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Messages - Matthew

Developers / Re: MAME Plugin Progress Thread
March 31, 2008, 08:14:04 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on March 31, 2008, 08:48:44 AM
I have implemented the first bits of a proof of concept for a second system.. Atari 800/5200.

I have made a video demonstrating it, playing both Ballblazer and Star Raiders (For you, Matthew...)

Thanks for the shout-out :). I might just get my old Atari joystick out of storage for Star Raiders, now that I can rip it in half in front of a 50" screen and 5.1 surround! I'll let y'all know when I've got an Orbiter running on an Atari 800...
Developers / Re: linuxmce and PS3
March 14, 2008, 09:10:06 PM
Quote from: thoth on March 14, 2008, 03:42:35 AM
The first link you posted was the same forum post I had mentioned, though I have mucked around quite a bit since the "cli" install, I'll get a fresh install on the ps3 in soon and iron out these issues with the video.

I don't know why you'd have any trouble using the current SW, though it's the same post (the files it specifies using have changed - upgraded - since it was first posted). I'm using the current spu-medialib for problem-free 1080p HD video playback. Though when I installed last month, it was still necessary to run it outside of X (from commandline console, with X shut off) while the X drivers are being finished and a few bugs are still being fixed.

Quote from: thoth on March 14, 2008, 03:42:35 AM
Mathew, have you gotten surround sound to pipe thru? DTS or just Dolby?  Just curious as I do love my surround sound.

I tested only with the HDMI to my stereo (2 channel) TV. I'd like to know whether full 7.1 audio can come from the PS3 with these videos. If you can find a 1080p/7.1 file, let us know the results.

Quote from: thoth on March 14, 2008, 03:42:35 AM
So far as the second link, it said I was denied access to that folder?  I even pasted into konqueror (I truly love konqueror for these kinds of tasks), and backtracked to above the pub folder and ended up here:

to no avail, still denied access to the MPEG folder.

I'm sorry, the proper link is , with the username/password of mpeg/mpeg (or the basic URL I gave originally, then answer the login prompt with that tuple).
Developers / Re: linuxmce and PS3
March 13, 2008, 11:33:44 PM
Quote from: thoth on March 13, 2008, 09:52:00 AM
Anyhow on to ps3 fun. So in my experimentation with the mythtv centric distros I was able to get the ps3 to connect but video was always choppy, so I installed a minimal ubuntu mythtv setup using these instructions:

edited /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt on the ps3 appropriately so it will use the linuxMCE installation as backend.

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

Now at this point I got sound but no Video, I didn't get the expected smooth video like the author of the external post claims, but maybe it's because I'm reading raw terrestrial broadcast DVB?  Maybe I should be transcoding these videos when they are done to a friendlier format?  Anyhow, I changed the ps3 linux's xorg.conf back to the original and I could actually watch SD and HD content, but it was choppy at best, frozen at worst, though the sound came through just fine beyond any initial hiccups in both versions of xorg.conf.  There's a wiki page dedicated to this topic at mythtv:

That's where I found the link to the other post on the psubuntu forums.  There's even information about getting the controllers to work in both wired and wireless modes.  Which wouldn't it be nice to be able to use a ps3 remote as your linuxMCE gyromouse?  At least another option to pursue.

  So the video issue is limping at the moment but growing stronger, and could have a promising future especially if Sony decided to release some documentation.  Sound is great! I'm using the optical connector and I'll see if I can't scare some surround content to pipe down the setup soon.  So far as in game OS support of upnp:  First off the mythTV in LinuxMCE at least shows up as a UPnP media server but results in error in all media I've accessed. I've been experimenting with media tomb and it works pretty well for pics and music, but video hardly ever works properly.  I'm going to continue to experiment with different encodings and post my findings soon.

Can you get good video playback against your MythTV server if the client is an x86 running LMCE? How about using a MythTV client on an x86 running some other distro, like Ubuntu? If those are good, then have you tried the latest versions of the PS3 SPU video drivers under LMCE? I'm watching 1080p video with them flawlessly.
Quote from: skatingn330 on February 26, 2008, 03:56:03 AM
Can this be of any use?

That thing is cool, and probably a good UI device for LMCE. But not for the use for which I'm looking for a drag & drop floorplan. The touchpad would be a good controller for such a drag&drop app.
Developers / Re: Developer FAQ
February 19, 2008, 06:38:42 AM
Quote from: ddamron on February 19, 2008, 05:46:53 AM
full developer access to build scripts / build farms?  who has that?
the only build farm I know of is in DanielK's control, no one else has access to that..

