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Messages - randomblink

Developers / Re: Workshop: Datagrids
October 01, 2009, 05:44:04 AM
For recording these things someone should look into, they are free, seem to record nicely, just 5 minute pieces, which from being a subscriber I feel is decent enough for piecemealing everything...

Just a thought.
Developers / iPhone Dev
October 01, 2009, 05:39:44 AM
Just curious what the status is on the iPhone as an Orbiter process?
Is anyone doing this? Or is it still just a dream?

I ask because I just began a one year program at my local college on Mobile Dev. I am learning Objective C this semester and will be learning iPhone development next. I am also planning on setting up LinuxMCE on my box at home and a dream is to link them ALL together... anyone?
Also, concerning the Wiki, I just got one setup and running on my own site. If you guys are having issues getting the uploads to work? I might be able to point you to the right place. Let me know what the problem is?

I'm not a Linux Programmer (yet), so I can't help out with anything other than visual ideas, wiki work, and my opinion.
Basic Skin Development Page

Hope this helps. I'm looking forward to actually getting LinuxMCE installed once I buy my house. I start house shopping next week!
Users / Re: Price / Site Thread
December 04, 2008, 10:28:33 PM
Users / Price / Site Thread
December 04, 2008, 09:05:06 PM
I've been through the wiki entries on Media Directors. Several of the entries I clicked on aren't even being offered at newegg or wherever they were pulled from, so I wanted to throw an idea out and see if anyone bites. Do you have a good deal? Good deal site? Etc?

I've looked a for little PC's, they seen to have thin clients from the UK for around 149 pounds, but I'm not even sure what that translates to in USD? But my thoughts were, if someone knew of a good place to buy the individual components at affordable prices, I might be able to do my system ideas on a budget?

For instance:
Couple systems that look good, decent price range, sorta. Considering you have buy RAM for a couple of them (if not all?).
Do you know of a better place? Obviously I'm looking for the most affordable, but basically a thread where people share good prices / sites / stores would be excellent?!
Users / Re: RFID and Sensor Support?
December 02, 2008, 11:30:48 PM
I'm wondering how well this concept would fly.

On the one hand, you could setup follow me quite easily, and nicely.
On the other hand, I want it to unlock my door when I get close to it, and lock when I go away but there's too many 'what ifs' in that scenario for my taste.
But I like the idea of RFID'ing my cats collar and unlocking the pet door for her, that would be kinda cool in that geeky way I love.
Users / Re: VoIP with LMCE
December 02, 2008, 07:01:51 PM
I would like to add to the original question a little.

I'm still in the house shopping phase, so I don't even have a true place that I can call my own.
I'm about 2 weeks from buying an iPhone and I have NO plans to get a landline.
My question is, is there no way to use the VoIP WITHOUT a Landline?
It would be nice to drop my iPhone on a dock or something and utilize the VoIP somehow throughout the house?

(of course, once the LinuxMCE Orbiter iPhone app hits the app store I am all over that!)
(hint, hint)

Anyone else use a Cell Phone as their only phone but have rigged up some form of VoIP for when they are at home?
Just curious
Users / RFID and Sensor Support?
December 02, 2008, 06:04:16 PM
Alright, so I'm looking into various sensors and stuff, getting a shopping / price list together.
Something that dawned on me was RFID? Has ANYONE gotten RFID to do ANYTHING in a LinuxMCE environment yet?
I can't seem to find anything, anywhere on it.
Users / Re: Logitech 670
December 01, 2008, 05:18:59 PM
Question on the Fire Chief Remote.
Can you use this as your remote EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY OTHER FIIRE PRODUCTS?

I do NOT want to spend the kind of money they require for a thin client, nor a server, as I can custom build my own. But I really like their remote? Can I have it without their other products?
Questions from a newb.

I haven't invested a dime yet in LinuxMCE nor it's implementation. I am just trying to wrap my head around this potentially beautiful, beautiful concept.

I'm looking at ZWave Light Dimmers and Receptacles.

On the Amazon site they say that you need a Intermatic HA07C Home Settings Wireless Master Remote Control in order to operate the devices. What I am wondering is with LinuxMCE, do you STILL need these Master Remote Controls? Or does LinuxMCE control these devices somehow? And if so, HOW? Is this where the GC-100 devices come in? Or am I just confused?

Can someone help a confused N00B out?
Users / Re: New System Recommendations
November 30, 2008, 06:12:04 PM
Thanks alot man... I didn't know the Wiki was open for that kinda of entries. That's cool. I'm looking forward to it. I'm still getting approved for the financing on a house, then I have to house shop, but I figured I could start piece-meal buying the components that I want and testing them and getting used to setting them up and stuff before I get to Zero Hour... I want a LinuxMCE setup! It looks bloody fresh!

On a side note? I can't get the video to play?! I want to watch the demo but I can't. Anyone have any ideas?
Users / New System Recommendations
November 30, 2008, 05:53:47 AM
I'm getting ready to start house shopping for my first house, and I am definitely wanting to install LinuxMCE. It seems to have everything I am wanting in a home network / security system (and then some) but I am having a hard time with hardware selection?

Surely there is a list of preferred hardware for a Linux Server running LinuxMCE?
But if there is? I can't find it!!!

I do alot of computer shopping at Pricewatch and NewEgg and it would be REALLY nice if I could scroll through a list of recommended hardware and just search for it, rather than buy and hope. Anyone know of a list or something resembling a list?