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Messages - JoakimL

Installation issues / Re: VNC to the core?
February 18, 2012, 08:43:57 PM
There's only one single thing I do where I actually need physical access to to Core and that's when I do a full backup of the installation. In this situation I'm shutting down LMCE and boot with a CloneZilla liveCD since I cannot SSH into the machine anymore. Everything else is done with SSH or web admin.

Users / Re: How much HD space do I need for Core + MDs?
January 29, 2012, 10:36:04 PM
A clean Core install allocate 5-7 GB, but grows over time.
My Core + 1 MD takes 20 GB after running 6 months (no media files), so your 40 GBs is OK for you short term plans, but too small for the long term goals.

I've got a manual solution for my valve amp. I use a Tellstick controller, but the solution will work for any power controller.
Add a wall outlet device (#1897) and connect it to your power controller. Add any adresses/config needed and test that it works from the web admin.
Then add two scenarios - in my case it goes under Climate for unknown reasons - one for power on and one for power off. Regen orbiter and - viola, now there's two buttons on your orbiter to power on and off.

But posde's solution looks interesting, I'll investigate it.

Users / Re: Configuration Question
January 22, 2012, 03:17:48 PM
I doubt the Igel will do. It's a "Thin Client" and as such it most likelly contain a very small and specialised OS (Windows CE?) and is only made to handle RDP or some other remote terminal protocol. You need more memory (1-2 GB) and a better GPU. Look at some Atom with ION graphics or AMD with NVIDIA.

Users / Re: Configuration Question
January 22, 2012, 01:46:29 PM
>how many clients can i use with one server.
If not modifying the system I think the first barrier you'll run into is the number if IP addresses reserved for MDs by the DHCP server. In reality, it's the performance of your system that will set the limit. 5-7 MD should not be a problem

>can i install 2 dvbS cards for watching all programms in horizontal und vertikal simultan (record and watch one) and which are the best (Technisat SkyStar HD2 - DVB-S2 Karte?)
You can install several TV tuners. They can be used for any mix of recording and viewing.

>can i watch on every client a different satellite program?
Yes, provided you have enough tuners

>can i watch full hd 1080 on clients also?

>is core2duo/4gb ram/enough hdd/1gb lan good for the server?
That should be OK. Remember, the MDs are responsible for much of the media handling, so the work is divided by the various system components.

>info for an cheap client.
I'm using an AsRock 330 ION, works great, also for HD. There can be some lagging/pixelation sometimes, but mostly quite OK. (I didn't to too much VDPAU optimisation yet).

>can i control on an extra sound output a musikplayer? (amp in basemant, aktiv to all rooms, outside, garden etc)
Look in the forum for recommendation about music zones. I use Squeezebox 3, but you could add USB sound cards to either the core or to the MDs. The easiest setup is to add a physical Squeezebox to the room where you want music, or to add USB sound cards to the MDs and run SqueezeSlave in the MDs.

Just another status update: my local LMCE is now doing correct latin1 to UTF-8 encoding for MP3 files. And best of all - the tags in the MP3 are _not_ trashed any-more. FLAC is not working, seems to be encoded in a different way.
So what's left before I release this for alpha-testing?
- FLAC support
- Read config from db (now hard coded)
- I need to look at startup scripts and the UpdateMedia daemon, it cannot start before character encoding is set (otherwise it will trash the tags as before).
- I also need to alter the Media Browser to include some extra characters in the left panel.

Users / Re: Improving network proformance
January 18, 2012, 09:03:52 AM
What's the layout of your internal network - do you have a Gbps switch there too?
You should be experiencing very good performance both from PC to Hybrid and from PC to Internet; lmce is not adding any overhead more than any normal Linux server. Did you check the logs for any misbehaviour on your NICs? Are they set up to run at Gigabit speed?

Try to isolate the problem  - first investigate throughput speed from a PC connected to the outer network to Internet. Then from The Hybrid to Internet and last from a PC on the internal network to Internet. The results should be close to each other, if not you will see where the problem is introduced.
A second investigation would be to connect a PC to the outer network, disable the firewall in the Hybrid and test throughput towards the Hybrid; then connect the same PC to the internal network and redo the test. Any differences here?

I had a similar problem, had to do with an Extended NTFS partition. I deleted the device from the Device manager and restarted the Core, problem solved.

Developers / Re: LinuxMCE with C#
January 11, 2012, 08:55:19 PM
Mono as platform and then you'd need to port parts of the DCE implementation (the part responsible for sending and receiving from DCE as a client).

Good advice, I'll look at the various media file specifications.


PS. A peek into what's running at my desktop now:
I haven't looked at the PHP code, but I believe it's utf8. I tested to add some Swedish characters (åäö ÅÄÖ) to the standard 10.04 installation and it both displays and updates these correctly. With my modified table it's displayed correctly but when I change data it's corrupted.
With some more thinking, I lean towards option 1) - it would mean all installations have the same configuration in the database, no special handling would be needed except for UpdateMedia.

OK, one step further. I now have a version that not only does not trash the media files, it also updates the database correctly. Proof:
   Album   Äntligen!   Edit Remove
   Performer   Peps Blodsband   Edit Remove
   Title   Alldeles Lagom   Edit Remove
   Track   11   Edit Remove

Basic problem - media file coded with latin1 and database with utf8. My current code is hard coded to do a database connect with latin1 and I also modified the Attributes table to store latin1 data.
There are two options to solve this:
1. New property where you can state which character set to use. For every I can convert to utf8 and then store the data. Connection string always utf8.
2. New property where you can state which character set to use. SQL script to alter the Attributes table and a connection string accordingly.

Do you have any design inputs on this? What will work best with the PHP code driving web admin?

Some further digging show the data in the program to be correct until it's saved to the db, it's corrupted when written to the database. Since the database is UTF-8 in all aspects, I assume you're right about the connection being setup wrong. I tried with setting [client] default-character-set=utf8 in my.conf with no effect.
A general question: Is there any known C++ program in the system that successfully use UTF-8? I think I've tracked down how mysql is accessed, but I fail to see where I could specify UTF-8 as character set in the connection string.

Users / Re: Plug & Play
January 04, 2012, 10:17:01 PM
I've seen the Tellstick being re-discovered on both 8.10 and 10.04. I normally say "Don't use" the second time and then I'm not bothered any-more. This is of course not a correct solution, but I didn't have any success in tracing this down.

OK, some progress. I now have a working version that doesn't trash the tags in FLAC and MP3 files (and also OGG should work, I did not test it).
But - the data is still wrong in the lmce database. There's some type conversion going wrong, I can see the data from the tags being read correctly but before it's time to write back they're truncated at first non-std latin character.
I have an issue with debugging, but at least I got logging to work so I can dump whatever I want to the log.

Just a little question: There's an issue with non-latin characters (like åäöü) in the database also outside of UpdateMedia. If I add a file from the web admin with such a character in the title it's stored wrong. However, if I edit the field and re-enter exactly the same characters, it's stored OK. Is there anybody that have any thoughts on this?
