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Messages - mathieu

Users / submitted a template track#1390
January 10, 2012, 07:15:14 PM

I just submitted my sqlcvs diff to the server. The diff contains two templates, one for NAD_T763 receiver and one for zone 2 of NAD_T763.
Can someone of de devs have a look at it? The track ticket #1390 doesn't refer to the sqlcvs batch number because I couldn't find it. :-[

regards Mathieu
Users / Re: Video playlist crashes xine on MD
November 01, 2011, 01:04:17 PM

Same problem here. It happened with a betha 810 snapshot more then half year ago.
Haven't used lmce lately, so I'm not sure if this is still an issue.

Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on March 20, 2010, 08:00:40 PM
Basically the auto setup adds the /home/public/data/pvr to the Default storage group each boot. Therefore nothing you change anywhere will make any difference.

In mythtv there is no way (AFAIK) to set a priority within a storage group, for different folders. Therefore mythtv always records to my local drive until it is full, then it starts on the NAS in the pvr folder there.

This is my issue...

Hi All,

Was this problem solved?

On my system Mythtv also records to the OS drive first. Now a message is regullary appearing on the orbiter: "system is running low on disk space" while there's still 300 gigs on the internal media hdd's. When scheduling a recording  I always choose "Default" for storage group  .

What actions are neccesary to prevent recording to OS hdd?

br mathieu

Quote from: mathieu on August 10, 2010, 07:59:31 PM
Thanks, good to know it can be done.
How is it achieved?
-Map a drive (e.g. Z:) as /home/public/data/audio/hdd
-add this map to the itunes library?

br Mathieu

ok, doing the above works, but is very slow and Itunes itself freezes now and then. Also for some reason files encoded as mp3 with variable bitrate take a lot more time to add than ones with fixed bitrate. Adding 12 albums to the itunes library and syncing the Ipod took maybe two hours.

Is this normal behavior?

br mathieu

Thanks, good to know it can be done.
How is it achieved?
-Map a drive (e.g. Z:) as /home/public/data/audio/hdd
-add this map to the itunes library?

br Mathieu
Hi All,

Instead of having a seperate Itunes collections of music, why not build the Itunes library with lmce audio.

I  tried pointing Itunes (windows XP) library to /home/public/data/audio/hdd1
The Itunes database would build very slowly. 4 Hours for +- 30G.
When Syncing the Ipod, I got errors (can't remember wich, did this couple of months ago). Googling the subject I found out samba + Itunes isn't a good combination.

So I was wondering how others here on the forum have their Ipods sync't.

br mathieu

In this tread Nite_man discribes how he changed the dark green background in the media browser.

I downloaded the png's and copied media_browser_row.png to said location, Corrected ownership and permissions, than I did a reload router and regenerate orbiter. still the same background. ???

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Nite_man?

Users / Re: OTARadio scenario
August 05, 2010, 03:03:41 PM
That was easy.

Changing FK_Screen to 84 gives a remote in UI1 with fewer buttons and the presets are accessable from a numerical keyboard.
Very nice.

There is also a device template FM-OTARadio (wich is linked with the device template of my receiver). Opening the template I find a drop down list to add  "Design Objects to use as remotes". Does this overrule the MediaType_DesignObj?

@Kezza: Good idea, will try that too.

br mathieu
Users / OTARadio scenario
August 05, 2010, 08:43:56 AM

I have a OTARadio Scenario (FM radio of my receiver).
Choosing it brings up a dvd remote on UI1. The only commands that work here is Volume up and down and Mute.

I would like to add Presets to the remote for switching radio stations. Also removing all buttons not working or having a dedicated radio remote would be a good thing.

In Pluto_main in the Screen table, there is a RadioRemote (#84).
Is this something that can automatically appear on UI1 when choosing the OTARadio scenario?

br mathieu

EDIT: I stumbled on this wiki:
In de database Pluto_Main there is a table MediaType_DesignObj. FK_Screen of Mediatype #13 (OTARadio) is #77 (Generic DVD remote). Could it harm and change it to #84  ?

Users / Re: squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 05, 2010, 12:10:52 AM
Quote from: chrisbirkinshaw on August 04, 2010, 11:38:41 PM
Quote from: ccoudsi on August 04, 2010, 12:23:19 AM
From my experience you can not add squeezbox to a room that already has core/MD, you need to select a room that is not in use example "Garage" then you can go to the floorplan and place the squeezebox Icon.

I wonder if it is possible to add a squeezebox to a room with an MD, then have the squeezebox used for music playback in that room rather than the MD. I'm trying this but it doesn't seem to work...

A while ago I tried to achieve this by having two entertainment areas in the room (one for a MD, one for a SB) but ended up with no scenarios. I think this also  could probably be solved in  "my scenarios" in web admin.

best regards
Users / Re: squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 04, 2010, 09:10:21 PM
You made my day ccoudsi. :)
The scenarios where there. One thing I had to do was assign it to an Entertain area.

br mathieu
Users / Re: squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 04, 2010, 02:04:07 PM

@ sambuca
The squeezebox device in webadmin looks the same as another working SB. It also has a room and an EA assigned. I tried to manually assign it a diffirent freshly created room with a reload/regenerate afterwards.

@ ccoudsi
There are no duplicate rooms.

I notice in Wizard Scenarios in webadmin (see attachment) the statement "No Media Scenarios" for every room even in the rooms that clearly have media scenarios, all these are working.

Any ideas?

Users / Re: squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 04, 2010, 08:08:02 AM
tried all sugestions with the no result.
I'll keep trying and report back here.

br mathieu
Users / Re: squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 03, 2010, 05:22:14 PM
Rerunning setup wizzard didn't bring any luck.
Thanks anyway.

Can I do anything else?

Users / [SOLVED] squeezebox refuses to appear in room
August 03, 2010, 02:46:32 PM

Recently I deleted a room (in webadmin) with a squeezebox in it. I have tried to recreate the room and add the still existing squeezebox device to it. This resulted in a UI with no media scenarios.

Things I tried to get the SB back up and running:

I deleted the squeezebox and allowed the core to redetect it.
I tried to create a new room with different name to put it in.
I removed the matching line in dhcpd.conf so another ip adress would be assigned.

does anyone know how to get the media scenarios back?

thanks in advance