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Messages - Hugolp

But if the linuxmce machine is not the dchp router it can not control when new media has been pluged and detect it to play it making the whole system more complicated.

Just make two networks like linuxmce suggest. One external with the router acting as a dchp server and the linuxmce core with an static ip, and the internal conected to the core that acts as a dchp server and nat firewall internet gateway. That way you plug your media directors to the internal network and the other computers to the external network. A pci gigabit ethernet card costed me 15 euros a month ago, and a gigabit 5 port swicht for my internal network costed me 25 euros, so its not expensive to do that set up.
Any IP camera with java will be compatible with linux, and I am guessing with linuxmce too. Just stay away with the ones that only have active X. They wont work.

For the two cameras you ask, I've never used the trendnet but my experience with ip cameras is that you get what you pay for. The image and color quality depens a lot on what you pay. There is an Axis indor camera for 200 euros that is quite good, if you want to go cheap.

Users / Re: Help via IRC?
May 22, 2007, 10:58:12 AM
I see them online in yahoo every day and they have been very helpful.

Users / Re: USB z-wave
May 20, 2007, 11:48:58 AM
1audio I allredy email them, not really complaining but asking for a place to buy. Thanks for the info. Can you tell me why z-wave is better than zegbee or other systems?

totallymaxed any web pages or telephone?

Users / Re: USB z-wave
May 20, 2007, 04:34:10 AM
Ok, so I need european z-wave. Thanks for the info. Anyone knows if UK z-wave and european z-wave are compatible? And anyone know somewhere else where I can buy z-wave usb adaptor? the web that totallymaxed gave me sais they will have it in april but now in may they still dont.

Any help apreciated

Users / USB z-wave
May 19, 2007, 08:44:27 PM

I am having a lot of trouble finding a z-wave usb adapter in Barcelona, where I live. I found in the web a US shop that will send it to me. They have the model ZCU000 - Zwave USB Interface ( Does anybody knows if it works with linux or linuxmce?

If someone can also point me to a z-wave web or normal shop in the Uk or any other part of Europe I apreciate. Obviously a shop in Spain would be great but its going to be hard. Sometimes I feel like Spain is some kind of undeveloped country. We are allways the last ones to get things in Europe. Anyway, any help much apreciated.

Understood. Its all good.

Quote from: MasterC on May 15, 2007, 05:35:49 AM
Not sure what part of the planet you are from HugoLP, but in the US a satellite card won't work with our only 2 (small dish) satellite providers.  Not yet anyway, and not in Linux for some time I'm sure.

From Barcelona. And as I said at the begining I never played with a Dish Network.
Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
May 13, 2007, 10:04:57 AM
Quote from: Niels on May 13, 2007, 01:03:46 AM
The idea's from Bulek are very nice, and in my opinion the way to go for my idea and also for LinuxMce i think.

What i understand from you is that you like to have a Bluetooth responder (is this the right name?) in each room, but how do's this work?

Pluto alredy has implemented a system that detects wich room the user is in by detecting the bluetooth signal, and changes the media to that room in response. So the bluetooth detection system is alredy done. I want to use that to get a personal bluetooth headset or just a bluetooth clip-in microphone to send the audio signal of the user voice to the server so the speech recognition system can do his job and send (or not send) an order to the system.

Once my idea is done, either Bulek or your idea shouldnt be hard to implement.

Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
May 12, 2007, 11:07:50 AM
robertsaron placing mics all over the house can be very tricky to make it work and probably unreliable. Would you have any trouble having a bluetooth mic in you. Not a headset if you dont want to, but a little bluetooth microphone, something like what the tv presenters have (but without the big packet in the back). Just a little clip, so you can give orders to the house. Would that seem like a good solution to you? Also, that would allow the system to know in wich room you are and turn on the tv, lights, music, etc of the room you are at and not another one.

Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
May 11, 2007, 11:52:13 AM
MasterC thanks for your comments. You are right in a lot you say. First of all, voice speech recognition has gone a long way, and now is able to be speaker independent with good rates, but stills needs a good recording to begin with, so placing mics all over the room its a no way. To use voice recognition a headset is needed (you could use a good mic as well, but I am sure people wont go carrying a mic arround the house). So a bluetooth headset, I think, is the way to go. Also, as linuxmce uses bluetooth to detect where the person is, carrying a bluetooth headset would allow the system to know where you are at any moment and act accordinly. I think it can be a powerful combination.

About the time the system would take to respon, there are options to overcome that, but I wont take a decision until I see the system acting. And be sure the project is going to take off. If you want to help in any way, send an email to and when I have some testing to (it will take a while) Ill contact you.

Ok. Two things here. I dont know at all about this system you are talking at all, but do you really need to use this machine? Because the best solution I see is to buy a satelite card for the computer. Maybe there is a reason why this cant be done.

If you really need to use this system then if you want to use the RCA youll need to buy pci cards that allow you to digitalize the signal. Some cheap cards just get the analog signal in and use the cpu power to do the mpeg conversion. The better (and more expensive) ones has dedicated mpeg chips that take the work from the cpu allowing the computer to run smoothly. I allways recomend the second ones, and if you want to have four inputs there is no other option.

In both cases you have to spend money in pci cards, thats why I think that if you can it would be better to get the satelite signal straight to the computer and forget about those machines.

The question you are asking is more a matter of hardware than a matter of software. The software can handle it? Yes, sure, no problem. Now, it depends on the hardware you buy it will be posible or not. I have a AMD Atholon 62 2x 3500 (thats dual core) with 2gig of RAM as server for watching TV and it can handle two channels at the same time without consuming half the RAM and not even 30% of the procesors. So I am guessing 4 channels wouldnt be that big isue.  Maybe youll have to be carefull with the hard drive speed, thats all. Also, you havent said how would you feed the signal from your "Dish Network" to the server. If you tell what kind of signal we'll tell you your best input hardware choice.

And once the signal is inside linuxmce you  can do all you want with it, in any computer arround the house thats conected (if the system has a good design).

Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
May 09, 2007, 02:46:02 PM
Thanks for the links. I knew them all. Last version of Dragon Naturally speaking doesnt need to be trained for each user anymore since last release (I thinks is the 9). Thanks for the links again.

You can integrate any linux software using the linuxmce wraper. Check the developer area.
