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Messages - mathieu

Hi sambuca,

Sure I wanna try, but is it possible the url is wrong?

The requested URL /LinuxMCE/Picture_Viewer was not found on this server.

br mathieu
Users / Re: Play All for Videos doesn't work.
July 13, 2010, 03:38:54 PM

If the end of a video in the playlist is not reached, skipping forth and back in the video playlist works...

The Photo Screen Saver shows a static background image. Pictures of the Picture Vieuwer are alpha blended on top and also not full screen.

br mathieu
Users / Play All for Videos doesn't work.
July 11, 2010, 08:54:40 AM
Hi guys,

In the video section of orbiter I used to pick for instance a South Park episode , then in the attributes screen I would pick the South Park attribute, et voila there you have all episodes grouped. Choosing the option "Play All"  would indeed play all episodes one after the other. That was I guess 1,5 months ago.

Now I use the 06/19 snapshot. Trying the same now the image freezes, while at the same time the blue-red Fast Forward indicator appears on screen (also freezed). The main UI does not freeze. When choosing OFF, after a delay of +- 20 sec. the video is shut off.

Are the other users seeing the same behaviour?

Br Mathieu.
Hi All,

I just followed this wiki
It works, except the pictures are alpha blended on top of the Photo Screen Saver which makes it unusable.

A search in the forum didn't bring up anything.
I there a way to correct this?

br mathieu
Users / Re: How can I disable sound over HDMI?
July 06, 2010, 04:30:52 PM

Hi Andrew,

I did the av-wizard again, but there is only an analog stereo option. Is that what you meant?

br mathieu
Users / Re: How can I disable sound over HDMI?
July 06, 2010, 04:11:44 PM
Did speak to soon. Problem is not fixed by bringing up the surround speakers in the setup menu of the receiver. :'(

Hi Barney, I didn't see your post.
Plying sound with same receiver, same cable, same computer but other OS (ubuntu 10.04) does everything as expected . this indicates indeed some miss configuration.

I will try Andrew's advice again.

Users / Re: How can I disable sound over HDMI?
July 06, 2010, 03:49:57 PM
thanks for replying Andrew!

Found the solution. On my receiver I had put down all transfos  not in use. Indeed I've only two speakers.
Putting all surround speakers back on did the trick.

Apperently there is bidirectional communication over the toslink. In that case the toslink/spdif device on my MD was receiving a message like: there are only two channels, use an other device, or not :D

br mathieu
Hi guys,

I have an older receiver which lacks hdmi inputs. To get sound from my MD (asus M3N78-EM) to the receiver I use toslink, for video I use a hdmi cable to the tv.

The problem is that when I choose to play an audio or video file there is no sound unless I switch to an other input on the receiver and then back the correct one. For the time of the song then there is audio. When the song ends audio drops...

When instead the media director boots off it's own HDD with ubuntu 10.04 none of the said issues occure.
This means A the receiver is OK
               B the cable is OK
               C toslink digital out of MD is OK

While using vga instead of hdmi everything is ok: the sound doesn't drop.

So I was thinking that in one way of the other, there is sound going through hdmi which is interfering with the toslink. Does anybod have a clue of what needs to be done? Perhaps a kernel update?

Any suggestions are as allways greatly appreciated :)

br mathieu

Going the Stereo Ananlog route solved the problem.
Further research revealed that the NAD T763 receiver is picky in the Toslink signal it accepts.
Users / Re: update impossible
June 29, 2010, 10:23:36 PM

Isn't apt-get update and upgrade included in the install script these days? So a fresh install of an older snapshot results automatically in the latest?

br mathieu
Installation issues / Re: Configuring Mythtv!
June 29, 2010, 12:15:42 AM

I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out.
Here is a wiki page regarding irc:

br mathieu
Installation issues / Re: zotac mag hd-nd01 as MD
June 28, 2010, 03:32:32 PM

in a terminal:cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version

br mathieu
Installation issues / Re: Configuring Mythtv!
June 28, 2010, 03:12:56 PM

Maybe this is not relevant to your situation, but I also had a hard time getting mythtv to work.
I had an issue of mythtv-setup not in the computing menu and pluto-mythtv-plugin not installing.
I too have a hauppauge pvr250 card and a pvr500.

The solution for me was: -power down computer
                                   -unplug all pvr cards and all non-system HDD's.
                                   -install lmce
                                   -power down
                                   -plugin pvr's and hdd's

Hope this helps

br mathieu
Users / Re: mythtv plugins/themes
June 24, 2010, 03:10:02 PM
Users / Re: MythTV to LinuxMCE Migration
June 22, 2010, 09:06:42 AM

In this thread  daballiemo
reports unwanted upgrades of the LMCE myth-backend when combined with Mythbuntu.

Is there a way to prevent these?

br mathieu