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Topics - Thingie

Pages: [1] 2
Users / Network issues (solved)
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:24:00 pm »
I've been using LinuxMCE for quit some time now and always had problems with playing HD files from my NAS on MD's. The hardware wasn't the problem, full Gb network, NVIDIA graphics, core2 duo processors and so on. But still my audio and picture was stuttering at times. I tried fiddling with the network settings, on the core, NAS (home build Freenas) and managed switch. No solutions there. I've always used SMB share on my NAS and core to share the files. I read in the forum that NFS was preferable but wouldn't make that much of a difference. I thought I'd give it a try and the lord be praised  ;D all the issues are fixed. Even 1080p is running smoothly now. I don't now if it's an issue with LMCE or my Freenas but it did wonders for me. If you have the option to use NFS I would give it a try.
Just to let you know.



Users / Failed to setup X on MD
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:00:29 pm »

As you can see in the title I have a little problem. I've searched the forum and tried a lot of different things but can't solve the problem. At the moment I have a Core and one MD running for some time on 810. In the past (when I was using 710) I had an other MD in my kitchen but haven't been using it because I did some renovations. Now I installed the same MD again and let the setup run. All goes well until the AVwizard should start and then I get the blue screen saying Failed to setup X. The other (working) MD has the same motherboard and also uses a Nvidia graphics card. I also use both MD's succesfully in 710. I've looked at the xorg.conf and there I can see it uses the nvidia driver. I also tried modifying xorg.conf but had no luck. I know my hardware is ok because it worked fine in the past.  I'm getting desperate and don't know what else to try. If anyone has more ideas please let me know.



Users / Ticket Solved What now?
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:07:07 pm »

This is probably a very stupid question but I have to ask it. A while back I made a ticket for a problem I had wit the orbiter.
Now the ticket is solved and I get an email pointing me to the changes made for fixing the problem. I'm very thankful for the solving of the problem but I don't know what to do whit it. Can I edit a file with the new code or do I wait for an update?

Thx in advance


Users / Getting really tired by now
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:56:31 pm »
Ok her we go,

I use a NAS-server (FreeNas) to store all my media. On this server are 753 video files, 120 DVD's (ISO-files), and 14843 music files. Before I started using the 810 edition of LinuxMCE I used different releases of the 710 edition. There were never any big problems with using the large amount of files on the server. I had used 'Media Files Sync' for the files and added nice covers and attributes so they would display nice in the Orbiters and they did. Since I started using the 810 editions different problems occur. I've been using the 810 alpha and beta and both have the same problems. First I noticed the Orbiters where loading very slow when I pressed the 'Video-button'. I'm talking up to 10 seconds. This was surely not the case in 710. I didn't pay much attention to this hoping it would be solved in future releases. I added some more files to my server and used 'Media Files Sync' to add covers and attributes. After that when I push the 'Video-button' on an Orbiter nothing visual happens and that orbiter reloads itself after a few seconds. In short, I can't see any of my video any more. There are no problems with audio. About 2 weeks ago I had to do a clean install of my core (I messed it up while experimenting) so I decided to delete all the .ID3 files on my server. As I understand these are created and hold the info for the Core and I thought there maybe was a corrupted one there. I did the clean install and all the files where visible under the 'Video-button'. So I started to add all the covers and attributes again and everything looked good. I was very pleased. Until. I'm about half way adding covers and attributes (only talking about video) and the problem reappeared. Again i can't access my video files on any Orbiter. It takes 'forever' to add all the covers and attributes so I don't feel like deleting them again. I looked on the forum and found 1 previous post but nobody answered the guys question. Can somebody please help me out here because I'm getting really desperate. I recently bought my first Z-wave devices so I really would like to keep using LinuxMCE.