The Pluto staff of course have that access. But I didn't even refer to the people who have it, who are besides the point if you're not one of them. What is the point is that for the rest of us, like practically everyone who reads this forum, we still can do something even if we don't have that access. That access is relevant only because with it some of what's necessary here would not be necessary. And supposedly that access is coming, which means that it should get easier, but in the meantime we have to cope with what we've got.
Developers / Re: Java/ J2ME mobile orbiter
February 19, 2008, 05:26:41 AM
Quote from: hari on February 18, 2008, 09:28:56 PM
Quote from: Matthew on February 18, 2008, 03:22:04 AM
... and your style is not very recognizable ...
Again, give hard facts like "it would be better if you do that this way..". Just telling me it's wrong but not what's wrong does not help.
What do you think is wrong with the style? The bracing or indenting?

I was referring mostly to the naming and the way the functions are organized. But I didn't want to nitpick, I wanted to help with whatever your actual problem was in getting the code to do what you wanted it to do - you didn't say what was wrong with it when you asked for help. So I asked that basic question. Then you reported it was working, so I just congratulated you and offered some other advice you seemed you might not know, since you said you're not a java programmer, and your code didn't reflect that you already were following that advice. Sorry I offered to help.

then all you have to do is comment the code clearly and everything's OK.
you are telling me the obvious. So I wanted to know if there is some big java midp nono I'm doing. Therefore I asked for somebody with j2me experience to fly over the code.
It's not like that mocking about my coding style, without hints to improve, does help this go any further.

And yes, of course this code will get documentation.

I didn't mock you. I briefly mentioned that your code did have some problems, confirming what you'd mentioned about its limited quality, then I asked the real question needed to help, then saw you say actually had better code (because it worked, which wasn't clear from what you first said), and congratulated you. Then I offered some advice which, though you say it's "obvious", you didn't apply in that code. So it wasn't obvious to me.

FWIW, I'm far from the only one remarking that the attitude towards people in this community doing anything other than writing code has become hostile. And this will be far from the first time that I'll mention that the people with the knowledge of how to even get a development platform and techniques to use it haven't helped, even when asked, enough to get more people writing that code that could possibly avoid that kind of hostility.

It's an impossible situation that perpetuates itself by alienating people who want to help, encouraging hostility and selfishness in return. But I'm not going to take the bait and just fight or flight. I just hope that the "0710" release and its promised opening of the developer community comes soon enough that this community's enthusiasm isn't exhausted in petty infighting.
Developers / Re: Java/ J2ME mobile orbiter
February 19, 2008, 05:12:22 AM
Quote from: ddamron on February 19, 2008, 02:22:42 AM

Instead of stating the obvious, I dug in and helped hari with the api..

I'm no java programmer, but I can read it.. and I have had some experience with J2ME. 

Hari, don't worry about 'commenting' your code for now, YOU know what it does, hell, I looked at it for 1/2 hour, and I know what it does..

it's NOT rocket science here, it's simple class structures,

I wish people would stop b*tching about 'how' it's SUPPOSED to be done, 'preferably in this or that format', 'not very recognizeable' and get their HANDS DIRTY.

Code doesn't just MAGICALLY apear, SOMEONE has to make an attempt at it.

IF the code needs to be changed, THEN it will be changed.  You can't CHANGE something that does not exist!

If this sounds like I'm going off a bit, well, yes, I am.

I 'm pissed about the lack of RESPECT from certain users here.  Intended, or otherwise.

If your not going to submit you OWN code for scrutiny, I think you have NO BASIS to say 'how' things should be done.

You want it 'more readable'?  DO IT.  Till then, PRAISE those of us who ARE contributing.  If you want praise, CONTRIBUTE.

I'm not talking about spending $30.00 on a license, ANYONE can do that. 

I haven't seen you (yes you) in the IRC channel AT ALL.

There.  It's said.

Hari, keep a stiff upper lip, I know it's hard sometimes.

I'm going to ignore your endless hypocritical tirades that you sometimes seem to think have gone too far, but then you do again.

But I do like your contributions to the code. Keep it up.
Developers / Re: Developer FAQ
February 19, 2008, 05:08:59 AM
Quote from: bmac2 on February 19, 2008, 04:06:09 AM
Quote from: Matthew on February 16, 2008, 10:45:21 PM
Quote from: hari on February 16, 2008, 10:31:01 PM
Quote from: Matthew on February 16, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
Since 0710 is the version currently in development, does that mean that the code in the SVN 0710 branch is the same as the code in the SVN trunk?
danielk and ender do much work to merge changes back to charonmedia from linuxmce. Charonmedia may miss the latest fixes from mantis.

