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Topics - Thingie

Pages: 1 [2]
Users / Media Files Sync Question
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:52:29 pm »

In the picture below you see my windows shares i use. On the right are all the shares I have but on the left I can't find them all. From the ones that aren't showing on the left I can't see the media that's stored on theare all these shares. I checked all the settings from the ones that are showing with the ones that aren't and they are all the same. Maybe also worth mentioning that all the shares were automaticly detected by the Core and i configured them all the same.


Users / Installing core question
« on: November 23, 2007, 12:20:09 am »

I've been using LinuxMCE for a whie now and I'm getting the hang of it. I've installed the core on a P4 with a 2,8GHz Celeron processorand a Geforce 7600GT and it's running fine. I also have a Core2duo PC that's more powerfull but when I tried to install the core on this pc the movie playback and the flicker pictures apeared with lag. I posted this already but there doesn't seem to be a solution. For the moment I can live with that because everything is working fine. But in the future I want to install a HDTV satelite card and I fear the Celeron won't do the job of timeshifting and recording HDTV all that well. I've noticed you can choose to install only the core software without the media playback options. Now my question is if it is possible to install only the core software and plug in the satelite card and use it on other MD?

Thx a lot

Users / DVD subtitles
« on: October 28, 2007, 01:34:20 am »
I have a bunch of dvd's I ripped before I had linuxMCE. I used clonedvd to make the dvd to an ISO image. I never care about the menu or extras on the dvd so I only ripped the movie with the subs of my language. Now using LinuxMCE I renamed the *.ISO files to *.DVD. The movie plays just fine but when I go the dvd options menu the subs are shown as '??' (just the tw question marks). When I select them there are no subs displayed. I looked in the orbitter for settings bur can't find anything. Anyone got any suggestions?



Users / Geforce 7600GT or 8400GS in Diskless MD?
« on: October 15, 2007, 07:11:20 pm »

I want to set up a MediaDirector and connect a diskless MD to it. I have a GeForce 7600GT and a Geforce 8400GS. The 8400GS has a special processor that will do all the HD calculations and so offload the CPU greatly. I will use the Diskless MD to watch movies and tv. Now I'm not sure which card to use in the MediaDirector? Does the MediaDirector do all the work and does it not matter which VGA card is in the Diskless MD or is it the other way around?

Users / video playback has lag
« on: September 01, 2007, 09:05:17 pm »

When I play a dvd or a avi file the move halts for a very small time and then continues. It happens 2 to 3 times a minute and it's really unpleasant watching a movie like this. Below you'll find my pc specs but I think they should be enough.


Intel Core 2 4300 @ 1,8GHz
Two Gigabit Nic's connected to Gigabit switches
Geforce 7600 GT 256MB

Anyone has the sme probs or know what to do please help


Users / Device already enabled popup keeps coming back
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:22:13 pm »
With the great helpof this forum I got my Samba shares running perfectly. The only thing that keeps bothering me is that I keep getting this popup windows in the left top of the corner saying: "Device already enabled name of my share" These popups are a bit annoying and I would like to disable them. Is this possible?



Installation issues / NAS drive probs
« on: August 31, 2007, 01:24:04 pm »
Hi Everyone,

After a lot of retries I. finally got LinuxMCE working with the new install cd's. So as you may guess I'm a newbie to Linuc(MCE). .I bought myself a WDC Mybook and connected it to the network. It was detectef bij LinuxMCE and asked me for a username and a pw. And there it went wrong, I entered the wrong pw. So now there is no media in my orbitter but there are 3 drives under the 'Manage Drives' button. when I click one of them I. get a new screen but I can do nothing there. I.s there an easy way of reconfiguring the drive? Can I delete it under LinuxMCE and redetect it? I also have 2 network cards, to which one should I connect the NAS drive? The LinuxMCE DHCP (192.168.80.*) or to the other one.

Thx a lot

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