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Messages - simon_b

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Users / Re: New System Failing! Please help with network settings.
« on: August 24, 2009, 07:33:43 am »
Buy the second NIC and you'll be fine - these few extra €/$ make a huge difference and A LOT easier setup, trust me!  ;)

Users / Re: Kubuntu 8.10 boot problems on Acer Revo
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:27:32 am »

...Maybe you have a faulty fan speed control sensor on your unit.

All the best


Hi Andrew!

Well could be just my feeling, could be my ear, could be (surely also) the room configuration (I never tried both in the same room), so...

Faulty fan speed control - is also possible, bit since i hear "up and downs" are there, when turning on, etc., that should be ok (the Revo is much noisier right after startup and then he gets quieter - but like said, for my ear and for my room configuration (when just sitting in the dark and quiet room  ;D) it is a little too loud. But surely this is my personal feeling - nevertheless the Revo and Eee are both great MD's!

Users / Re: Kubuntu 8.10 boot problems on Acer Revo
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:30:39 pm »
Purpose: Have a small quite working LinuxMCE MD

Have got a Acer Aspire Revo 3600, windows version, 1Gb/160Gb. Under windows things work
ok, HDMI video/audio works perfectly. Noice levels (also under HD playback) are praktically zero !!

Hi Paul!

Are you sure about that - Acer Revo "quiet"?!?!

I have one in my living room and the fan noise is far more than quiet... the Asus eee b202 is much quieter... or am I doing something wrong with the bios settings?!

Oh yes, and the Acer is "loud" under Win and Linux...

Users / Re: Video improved?
« on: July 20, 2009, 10:15:03 am »
Hi, there is a new version, nearly beta, that is based on 8.10 kubuntu.

Video quality: if you use UI2 + alpha, then the tearing is still there, without alpha blending, the video quality is OK (nvidia 8*+ recommended)...

Installation issues / Re: Painless Upgrading
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:55:25 am »
I personally managed to find out, that the "backup" feature in "7.10 -- Advanced -- Configuration -- Backups" ATM doesn't work - at least when I tried to backup my old configuration and restore it on new reinstalled 7.10 LMCE... I must confess also, I never "digged" into the issue, since the 8.10 is coming shortly.

Hope this helps a bit


Users / Re: 810 Alpha 7 No DVD playback sound
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:05:22 am »
Collin, is it possible, the receiver doesn't support the format of the signal from spdif??

Had strange experience with my Kenwood receiver - sound under KDE, no sound from DVD's under LMCE. Then changed receiver to Onkyo, works great...  :-\

Users / Re: 810 Alpha 7 No DVD playback sound
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:53:58 am »
What sound receiver do you have (the one that receives signal from the spdif)?

Users / Re: PCI card for UI2 ... possible?
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:11:56 pm »
...and you can find many fanless PCI 6200's on the internet...

Users / Re: 810 Alpha 7 No DVD playback sound
« on: June 08, 2009, 03:28:01 pm »
Had pretty the same issue, never solved it... because I (I think) had to change my audio receiver, so I'm using regular AUX unfortunately. Music, avi files etc. played great... but not DVD's...

Be sure, it is not your receiver...

Users / Re: Will Linux MCE be too complicated for me?
« on: June 06, 2009, 10:34:25 am »
I'm not sure what an "MD" is or what an "NIC" card is. I'm sorry about being so ignorant about this - I'm pretty new to anything Linux!.
MD - media director
NIC - network interface card

If you're interested in trying LINUX HTPC, then try Mythbuntu, good Ubuntu support, pretty stable, some nice features, but thats it... No possible home automation etc...

If you're used to Win****, Linux newbie, plan only one station, and do not want to learn, test, stay behind the computer few nights to get in touch with Linux, then, stay with WIN MCE.


* Make sure eth0 is your connection to the internet

Possy, what about the case, i have. Mine eth1 is connected to the internet, and the eth0 is for the inside network.

Since eth0 is GB NIC and eth1 100MB NIC, i really do not want to change it, since I will have some 5+ MD's connected to the core...

I had pretty same issues like parkinos, maybe due to the reason, given by you...

Users / Re: Ideal Kitchen MD: Shuttle: X 5000TA
« on: May 13, 2009, 10:28:04 pm »

Hope, the touchscreen is ELO similar or even supported by the 7.10/8.10...

Installation issues / Re: "when you can see" wizard
« on: May 13, 2009, 06:23:28 pm »

You may have set an incorrect output or resolution .


Hi Pigdog.... sorry if I'm mistaken, BUT, doesn't he have to select and already define the correct resolution and output already in step one/two?! If the 15s test went OK, then there should be no issues with res/output. or?

Installation issues / Re: "when you can see" wizard
« on: May 12, 2009, 11:45:55 pm »
what version? DVD install? only video fails?

More details please... first possible issue: ATI. but nevertheless you should manage it thru the wizard...

Users / Re: Touch-Screen MDs
« on: April 22, 2009, 08:15:40 am »

I found some interesting devices here which are designed for kiosk / POS applications but looked like they might make nice self-contained units. Has anyone got any experience of devices like these? I searched the wiki but couldn't find anything....


Would this help: ???

Works great in my case (the solution below)

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