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Messages - roberto99

Esx4i is great idea, but was thinking that you have to use scsi disks and that there are some more hardware limitations...
So, before searching for the technical requirements for esx4i: do you know if it works on any modern computer with sata disks (starting from ich 7 or 9) ?

Hi all

I am trying to set up the last release of 810 on top of Kubuntu 810 in vmware server 2 but cant get any networkconnection (to work) after installing Kubuntu itself. Has anyone succesfully tried this setup? I am not skilled in Linux. I tried adding 2 network konnections eth0 and eth1 but have no working connection.

So really my question is: what do you basically have to do to get network connections working in Kubuntu 810? I guess I am just not able to do this step correctly.

Did anyone successfullly already setup such an environment?  Is it only a vmware server problem? I tried to install the vmware tools but had some errors and it did not help.
I guess if nobody is able to help I will try to install on a actual computer so to find out if it is a vmware server problem

Any hint?

Installation issues / Re: Zotac Ion board
July 14, 2009, 08:32:57 AM
krys, are we talking about lmce 0810 only in this post? cause I tried to install with 0710 and i have the unrecognized-nic-kernel-panic-problem


Both the Zotac-230 and the Zotac-330 motherboards work well. You will have to do the usual NIC fixes in initramfs and upgrade to to the nVidia 180.51 and alsa 1.0.19 drivers etc. In fact all the Ion motherboards tested so far work excellently.

Look for Zotac ION-ITX-A & Zotac ION-ITX-B boards.


Hi Andrew

Finally recived my copy of the board. I guess with "usual NIC fixes in initramfs" you meand this guide:
Tried to install today but had no luck with 'kernel module' & RTL8211CL on google. What did you use as 'kernel module' ?
NB: Does this still apply? --> Caveat: Whenever you click Regenerate this media director, you have to redo the step for the initial ramdisk of the media director.

Also I never upgradet alsa drivers --> is there a guide as I did not find any?

Appreciate any help

Friesian, did you have any issue installing the amd64 version (like display/graphics problem) and had therefore to follow any special procedure? If yes, which one?

Did you try the 32bit installer?
I am curious as I will be getting a x58 board too

Users / Re: LinuxMCE and VMWare
May 18, 2009, 02:32:41 PM
I got a core running in a vm in vmware server 2 on xp host and have had no problem streaming videos and music and also using the usb bluetooth connection from the host and more
Its great for testing, especially if your not experienced with linux, as in my case.
Also I am setting up vm's on my physical hybrid, and it generally looks good up to now

I am just frustrated that i could not install lmce 64bit edition on my phisical hybrid to use more RAM

Hi all

I have been waiting for this as the ION plattform should combine the Atom processor with the Nvidia chipset for low power consumption and good video output capability. I hope to get as much input on this as possible as soon as the product will be availabele cause it looks like a interesting board for MD's and might get one for my self for testing if it look generally promising to who ever will read this.

What do you think?

Here is the link:,2300.html

Hi all
Just want to ad that I will not try this for the moment, cause I decided on wired network. But it seems that you just need to configure the devolo devices (from a windows machine) and then the connection will be ok.


I already was searching the web for this but did not find anything clear and simple for a linux newbi.

Do you have any link to a guide on the web? That would be fantastic

Hi all

I have a hybrid from which I can perfectly view youtube videos
I have a md connected to it from which I can't. The error is:

"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player"

I checked the settings in firefox and they are identical on both machines
"apt-get update" did not help

any idea?

Thanks in advance
thanks and sorry for the late reply
I found the problem. I was trying to use it without the sim card (the phones' card) cause i left it in my primary phone cause i thought it is not necessary to insert it. Altough on the N70 I had message "offline" I did no realize it