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Messages - DragonK

Users / Re: Project still Alive???
April 10, 2020, 02:12:19 PM
Thanx for that.

So do I download the 1604 version and start with that?

Users / Project still Alive???
April 09, 2020, 06:04:07 PM
Evening Everyone,

Been a while since I was here last. Life took over.
Finally I bought my own house and no more renting. Now I would like to implement LinuxMCE and some Automation into it......

Question is, Is this project still alive?  Im asking as I see the last posts was from 2019????

Take Care Everyone and STAY SAFE

Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
June 14, 2016, 04:27:33 PM
QuoteNote: Due to the way Apple handles stuff outside of their store, you need to provide your UDID to golgoj4 to allow the ipa to run on your system.

Hi Golgoj4,

I sent you a PM with the relevant info. Just checking if you got it.

Users / Re: LinuxMCE or Dianemo?
June 14, 2016, 04:25:42 PM
Quote from: posde on June 12, 2016, 05:01:41 PM
Download any ubuntu 14.04 and do the network install as root.

wget -q
chmod +x

Hi Posde,

I was allways under the impression that we had to Install Kubuntu and net install LMCE and not Ubuntu.... I know they are similar, but just to make sure we don't lead the newbie down the wrong track....


I have a Dianemo License and Dianemo system up and running. BUT as stated earlier in this thread, the support for Dianemo is no longer on this Forum. If you need support you will have to email them directly. Dianemo is still very much "alive" and they still exist, but more on a commercial level. As for Features.....

  • My biggest gripe is that with Dianemo you can only use a RPi as a HDMI CEC controller and NOT as an MD (Media Director) where as with LMCE you can use RPi as an Media Director.
  • Dianemo has a "NICE" Athena UI - But LMCE has the Qorbiter, which in my opinion is way better
  • Since Andrew (From Dianemo) left the support/feedback for Dianemo is non existent on the Forum. LMCE you get helpful responses fairly quickly and almost allways more than one person willing to help
  • Everytime you change you network card or Motherboard on Dianemo you have to email them to update the MAC Adresses in the License. One License can only be installed on one Server. LMCE you can install on as many as you want to.

I'm sure there are more pro's and cons to both systems, but those are the ones that come to mind right now. This is just my 5c worth.

Users / Re: 710,810,1004 or what?
May 05, 2016, 04:48:51 PM
Thanx Once Again.  ;D
Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
May 05, 2016, 04:46:22 PM
THanx....  ;D Like I said had a Blond Moment  ::)


EDIT:: I sent you a PM Golgoj4
Users / Re: 710,810,1004 or what?
May 05, 2016, 10:50:38 AM
HI Guys & Gals (IF any here)

The question that is allways asked, what version can we use of LMCE now? I see the poll has options for LMCE 1604 and 1404, and last snapshots are January and February respectivly. But the Wiki indicates that 1204 and 1404 is still pre alpha. I havent been here for a while and decided to start up my LMCE box again and implement it. (As I now own my own House. I can finaly do as I please :-) )

Apologies fro the stupid questions  ::)

Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
May 05, 2016, 10:41:52 AM
QuoteNote: Due to the way Apple handles stuff outside of their store, you need to provide your UDID to golgoj4 to allow the ipa to run on your system.

I'm having a blond moment.....  ;D where do I find the UDID?

Afternoon Guys,

So I asked Dianemo regarding RPi, if they can be used as MD's, their answer
No they can't. We actually do not now actively sell MD's, now preferring customers to use Smart TV's and our UPnP implementation. However, MD's are still supported under x86 Nerve Centres for legacy systems but there are no ARM MD images and will not be in the future either.

HDMI-cec control
QuoteWe have a RPi build for CEC on/off but not volume up/down (although we can do this with UPnP), we have no channel up/down support as this varies too much between TV models.

Thus it seems only use for RPi on Dianemo is HDMI-cec control.
And I recently purchased 2 RPi 2.

Hi Bulek,

I asked the same question and Steve's reply was
QuoteWe will maintain a low key presence on the forum for now as we just don't have the resources to commit the time Andrew did, which was largely outside of our working hours. For support in the future, you should email and we will still help. This will not be a paid service but will be like on the forum, advice and configuration guidance. If anything further is required then we will agree any costs prior to the work.

Regarding reselling. If you are a competent installer and are confident in most aspects of building and configuring a system we can sell you packs of licenses which you can resell with your own hardware. First line support will be you/your company and we will only provide second/third (developer) support if needed.

I was one of the unfortunate users that purchased an "unauthorised" Dianemo license, however Steve was very understanding and has honoured my license  ;)


Is the recommended install still net install? or has the dvd snapshots now been fixed?
And 1404 recommended?

Any specific reason?

Whats the benefits of staying on 1204? And what is in 1404 that's not in 1204?
Users / What to use atm? (was: 710,810,1004 or what?)
October 16, 2015, 07:38:20 PM
Evening All,

Whats the recommended snapshot to use? I really would like to try 1404????

Installation issues / Re: no sound over hdmi
October 16, 2015, 01:36:45 PM
Oh well.... After reading the thread about Andy/Andrew/Totallymaxed,
Dont think I will get the answer to my question.... :-(

No reply, very concerning. Hope he is ok....