And what is the complete build procedure for that code? The simple procedure for getting and building the source tom_say posted in this thread was very tantalizing.
the procedure for the 0710 branch is not for the faint hearted. Therefore we use the builder farm and nightly snapshots.
Daniel invested much time on the configure script and makefile in the charonmedia trunk. That nearly gives you the whole build. I suggest starting with that. You could pull missing pieces from the linuxmce trunk (e.g. mantis fixes) if you need any.

So if the files to be patched in the SVN are identical to the ones in the SVN, then working entirely against the charonmedia files is pretty safe. If the patch doesn't affect the code's API, it's even safer.

The problem could come if the new patch's effect collides with some function elsewhere in the code that's also been patched upstream in the callpath to the newly patched code. Like if the problem is that some data arrives in the wrong format at the code I'm patching, so I switch the data around depending on the bad format in the SVN code, but meanwhile someone has patched some other code in the SVN, so now the data doesn't actually arrive in that format anymore (but the SVN code hasn't caught up to that patch yet). If there's no record of that other "upstream" patch being worked on in a Mantis bug report about what I'm patching. Still possible to collide, if someone isn't reporting in Mantis what they're patching and committing. But probably a very small risk.

my only question, and I am a total newbie on this project, and am NOT a programmer, but   HUH??  I guess reading your reply confuses me.  Above they kindly posted where to get the sources, and you say no, don't get them there, it is ok to get them here, and it might or might not break something.  I am confused.  If everyone else is getting them from charmedia and patching them there, and you are patching elsewhere, aren't we all at cross paths?  I have done computers since the 80s, but mainly as a networker, and as a College Professor teaching computers, so this is my first endevor into an open source project.  So why not get your code where everyone else does?  I thought I understood daniellek was the "code" keeper of sorts. Is that not right?

Sorry for my confusion, but I am working on some scripts for the project and don't want to put them in the wrong place or screw something up!  We need to all do things the same way or we can be hosed by one person swimming upstream.

What you saw was me trying to make do with the info that is out there, some of which is contradictory, and much of which is changing weekly/daily. And then learning the definitive info from someone making it definitive. Then trying to think through what using that system while it's in flux would actually be like for people who don't have full developer access to build scripts and build farms.

In other words, I was nearly as confused as you were for a while, but I think I got it straight. I hope you do now, too.
Developers / Re: Java/ J2ME mobile orbiter
February 18, 2008, 03:22:04 AM
Quote from: hari on February 17, 2008, 09:25:24 PM
hehe, it sends me a picture:

ReceiveLong: got byte: 102
ReceiveLong: got byte: 0
ReceiveLong: got byte: 0
ReceiveLong: got byte: 0
ReceiveLong: long result: 102

Well if it's working, then it's good code :). But since others getting it from SVN will have to maintain it, and your style is not very recognizable, then all you have to do is comment the code clearly and everything's OK. The best way is to make sure that every public method has a description of what the API arguments (passed and returned) mean, and what the result of running the funciton is, in complete sentences, preferably in javadoc format. Then others can clean it up later, or just fix bugs without worrying too much about style.

Thanks for doing this. Getting a BT Orbiter at the rate you're going is very exciting.
Quote from: RichardP on February 18, 2008, 01:19:10 AM
Quote from: royw on February 14, 2008, 10:15:16 AM
Ah, but you are moving the database location on the core, we are not talking about moving the daemon (server).  The servername for all the scripts and programs is the core, whether it is referenced as,

You may be leaving the server in the same location, but I'm not  ;D

I'd like to have the DB running on a server which is already running both MySQL and PostgreSql, and which already has a both a tape drive and a backup plan running. Makes my maintenance easier, and also means I can nuke my system without hesitation when upgrading either software or hardware. I realise this is not for everyone, though.

