I believe your remote must be set as the primary controller.
This is how I do it. I have a Handy remote Intermatic HA09, several tabletop units Intermatic HA07, and an Aeon Labs USB stick, the one with the blinky blue light.
I used the handy remote to learn all of my devices. Then I uploaded those devices into 4 table top controllers, as secondary controllers.
After this was completed, I then do the following:
A.) Make sure stick is plugged into core
B.) Log into the webadmin
C.) From the top menus
- Advanced > Configuration > Devices
D.) Click the "+" sign to expand the Core
E.) Click ZWave, it should open it's properties in the right pane
F.) At the top of the right pane, click "Send command to device" ( a new window pops up)
G.) in the new window.select "Reset" from the drop down ( a note here, this will remove any associated devices Zwave ) - Click Send Message
H.) do a reload of the router
I.) now repeat C thru F
J.) In the new window that pops up, select "Download Configuration" - Click Send Message
K.) Put your remote in send mode. This is usually done by holding in "Include" until the lights start blinking and then pressing the Number 2 "On"
This should launch Sarah, and you should see that you have added new devices.
This way has also worked for me
Follow steps C thru G
Reload the router
Unplug and plug in the Aeon stick
Sarah will launch
She will show you a video of a table top controller and ask you if you are ready to add your lights.
At this point press and hold "Include" for 5 seconds, the lights will blink on remote, then press 2 "On" and click next in the setup wizard.
Sarah will download the remotes network information, and then ask you to reload, about 40% of the time.
What I do is either way, after the remote stops blinking from the "Send" command, I reload the router, and bingo, all you lights are there.
If Sarah succeeds above, she will show you a screen that says "You have X number of lights , would you like to configure them now" or something like it.
If you say yes, she will go through all of your lights, and turn them on or off , or Dim to Bright, and let you name them, and add them to a room.
My tips here as your mileage may very YMMV
Using your remote as a primary controller, add your light geographically from the core out.
Write down which ones you added first, i.e.
1. light one - this room
2. light two - that room
3. light three - the other room
It will add them in the order you add them to the remote. This will save you from having to run all over your house.
I have 30+ devices, over almost 4000 square feet across two stories. Makes life easier.
I prefer method 2 , and let Sarah download your remotes configuation. But either way has worked for me. Sarah is just easy, but don't tell her that! LOL

Best of Luck to you, I will check back to see your progress.
Best Regards,