't seem to find the magic spell to get my events to run on linuxmce v8.

   I've started by setting up a timed evt using absolute time at 5mins after the current time and setting up the
   device as my zwave dimmer. I can test the cmd via the admin ifc and the light will turn on.

   However when the time trip nothing seems to happen. The light remains off and tailing the dcerouter log shows
   nothing going on. Check my timezone and system clock and all seems to be correct..

   Any ideas, suggestions ?

Thanks !!