Code: [Select]
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.013 Device: 77 starting.  Connecting to: dcerouter
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.021 Stage connect
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.038 Orbiter 003F97D0 constructor
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.038 New orbiter created!
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.139 Connect OK
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.139 Orbiter SelfUpdate: starting
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.139 Requesthandler 003F97D0 (device: 77) runThread now running
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.152 Current checksum : dummy orbiter d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.152 Update available on the server.
01 02/03/10 16:38:17.155 The UpdateBinary application 'UpdateBinary.exe' is missing on the server.
01 02/03/10 16:38:17.155 Unable to download UpdateBinary application from the server.
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.155 Stage run
10 02/03/10 16:38:17.258 Initialize Get_Orbiter_Status (1) -O-
01 02/03/10 16:38:17.258 Directory: C77/ doesn't contain the orbiter's .info file.  Requesting files from the server.
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Goto_Screen message id 1 params: message 007AEB80
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Param id:   159, value: 1
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Param id:   195, value: 1
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Param id:   251, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Param id:   252, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Param id:   253, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 Orbiter::CMD_Goto_DesignObj: 1255.1.0 with cant go back 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.1687.13 user 0 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.2436.12 room 0 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.3275.39 housemode0 1 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.3275.39 housemode0 1 (size 1)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.4781.36 user1 1 (size 1)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.4781.36 user1 1 (size 2)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.5006.38 vm1 1 (size 2)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.5006.38 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.1687.13 user 0 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.2436.12 room 0 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.3275.43 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.3275.43 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.4781.40 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.4781.40 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.5006.42 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.5006.42 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1272.0.0.3275.120 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1272.0.0.3275.120 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon 1272.1.0.3275.124 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.231 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1272.1.0.3275.124 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.0.0.4781.138 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.0.0.4781.138 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.0.0.5006.140 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.0.0.5006.140 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.1.0.4781.153 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.1.0.4781.153 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.1.0.5006.155 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.1.0.5006.155 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1389.0.0.3401.356 monitormode 0 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1389.0.0.3401.356 monitormode 0 (size 4)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1602.0.0.1687.392 user 0 (size 4)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1688.0.0.1694.487 user_button 0 (size 4)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 1881.0.0.3305.536 follow_security 1 (size 4)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1881.0.0.3305.536 follow_security 1 (size 5)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2211.0.0.3302.896 follow_light 1 (size 5)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 2211.0.0.3302.896 follow_light 1 (size 6)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2212.0.0.3303.926 follow_climate 1 (size 6)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 2212.0.0.3303.926 follow_climate 1 (size 7)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2213.0.0.3304.934 follow_telecom 1 (size 7)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 2213.0.0.3304.934 follow_telecom 1 (size 8)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2228.0.0.3296.955 follow_media 1 (size 8)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 2228.0.0.3296.955 follow_media 1 (size 9)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2228.0.0.3417.957 media_private 1 (size 9)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon added 2228.0.0.3417.957 media_private 1 (size 10)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2437.0.0.2439.1074 room_button 0 (size 10)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 2437.0.0.2439.1076 room_button 0 (size 10)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.232 CMD_Bind_Icon 3332.0.0.2436.1157 room 0 (size 10)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.233 CMD_Bind_Icon 5462.0.0.1687.4368 user 0 (size 10)
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.233 Orbiter::Initialize finished startup phase
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.233 Saving context for screen 1 / 05B739E8, object 1255.1.0 (71 variables, 45 visibility status) ...
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.237 OrbiterRenderer::RenderScreen Render screen: 1255.1.0
10 02/03/10 16:38:19.271 Orbiter::RenderObject obj 1255.1.0.1687.13 bound to user 1, got ptr 04943324
05 02/03/10 16:38:19.323 End paint...
05 02/03/10 16:38:19.373 End paint...
05 02/03/10 16:38:19.374 End paint...
10 02/03/10 16:38:21.325 CMD_Goto_Screen message id 47 params: message 007AF318
10 02/03/10 16:38:21.325 Orbiter::CMD_Goto_DesignObj: 2071 with cant go back 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:21.325 Orbiter::CMD_Goto_DesignObj ObjectOffScreen : screen id 1, obj id 1255.1.0
10 02/03/10 16:38:21.326 Saving context for screen 47 / 05BEEAE0, object 2071.0.0 (71 variables, 80 visibility status) ...
01 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Socket::ReceiveData-a 007930D8 failed ret 0
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: -1 Event Dev #77
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Socket::SendReceiveMessage didn't get valid response ReceiveData failed
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 InternalSendCommand cannot send with return message.  type 1 id 35 to 6 Going to quit
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Orbiter reloading...
10 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Command_Impl::OnReload 77
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Orbiter quiting...
10 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Command_Impl::OnQuit forwarding quit's to children
13 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Exiting MessageQueueThread_DCECI thread...
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.327 Populate datagrid: 63 failed
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.375 Socket::ReceiveData m_Socket 676 m_bQuit_get()1
05 02/03/10 16:38:40.375 Socket::ReceiveString2 ReceiveData failed m_Socket: 676 Command_Impl1 Dev #77
10 02/03/10 16:38:40.375 Requesthandler 003F97D0 (device: 77) Closing request handler connection
13 02/03/10 16:38:40.375 Exiting BeginHandleRequestThread thread...
10 02/03/10 16:38:40.397 About to quit EventLoop. Reload 1, ConnectionLost 4167632, Quit 4713421
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.398 Stage connect
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.399 Orbiter  003F97D0 is exiting
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Waiting for Maint thread to finish...
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Done with Maint thread.
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Maint thread dead
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Unregistering...
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Socket::SendData socket is invalid
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Socket::SendMessage *failed to send* type 1 id 255 from 77 to 9
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 InternalSendCommand cannot send with return message.  type 1 id 255 to 9 Going to quit
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Orbiter reloading...
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Command_Impl::OnReload 77
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Orbiter quiting...
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Command_Impl::OnQuit forwarding quit's to children
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Unregistered!
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.409 Destroying orbiter's objects...
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.445 Orbiter's objects destroyed!
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.446 Waiting for message queue thread to quit
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.446 Message queue thread quit
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.446 Message queue thread joined
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.446 About to call kill spawned devices
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.447 ~Command_Impl finished
13 02/03/10 16:38:42.447 RequestSocket::Disconnect 003F97D0 device: 77
05 02/03/10 16:38:42.447 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 003F97D0 (m_Socket: 676)
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.451 Orbiter 057E0008 constructor
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.451 New orbiter created!
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.535 Connect OK
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.535 Orbiter SelfUpdate: starting
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.535 Requesthandler 057E0008 (device: 77) runThread now running
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.551 Current checksum : dummy orbiter d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.551 Update available on the server.
01 02/03/10 16:38:42.553 The UpdateBinary application 'UpdateBinary.exe' is missing on the server.
01 02/03/10 16:38:42.553 Unable to download UpdateBinary application from the server.
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.553 Stage run
10 02/03/10 16:38:42.640 Initialize Get_Orbiter_Status (1) -O-
01 02/03/10 16:38:42.640 Directory: C77/ doesn't contain the orbiter's .info file.  Requesting files from the server.
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Goto_Screen message id 1 params: message 048659B0
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Param id:   159, value: 1
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Param id:   195, value: 1
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Param id:   251, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Param id:   252, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Param id:   253, value: 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 Orbiter::CMD_Goto_DesignObj: 1255.1.0 with cant go back 0
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.1687.13 user 0 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.2436.12 room 0 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.3275.39 housemode0 1 (size 0)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.3275.39 housemode0 1 (size 1)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.4781.36 user1 1 (size 1)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.4781.36 user1 1 (size 2)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.0.0.5006.38 vm1 1 (size 2)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.717 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.0.0.5006.38 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.1687.13 user 0 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.2436.12 room 0 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.3275.43 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.3275.43 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.4781.40 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.4781.40 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1255.1.0.5006.42 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1255.1.0.5006.42 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1272.0.0.3275.120 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1272.0.0.3275.120 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1272.1.0.3275.124 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1272.1.0.3275.124 housemode0 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.0.0.4781.138 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.0.0.4781.138 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.0.0.5006.140 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.0.0.5006.140 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.1.0.4781.153 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon added 1273.1.0.4781.153 user1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 16:38:44.718 CMD_Bind_Icon 1273.1.0.5006.155 vm1 1 (size 3)
10 02/03/10 1
Any suggestions are welcome



