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Messages - tzinternet

Users / Re: Help with Cheap Media Director from newegg
January 22, 2008, 03:27:22 PM
Any pics yet for the homebrew system/case that you have?
Users / Re: Help with Cheap Media Director from newegg
December 24, 2007, 10:43:56 PM
Here is the answer to the questions that someone posted a few days ago.

What audio connector do you need (RCA, Digital Coax, Optical)?   
RCA is all that is needed for this system
What video connector do you need (HDMI, DVI, VGA, Component, Composite, S-Video, RGB, etc.)?
S-video is fine on this system
Do you need DVD-ROM or DVD-RW or none?
DVD-ROM would be ok but is not actually needed.
What about the case, any height or width requirements?
The smaller the case the better.  The idea is to have this system not stand out in this bedroom
Are you going to netboot, or do you want an HDD?
Netboot is fine as I have Draft-N thru the house and also gigabit in the room that this system is going in
Will you be doing HD or just SD?
Standard def is fine for this machine but would need HD for the next system. 
Quote from: Greg on December 21, 2007, 06:05:43 PM
Can't make any recommendations unless you give some details about your requirements.
What audio connector do you need (RCA, Digital Coax, Optical)?   
What video connector do you need (HDMI, DVI, VGA, Component, Composite, S-Video, RGB, etc.)?
Do you need DVD-ROM or DVD-RW or none?
What about the case, any height or width requirements?
Are you going to netboot, or do you want an HDD?
Will you be doing HD or just SD?  
Users / Re: Help with Cheap Media Director from newegg
December 23, 2007, 06:43:05 AM
Hey LowSpirit can you post specs of the motherboard that you used and such?  Also, can you please
tell us what problems you had in the setup (besides the case)?  Also, possibly prices and such and
if what you think of the system now that it is running?

Users / Help with Cheap Media Director from newegg
December 21, 2007, 05:29:37 PM
I just seen that newegg is doing 4.99 express shipping right now and think that
now is a good time to build my media director.  Can I please have some suggestions
of known working of everything that I need to build a cheap good working
Media Director.  Thanks!
Users / Best current working Capture Card for a core
December 06, 2007, 07:33:00 PM
I am looking for the best known working Capture Card for my core box.  I looked thru the Hardware WIKI but
some seem to be a bit old.  Any current suggestions?  thanks!
Bummer.  How about a good reputable place that a US person can buy from overseas then?
Anymore updates on the MSI MS-7329?  Also, how easy was the MCE install and would it be a good board to user a both a core and MDE if you only had one machine?  Thanks for your input.
I live in the US.  Is there any resellers in the US that sell the TA3? 
I the Gigabyte TA3 on the wiki as a Media Director ( was wondering if anyone is still using it and if so where they bought it at as I can't seem to find one?

I am trying to build a decent system with 1 core and 1 MD for well under $1000 that works well.  If I can get the Media Director machines down cheap enough that we can start putting them in different rooms at the house. 
Users / Re: LinuxMCE Demo @ Maker Faire
November 28, 2007, 07:50:56 PM
I would sure like to know how the show went and also the problem(s) and such.  Would also like to hear how the Sony Media Changer worked out.

Has anyone tried using the following board from Via as it has Integraded UniChrome Pro graphics??
Could this be used for a Core and/or Media Director interface.

I have seen these around the internet with a 1.5ghz CPU for less than $70.00

Feedback anyone?
Users / Is MSI Media Live box ok for Core?
November 21, 2007, 09:02:57 PM
I would like to know if anyone has used a MSI Media Live box and has got everything work ok?  I checked the hardware wiki and didn't see anything there yet. 
I am looking for a fairly cheaper box than the Fiire Engine box that I can also use as a Director machine for now!  I think paying $800 is a bit high.

Users / Re: Fiire Engine REVIEW/SPECS!!
November 21, 2007, 08:46:56 PM
Are you missing a few things for the Fiire Engine specs like the price for case and the extra cards that are in it?  From the looks of the back of the machine on the Fiire site I see a tuner card and what looks like some extra HDMI cards or something.  Any ideas as to what those cards and such are?  thanks!

If you have a working setup for linuxmce can you please please update it in the WIKI. like or in the motherboard area.  It would really be beneficial to all of us to see more motherboards and also combo setups (like shuttle) that are truly working.  This way when a new person comes on board (like me) they can just go there and see a quick setup, buy it online and know how it needs to be setup to get it going.  Thanks!
Users / How to get the image (jacket) for a dvd
September 10, 2007, 12:34:43 AM
Ok I have done a little looking around and am new to forum so please forgive me if this has already been answered.  I would like to know how in the video (demo video) the images from the dvd are done.  I have a bunch of DVD images in .iso format already that were done as backups and would like a way to have the jacket information displayed like in the demo video.  Can someone please enlighten me as to how this done and with what?
