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Messages - roberto99

Installation issues / Re: Fresh Beta2 install failed
December 05, 2009, 01:17:27 PM
ok, thanks charlie1953, will try that

PS: what are you going to fish (over there in the states i guess)? Here in Zurich/Switzerland the lakes are nearly dead and fishing means most of all waiting waiting waiting as opposed to 20 or 30 years ago
Installation issues / Re: Fresh Beta2 install failed
December 05, 2009, 11:25:31 AM
I have installed beta2 on a physical pc (which was perfectly supported as hardware by 7.10) by the internet method and everything seems fine till i reach the screen where it reads "Starting Core Services. Please be patient". There it stops and does not go any further and the if you move the mouse the screen turns white and the pointer is a black "x"
Any ideas?

Installation issues / Re: Fresh Beta2 install failed
December 04, 2009, 06:46:38 PM
Charlie1953 can you explain what exactly you did to get it working?
You say "so I logged in"... into the broken installation or did you reinstall.... ? Which  commands do you exactly mean?
I am newby in lmce and linux, please be patiente,

Quote from: charlie1953 on December 04, 2009, 10:58:01 AM
OK so i used the DVD - it installed kubuntu but the LinuxMCE install script failed.
So I  logged in and ran the commands in the wiki (link provided by Freaky) - took a while but no problems encountered.
I have now successfully installed Beta2  - worked like a charm.
now the fun starts - thanks to all who have helped.

Installation issues / Re: Fresh Beta2 install failed
December 03, 2009, 07:56:24 PM
I did the dvd install (everything as a virtual machine on vmware server), configured network, installed vmware tools, installed lmce, reboot and i end up at a command line login... what do i do there or should i end up somewhere else? I logged in as the user I had created installing kubuntu. I tried the command /usr/pluto/bin/ but it gives me errors

Any hint? Thanks
ok, thanks anyway
Hi all, just wanted to ask if a dvd is now available for install
Thanks, but i read the latest news and thought there now is a DVD installer, cause I had problems installing in the described way. I know, unfortunately I can't contribute as a developer, so I will just wait with patiente... but, when is a DVD installer expected more or less if I may ask?

Hi all

Cant find/Am not sure which is the correct link to download the 810 DVD file. Any one? (only torrent??)
I just read here that one may also contribute by translating. I offered my help in the form of translating docs to german, which might attract german speaking users from Germany, Austria and Switzerland (and asked if the comunity thinks this could be of help to the project); I put my name in "the list" but had no reaction on this.

Now I wonder where I should put the translated docs and which ones are most inportant and should be done first. Then I would like to survey how many clicks we get on those docs to see if it really is worth it (is this survey possible?.

What do you think?
Ok, thanks, I'll try
Quote from: sambuca on December 17, 2008, 09:29:55 AM
Hi chriss

I had to add
iocharset=utf8 to the options of my /home mount on the MD to get such files to play.

/etc/fstab should contain a line somewhat like this:
// /home cifs iocharset=utf8,forcedirectio,credentials=/usr/pluto/var/sambaCredentials.secret 1 1


Hi Sambuca

I am having the same problem. Could you explain all that so that a linux newby like me can just follow instructions step by step?

Would appreciate very much
Users / Re: LinuxMCE and VMWare
July 16, 2009, 11:05:44 PM
Ok, thanks Colin, I think I will stick to the 32bits
Users / Re: LinuxMCE and VMWare
July 16, 2009, 08:45:07 PM
big - BIG shame on me... I was checking some of my old posts and found out that I never aswsered to those last questions in this thread  :-\  :-\  :-\

From my view I did not have to do anything really special to get it working, but I will try to setup my first wiki. But just to double check: what do you want me to submit different then this wiki entry?
Do you want more detail or just HOW I DID IT ?

I used 7.10

What would you like me to submit exactly? Virtually all virtual machine files?

I feel I need more then 4 GB of Ram cause my idea of a eaven more beautiful core/hybrid is, because it will stay on all the time anyway, to be able to install vmware on top of it and then some virtual machines on top... a copy of MS xp, a copy of freenas (for testing), an ipcop machine for testing and what not. I think this is very good because you need to have only one physical machine running all the time, safe energy, less noise, more green, less discussions with your girlfriend..."oh my god, 5 computers running in the house again at the same time! ;-)"...
Installation issues / Re: Zotac Ion board
July 16, 2009, 08:15:43 PM
I think in this case I will start utilizing 0810 from now on

Thanks for help
Well thanks all for you postings. As it should be superior to vmware server I will have a go and try to work with it.

Thanks to all