Users / Video reloads MD
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:25:25 pm »

I've been using LinuxMCE for a while now and had almost everything working fine (even the lights) but now I can't open my movies anywhere. When I hit the Video button on my MD, Core or Mobile orbiter it reloads the core. I searched the forum and found the same question but the solution (if any) was never presented there. Music is still working fine. I have a lot of video files but even more audio files so I think that can't be the problem.

Is there a way to reset the movie database or any other solution. I really don't feel like reinstalling everything from scratch.



Users / z-wave devices [SOLVED]
« on: January 05, 2010, 05:58:34 pm »
Could somebody please help me with my z-wave devices?
I have a HomePro ZCS-201 interface connected to the Core and installed it correctly (when I send a command to it I get an OK response). To start playing with the z-wave I bought 2 HomePro ZRP-200 modules and a remote control. I added the devices to 2 different groups on my remote and I can switch on/off both devices. So far so good. But now I want to use these devices with LinuxMCE and I can't make them work. I looked for hours on the forum and wiki but can't find a simple guide (explanation) for this.
Could somebody tell me how or give me a link to a good guide?

Thx a lot


Users / mobile orbitters are 0 bytes
« on: November 04, 2009, 11:03:03 pm »

I have a core (810) and one MD up and running but when I try to download the mobile orbitter for my laptop or mobile phone the install files all return 0 bytes. I checked on the core and the are listed in the /usr/pluto/installers but there they are also 0 bytes. I had a lot of work to get the core and md running so I don't want to install the core again. I looked on the DVD but can't find the files there. How can I get the correct installers again?


