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Messages - seth

Hi all,

I have the following under
#152 Block Device(string)


So it is just like Murdock's. Yet mine still does not work.

Not sure what else to check. Please let me know.

Best Regards,

Installation issues / Re: Several lights in 1 room
September 06, 2011, 02:41:55 PM

I have the same kind of thing. There are 3 lights in my living room. All lamps, and when you hit on or off, they all function at once. I added a second set of buttons on the orbiter. One for the end table lamp by the TV, one to control the 2 floor lamps at the back of the room. That gives me choices. I also modified the "Showtime" scenario to dim the back floor lamps, and shut off the end table lamp.

But in a pinch, on or off works them all.

Play with your lighting scenarios in the webadmin. You have to add an on and an off button for each light or set of lights you wish to control. But after all of that is completed, should sort it all out for you.

Best Regards,


Evening. I have checked the template being used for my gyration remote. it is 1812.

The following is in the device info:

Block Device     /dev/input/event1

So it is different from your working template.


I will check that tonight when I get home from work, I should really open it up so that I can access the webadmin from outside the house. :( See if it is in fact wrong. Then try to figure out where to get the right one.

Thanks and Best Regards,


No the stop button does not work at all. Initially you press the Windows button, and it will call up the menu bar. And the gyro mouse and the left an right button work. Nothing else does. After you select and play some media source, if you press the windows button again. It only pauses the media. It does not bring up the menu again.

I can not get the number keys or the media keys (play/pause/stop/ffwd/rwd/rec) to work at all. The volume button also does nothing.

It's like it was before Thom created the template for the working version I had before the update.

Tonight I will try deleting it, and re-adding it, to see if it pulls a working device template.

Best Regards,

Hi All.

This is on 810 - latest apt-get update/upgrade.

I have done a sqlcvs sync for DCE, WEB, and IR.
After it completed, I reloaded the router. No difference.
After that I rebooted the MD with the remote. No difference
After that I rebooted everything. No difference.

I am downloading the RC1. I plan on trowing up a new core, dual booting 810/1004. Can test with 1004, then run 810 for Production. I have some newer hardware that I would like to test. But if it is horribly broken, then I will have 810 to fall back on.

Not sure what else to try. Truth be known we use weborbiter and android touch orbiter more than the remote. Currently we have an MCE remote hooked to this MD using the USB-UIRT, and it works swimmingly.

Let me know if there is anything else to try.

Off Topic. I just purchased an LG 50" plasma (50PV450) and am going to attempt hooking up serial control. After this is successful, I wish to create a proper template, so that it is available to other users. Can't wait to see this thing work over rs232 control.

Thanks, and Best Regards,

I have updated to the latest version, using the apt-get methods. I am still having no luck with my Gyration remote.
I can use it as a mouse. During media playback though, the Win/Menu button merely pauses/un-pauses the media.

I will try a SQL/CVS update tonight, and see if it is a template issue.

Best Regards,

Users / Re: Zotac Zbox
August 16, 2011, 07:14:38 PM
This is most likely because your network card has no module loaded on the core. You will need to follow some steps to make this work.
Here is one wiki entry that I have added to, but will also get you on the right track.

also good info here, but lengthy:

It will give you the info to have the module added to the running kernel on both the Core, and the new MD image.

Best Regards,

Users / Re: What is the best Remote
August 11, 2011, 08:25:28 PM

I second the android tablet. Orbiter is free. You bring hardware.

But if your bound to want a "clicker", the MCE Remotes, found on ebay for >$20 work great too. (The silver ones)

If you have an iPhone/iPod Touch/or an iPad , they work well with the free Roaming Orb orbiter or the newly release Dianemo orbiter. (Free in App Store)

Welcome aboard. Once you get on, you'll never get off.   ;)

Best Regards,

 :D  :D  :D

Quote from: bongowongo on August 11, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
My children are only allowed to play in LinuxMCE compatible houses.

That should be on a T-Shirt.  Sell them from the wiki page.......


It is funny you say this:

QuoteLol, what do the kids do when they go to their friend's house where there isn't any HA? "Excuse me Mrs Anderson, can you help me set the network settings on my phone so I can turn on the bathroom light? And can I put a rush on that request?"

My oldest is 5. The first time we went to my brothers place, she walked into the playroom, and stood there. She is used to the lights coming on when she enters a room, with a motion sensor. This also turns the light off if no media is being watched, and there is no movement for 10 minutes. So she is standing there in the dark, in my brothers basement, waiting for the lights. His youngest came down, and turn on the swtich. And My daughters says "Wow, you're house is slower than mine. It took forever for your lights to come on." To which my niece replied, that all she had to do was turn on the switch at bottom of stairs. My daughter said "But I could not see the blue light for your switch." (My Zwave light switches in off mode have a nice bright Blue LED) My niece didn't know how to respond.

That is spoiled.

Best Regards,

But in the cases when you are not single, and "Daddy is working on the computer again" re-imaging the core, and have yet had the time to add in all 30 of my zwave devices, never underestimate, the power of the switch, or a good table-top controller, I have 2 Intermatic HA07's and both the wife and the kids know how to use them.

Perhaps over the weekend I will get the Zwave added back into my core.

Best Regards,


p.s. I understand Posde, as when your whole house relies on that screen and their remote, or a button on an orbiter, how quickly they forget about the switch, and or wall module that actually is connected to the light.  Hehe.
Technology is a wonderful thing. But when you are born into a house, that uses the TV's to work the lights, and that is all you have ever known, and the screen goes away...... Funny Stuff.
Just a quick question. I configured a new iphone sized web orbiter last night. Rooted around until I found my installation number, and then fired up the Dianemo orbiter.
Other than the living room splash screen, the skin is identical to the Roaming Orb.

Now while the scrolling content inside the various media options is working fantastically, I was wondering, is the skin shown on the wiki page, and the youtube bits, specific to Dianemo systems. I looked for a skin of a different name than the standard in the orbiter dropdown. But there was no Dianemo.

This is fine if it specific to Dianemo hardware/customers. But I was just making sure I didn't do something wrong.

Best Regards, Love the scrolling content,


Thanks for the info. I thought perhaps one was an enhancement to the other.

....Sometimes I get too excited.......


Best Regards,

I just took my old iPhone 3G (1st gen) down to AT&T help center, and they "iPod"-ed it for me. Connected to their wifi and downloaded both the Dianemo and the Roaming Orb. Now all I need to do is get home. To test them.

+1 touchscreen for my deployment.

Best Regards, Great Work,
