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Messages - MarcoZan

Hi Thom

just to clarify my idea:

keeping a MD on all the time is something that has to do with the importance you give to the services that are hooked to it and the price you agree to pay for it.

By an "energy balance" point of view LMCE is pretty power consuming. You are supposed to have a full blown server running 24x7 and a small energy fingerprint pc for each MD that you want in your environment.

This makes a discrete amount of bucks in energy cost at the end of the year.

In my country electric power is not that cheap and government is promoting a lot of incentives for "low energy home", and as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't mind if I can reduce all power consumption that in my opinion is not strictly required.

In another post there was a discussion about lowering CPU freq of Core/hybrid, in order to decrease power consumption in off-peak hours. I think that also the hybernation topic was already mentioned before. This means that energy saving is somehow an issues that more than one user start to consider, especially now that we have a reasonably stable environment and users are more keen to think about "fine tuning".

In my environment (that may probably differs from yours) the only reason that would suggest me to keep MD on is the "follow me feature". All the rest (lighting control, basically) is hooked to Core. I use MD only as media player and nothing more.

So in principle I need MD switched on only during the time frame when I'm at home.

Actually something that I would like (and as soon as I solve other bigger issue I surely try to get) is something that turns on MD at a given time, and that turns MD off when leaving home.

As I told in the beginning, this is my point of view.

Maybe this is a limited perspective, so if you have different idea share it with us.

Hi Thom

a reason for switching off MD could be power saving. Say that nobody is at home from 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM, wouldn't be a real power waste to keep all your MD on ?


Installation issues / Re: PlutoMO.sis
October 03, 2007, 04:56:38 PM
Hi Stingly

Mobile Orbiter is working on Nokia N70. I've tried myself so I'm sure about it.
On Nokia site I didn't find whether N73 is running S60 v3 or v2, so (if you didn't already) maybe it's worth a try.
Keep us posted
Users / Re: 3 button gyro mouse
October 02, 2007, 08:18:56 AM
Hi Zaerc

I have to buy one, but so far I've seen only 3 button gyro mouse and this stopped me so far from purchasing.

Can you tell me which brand/model of gyro mouse do you have in your LMCE environment?

Thanks all for your reply

actually performances with standard drivers are not that bad with DVD playback, but I'm experiencing serious problems with DivX.
Basically when playing DivX my VIA MD crashes on a regular basis, sometimes after few seconds, sometimes after 40 minutes playback.
I couldn't find any relevant trace into logs, apart of this error occurring at boot time:

[drm:via_mem_alloc] *ERROR* Attempt to allocate from uninitialized memory manager.

Googling around I've found (very few) indications that this may be a bug in the via driver, so I guess I've no other options that going for Via Unichrome Pro drivers.

Here comes the crucial question: is the .config file shipped with kernel sources/header of Kubuntu 7.04 the correct one to use for compiling additional drivers/modules?
Or does this file need some changes?

Hi Andrew

just a couple of questions to make myself a clear picture.

I've a VIA based MD with CLE266, and according to its xorg.conf it is already using via driver shipped with Kubuntu/LMCE.

Are you saying that those drivers are NOT Unichrome Pro?

I've given a look at the pdf with the compiling procedure and it's a bit scaring to me. This is because I've tried last week to compile an external module but I messed up all my kernel modules and I had to get them out from a backup.
It looks like the .config file shipped with linux sources / headers differs from what have been used to compile
my actual system modules, so after reboot no module was loaded anymore.

So before going again through the same story I prefer to make 100% sure that this is the only option I have.

Users / Re: Two Wireless Interfaces!
September 30, 2007, 10:03:47 AM
Hi Faisal

You may have a look at this ->

Also Netgear sells something similar, and most probably also other vendor do.

I never tested those nice toys (as I told you I managed to get my ethernet backbone in a different way) but I know they are on the market since some years and probably are worth some consideration.

Users / Re: Two Wireless Interfaces!
September 29, 2007, 03:18:49 PM
Hi Faisal

In the early Pluto times I tried the "wireless way". Performances are acceptable if you have 1 MD and you are streaming divx. The main reason because I moved to "wired" solution were not performances, but overall instability of the system. Sometime wireless connection was lost (this happens also today with wireless orbiters) and this was really annoying.
My solution was to put an ethernet cable using the tv cable run pipes, connecting MD and hybrid.

You may also evaluate those nice ethernet-over-power-lines devices. Some of them can give you also over 100 Mbps connection, that is quite good for media streaming purpose.

Users / Re: Softsqueeze: anyone has it working?
September 29, 2007, 03:03:20 PM
Hi Zaerc and thanks for your reply

I probably didn't explain properly what my idea is.

Actually I have 1 hybrid and 1 MD. Then I have my own laptop with all my work stuff  and wife laptop (both wireless enabled).
When using those laptops in a room with no hybrid/MD, the idea is to be able to listen to music directly from the laptops.
I think that installing the windows orbiter won't help me that much, because AFAIK it is only a control interface (no media playback out of it).
Squeezeboxes are interesting but for time beeing they are not an option, so I was thinking to use Softsqueeze.

I understood that Softqueeze should be a full emulator of Squeezebox so it would behave as a PnP device, but this is not happening. I'm keen to think that I'm doing something wrong or maybe I'm missing something from the configuration side.
I don't think it's a problem with firewall blocking ports, (at least not after issuing iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT), but again I may be wrong.

It looks that no one did succesfully set up Softsqueeze with LMCE, so I will try again and keep posted of my progress (if any)

Of course any suggestion is welcome

Users / Re: Softsqueeze: anyone has it working?
September 29, 2007, 08:52:29 AM
I agree that Squeezebox is an appliance and that is more flexible (no pc needed).
Actually I was thinking to use Softsqueeze for those pc that I don't want to use as MD. Say that wife or kids are using pc for different stuff, but wanting to listen to some music in background.
OK, I know that I can obtain the same result accessing via Samba to all audio files stored in public folder, but softsqueeze looks a very neat solutions and can increase WAF factor  :)

Developers / Re: Pause and Play events?
September 27, 2007, 06:27:56 PM
Hi Thom

you can use triggered events. In admin site go to Wizard -> Events Handler -> Respond to events and create your own event. You can choose which event to respond to, and one or more event to fire.

Users / Re: Softsqueeze: anyone has it working?
September 24, 2007, 03:57:11 PM
Just to add some info ...

I've tried Softsqueeze included in Slimserver installed with LMCE and also the most recent release dowloaded from official site, with same result : "Player not found".

I could be wrong, but it sounds to me that it may be a configuration problem i.e that Slimserver does not know anything about sw player and does not now how to feed it with audio.

Users / Softsqueeze: anyone has it working?
September 24, 2007, 01:14:51 PM
Hi all

Even if I'm a former Pluto user since 2005, I'm quite new here so first of all thanks to all for the amazing work done so far.

I'm trying to make use of Softsqueeze in my LMCE environment. I followed some instructions I found here that belong to former Plutohome forum, but no avail.
When I was running Pluto I never test those hints, so I don't know whether they are effective or not.

Has anyone it working? Can anyone give me some suggestion to make it work?