Users / Music Cover Art
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:12:09 pm »
As most people know the 'Cover Art' function in LinuxMCE doesn't really work well. I have more the 2000 music cd's on my server and all the mp3's were correctly tagged, inclusif cover art. I played around with the 'Cover Art' function and messed up the tags of my mp3's. This was my mistake so I decided to do them all over again with other software for tagging mp3's. I started tagging the files again and noticed that the cover art wasn't displayed correctly in the Orbitter. So i took another look at the tags and noticed there were other cover arts added to the files. First I thought it was the program I'm using for editing the mp3's so I tried another program with the same result. I tried other programs and they all gave the same result. I ad a cover to a mp3 and when I look at the same mp3 later (not directly but after an hour or the day after) again there are other covers (not related to the mp3) added to the tag. Now I'm using MediaMonkey and everything looked fine. I edited the MP3's and looked at them later and no other covers were added. At this time I didn't realized I hadn't turned on my Core for several days. After I started the Core again and looked at files I tagged before again there are unrelated covers added to mp3's. So now i'm thinking it's LinuxMCE that's editing the mp3 tags on it's own. I can see no other cause because everything stays fine untill I turn on the server. After it's online for a while there are new covers in my tags. I've been trying to get my music collection back to the state it was before but it seems LinuxMCE keeps messing up my tags. With a music collection of more the 2000 cd's it takes a lot of time and effort to get all the tags in order so you can imagine LinuxMCE starts pissing me off. Does anyone else has this problem? I've searched the forum but nobody is complaining about this. I hope I'm not the only one because really would like to get it fixed.


Users / xine and subtitles
« on: March 18, 2008, 06:26:04 pm »
I read in the release notes that Beta 4 has subtitles for Xine enabled but it works even worse then before. Embedded subtitles in an mkv or avi container still aren't displayed and srt-files with the same name as the avi and in the same folder aren't loaded. When I play a dvd sometimes the subtitles work and sometimes they don't. I have to activate the subtitles in the menu of the dvd and then they are displayed (sometimes). I don't know how to fix this problem. It would be nice to have a nice working subtitle function in the final release.



Users / Old and new thumbnails
« on: January 31, 2008, 09:48:26 pm »
I've been using LinuxMce for some time now and did a new clean install of the 7.10 Beta3. One Of the first pleasent surprises after the new install was to see that the thumbnails of my media looked a lot better now. Before you couldn't even read the title on the cover. Now its all very clear and nice looking resolution. But when I ad new media files the tumbnails of these new files look the same as before. Don't know why this is. Any ideas?

Thx Thingie

Users / Making a new wiki
« on: January 26, 2008, 12:16:15 am »
Maybe this is a stupid question but I can't find any info on how to make a new wiki. I can edit articles and move them but I can't make a new one. Some help plz.

Users / LinuxMCE wonderstuff?
« on: January 25, 2008, 10:26:58 pm »
For the moment I have two PC's working with LinuxMCE. My core is an Intel Core2Duo and my Diskless MD is a very simpel Celeron processor. When I look on the Admin website at my Media Directors the core shws 'i386' architecture. When i look at the Diskless MD the architecture says it's 'AMD64'. (see pict) I'm not complaining cause everything is working great but I found it funny to notice that LinuxMCE 'upgraded' my PC.

Compatible Products & Services / DVB tuners
« on: January 22, 2008, 05:54:15 pm »
These tuners run Linux and have a RS232 interface. Does anyone have any idea this will work?

Users / multiple webcams?
« on: January 14, 2008, 06:29:06 pm »
Is it possible to ad more then one webcam to the core and have it work? I allready have one webcam working just fine but now I'm trying to add a second one but I can't get it to work. Do I have to add an other Motion wrapper or do I create the new camera as a child device under the existing motion wrapper? I've been trying both these options but it won't work. Is there anybody who has multiple webcams on one core or MD? Let me know plz.


Users / RAID Probs
« on: December 31, 2007, 11:20:52 am »

I'v ecreated Raid arrays before in LinuxMCE without any problems. I always did on a Core that was also MD. Now I installed a dedicated core and want to create again another raid array but it keeps failing (see picture). As soon as I hit the "Create Raid" button the drive status changes to "Removed" and a bit later it sais "FAIL" at arra creation. When I delete the array and make it again the disks are still there and I can add them again with the same result. Rebooting doesn't help either. Any suggestions?

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