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Messages - dragon_788

Users / Re: New in the Wiki: Alx9r's Sample Setup
May 17, 2009, 04:32:49 PM
One section I would still recommend an update alx9r is the resolution output one. Dave89 is correct that the TV does play a huge part in what resolution you can use. There is a technology called EDID that allows your video card to query the display (TV/CRT/LCD/projector) and determine the max resolution it supports, this is what actually limits your output options on the video card. The setting is in the card software, so it appears its a card restriction, but it actually stems from your display. The rest of it you are spot on, without a fast processor or a video card with VDPAU your ability to actually DECODE HD content is severely limited, and it doesn't matter what resolution your TV is, you might only be able to output 480p, which hopefully then your TV can scale up to 720p or 1080i/p.
Alo again hari, and tschak909. Thanks for the info on locating the code, I'll hafta grab that soon. I did get the MAC added to the devices template and I can navigate to the services button and open the orbiter (or I could til I updated my firmware). The main issue I've been having since updating the firmware (and even before) is getting the phone registered and working with asterisk. The reason I updated is that I'd like to use SIP vs SCCP and I've been exploring doing that through trixbox and other Asterisk based solutions, but so far not having much luck. I couldn't seem to find anything in the template on changing the device type to SIP if I use the Cisco template, do I just have to add it as a generic SIP device then? I think I tried that but I haven't been doing it in VMware so changes after that might have mucked something up further.
Looks like I'm always late to the party, the attachment has gone AWOL/404. Got a 7971 recently that I'm fighting tooth and nail to get up and working with LinuxMCE, and the directory would be another nice feature.
Users / Re: Media Storage Idea
January 07, 2008, 07:03:53 AM
Sparkie, you might look into unRAID, its a VERY promising solution (that delivers from what I've read) that allows you to have one disk crash without losing any data, and even if two disks die, you ONLY lose the data on those two disks, the rest of the disks are still readable (this is NOT possible with any other kind of consumer affordable RAID). Please check the forked thread for a link to my post in the Ubuntu Home Server forums about my dream of the ultimate trifecta of servers/software. BTW, unRAID is sold by Lime Technology, but they have a free version that supports 3 drives (2 data 1 parity) so you could get at least 2tb of storage just by buying 3 1tb drives (pricey, but hey, that's a LOTTA space).
Users / Re: Ubuntu Home Server
January 07, 2008, 06:57:38 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a heads up on a thread I started over at the UHS forums to address this EXACT topic. One thing that I agree with what somebody said is I do NOT want my HOME AUTOMATION server touching the internet directly, that to me means that anybody with a bit of time on their hands could exploit my system and really screw up my home, and if I wasn't there I wouldn't have a clue til I couldn't access the system, I've also heard from well moneyed customers of a home solutions company I work with that do NOT want certain portions of their entertainment systems to even touch the lights/HVAC and other parts that LinuxMCE tries to tie so tightly together.

Anyways, back to the task at hand, finding the "best" solution for storage as well as network management to complement LinuxMCE. Feel free to weigh in on the thread over there or over here, I'll try to keep up with both, one thing I don't want to see is LinuxMCE try to do EVERYTHING, and be good at nothing, I've heard from a few people already that don't like the interface and would really like to see that improved before they even think about selling it. So I'm imagining a trifecta of servers, UHS on the outside/edge, unRAID sitting behind it accessible to both UHS and LinuxMCE and LinuxMCE in the "middle" away from the internet but still reachable.
While I agree guys that it is possible to build a system a little bit cheaper than a Fiire system (a couple hundred dollars, which can be a big deal) the benefits of a Fiire system vs building your own is GUARANTEED compatibility for the base system, and also the fact that Fiire does contribute code back to the LinuxMCE project if you for example had a card/device with Linux drivers but that didn't play well with LinuxMCE yet. If you are talking about a core system, go ahead and build your own, they actually posted the EXACT parts and specs they use in a thread around here, but if you are going for an MD, I'd recommend using one of theirs, its hard to argue with the size (and the nice hardware acceleration capabilities) not to mention again the guaranteed support. I know there are a few users on this forum that are also building compatible systems for different regions which is awesome. Fiire, if I read their post correctly actually negotiated directly with VIA to get some discounts plus some special drivers, so for the MDs you really might have a hard time building a comparable system, but if you just want DIY cheep and works, check the wiki.
I believe if you check the wiki there is a recommended/confirmed working hardware page. I believe the Asus motherboard listed there (one of the two) with the Nvidia 6150 onboard is the exact board used in the FiireEngine Core used in the demo video, it has onboard sound as well. The benefits of using this board are a) compatibility and b) UI2 with alpha. I'd double check whether your processor is compatible with the above board, but other than that everything looks good.
nivenj, would love to hear how you did this, please document on the wiki.
OK, now you guys have me sold, going from 100W+ to 15-20W would be great, but I can't argue that going down to 1W or zero power use would totally rock, especially if LinuxMCE could coordinate the entire house to dynamically power completely off and back on using Follow me. I think the downside would be that would introduce a significant delay when walking into a room with a slightly older projector or TV that needs to warm up, but the power savings would probably be worth it. The other big issue then would be making sure the MD could boot completely in the time it takes the TV to warm up, because the present slow boot is horrendous.
I believe the Nokia E61i is also a s60 v3 phone which may or may not be supported yet, I'm looking at getting one of these so I'd be happy to help test as well, especially interested in the VoIP/SIP possibilities of the built in wifi. Not precisely UIQ related, but figured I'd chime in here.
Have you guys looked at the Fiire PCs advertised as MD? They consume <15w a piece (iirc) when powered on, I agree the load times can be long when booting, but honestly, your TV probably pulls as much power as one of them when its "OFF".
Feature requests & roadmap / Re: Sabayon Linux
December 15, 2007, 09:12:44 AM
torabian, you do realize Sabayon is simply another Linux distro, and not a Debian based one (which all the *buntu's and LinuxMCE are based on). Beryl is nice for 3D effects and wow, but pointless for a production system or a home theater system IMO. If you could explain what features make it applicable to LinuxMCE or an HTPC I'm all ears, but including it "just to have it" makes no sense to me, there are other things the devs need to be worrying about.

BTW, Beryl has gone the way of the buffalo and is being replaced by compiz/compiz-fusion, which is included by default in Ubuntu 7.10, not sure about Kubuntu 7.10 but it wouldn't surprise me, so it might have some interaction with LinuxMCE after all.
Read up on the threads pertaining to Miro Latino2, that should satisfy your thirst for "IPTV" for a short while. Hopefully full support comes later.
Feature requests & roadmap / Re: Support for Miro
December 15, 2007, 09:06:40 AM
talmage, just wondering, but if that other thread is in this same forum was there a reason to create a new post about it? Might have been wiser to jump bump the other thread.
It is possible to use videos downloaded by Miro in LinuxMCE already. You simply need to "fix" the permissions on the LinuxMCE videos folder (/home/public/videos/) and perhaps create a miro folder in there, then in the Miro options (on your Kubuntu desktop) point Miro to download to that folder (if you don't fix the permissions it won't let you change to that folder for saving). Once you do that, start downloading some videos and they'll show up in the Videos section of LinuxMCE shortly. The one downside (and a reason for more tightly integrating it) is that some shows don't use a nice file naming convention, they assume you'll be using the RSS for your metadata and so when looking in LinuxMCE all you'll see is some obscure filename. Thankfully many publishers are slightly smarter than that.