It might not be for everyone, but neither am I ;). Let me know how it goes, and if you want to collaborate on the switchover. Especially if you want to work on some way to base LMCE's data in Postgres, whether or not you keep MySQL. That's what I want too, but I can't prioritize working on it directly.
Developers / Re: Java/ J2ME mobile orbiter
February 17, 2008, 05:19:24 PM
Quote from: hari on February 17, 2008, 03:02:18 PM
as this is my first midp project maybe some java guy can look at the code and see if I'm doing something terribly wrong:

At first glance, you are doing some things "terribly" wrong. For example,
Quote from: CharonMedia SVN

public class BD_PC_ReportMyVersion extends BDCommand {
26         public BD_PC_ReportMyVersion() {
27                 super();
28         }

But superclass has no member "BD_PC_ReportMyVersion()", nor does BDCommand's superclass "SerializeClass", etc, so there's no "super()" to call.

And that's just the first class/method I looked at. The naming and use of CLASS CONSTANTS also looks wrong.

But to get started (with the basic debugging question), what are you expecting these classes to do, and what are they doing instead?
Installation issues / Re: About Raid 1
February 16, 2008, 11:39:08 PM
Quote from: bemficag on February 16, 2008, 11:32:19 PM
Hi guys,

That´s the problem: I have a mb abit AN-M2HD w/ 4 SATA slots, and the slot # 2 (SATA2) has one of the pins broke. So, now I have the slots 1, 3 and 4 working. My question is, Can I use Raid 1 w/ the slots 1 and 3???

What does that have to do with LinuxMCE? You should ask that question on a RAID list, or the manufacturer.
Developers / Re: Developer FAQ
February 16, 2008, 10:45:21 PM
Quote from: hari on February 16, 2008, 10:31:01 PM
Quote from: Matthew on February 16, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
Since 0710 is the version currently in development, does that mean that the code in the SVN 0710 branch is the same as the code in the SVN trunk?
danielk and ender do much work to merge changes back to charonmedia from linuxmce. Charonmedia may miss the latest fixes from mantis.

And what is the complete build procedure for that code? The simple procedure for getting and building the source tom_say posted in this thread was very tantalizing.
the procedure for the 0710 branch is not for the faint hearted. Therefore we use the builder farm and nightly snapshots.
Daniel invested much time on the configure script and makefile in the charonmedia trunk. That nearly gives you the whole build. I suggest starting with that. You could pull missing pieces from the linuxmce trunk (e.g. mantis fixes) if you need any.

So if the files to be patched in the SVN are identical to the ones in the SVN, then working entirely against the charonmedia files is pretty safe. If the patch doesn't affect the code's API, it's even safer.

The problem could come if the new patch's effect collides with some function elsewhere in the code that's also been patched upstream in the callpath to the newly patched code. Like if the problem is that some data arrives in the wrong format at the code I'm patching, so I switch the data around depending on the bad format in the SVN code, but meanwhile someone has patched some other code in the SVN, so now the data doesn't actually arrive in that format anymore (but the SVN code hasn't caught up to that patch yet). If there's no record of that other "upstream" patch being worked on in a Mantis bug report about what I'm patching. Still possible to collide, if someone isn't reporting in Mantis what they're patching and committing. But probably a very small risk.
Developers / Re: integration biometrics system
February 16, 2008, 10:33:07 PM
Quote from: hari on February 16, 2008, 10:08:02 PM
guys you are way offtopic.

Yes, and now we're back. Thanks.

Quote from: hari on February 16, 2008, 10:08:02 PM
I think it would be cool to arm/disarm with some finger print sensor or iris scanner ;) Or open the front door.
* hari searches a vandal proof outdoor fps with ethernet and open interface ,)

Also, a Java applet in a phone with fingerprint biometrics that converts an authenticated fingerprint into a password for authentication would be very useful, without installing biometrics HW in the house itself, and allowing the same biometric access remotely.

That's one reason I propose that adding biometrics to LMCE come with an auth interface that biometrics hooks into.
Developers / Re: Developer FAQ
February 16, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
Quote from: hari on February 16, 2008, 08:47:46 PM
Quote from: Matthew on February 16, 2008, 05:14:49 PM
I would think that "which is the correct SVN" would be a pretty good answer to give, but it can't even get an answer in this FAQ discussion. How is any developer community supposed to help with that level of support?
charonmedia is the development trunk. The linuxmce svn holds the 0710 branch, some pluto branches and the pluto stable code (without proprietary stuff).

Since 0710 is the version currently in development, does that mean that the code in the SVN 0710 branch is the same as the code in the SVN trunk? Or what is the relationship between those two SVN repos? I think the main question is which SVN code is the one that everything in Mantis is referring to, that is the one to patch for getting into the 0710 release? And what is the complete build procedure for that code? The simple procedure for getting and building the source tom_say posted in this thread was very tantalizing.