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Messages - pw44

weekly i try to install.... no chance... it loops when trying the nvidia.

Any solution in sight?

With best regards,
Installation issues / Re: Upgrading from 10.04 to 16.04
September 11, 2017, 09:05:18 PM
tried with nvidia 6800. same issue.
yes, i did edit and did not work. Did also rename it, and created a with "exit 0". did not work either.

purchased a nvidia 6800 and as soon i receive it will try again.
well, i could not find the way to install it..... :-[

it simply does not start avwizard. it loops from mouse pointer to black screen with 0 on the toop left corner.

tried 304, 340, nothing works.
yes, i did it also, trying 304 and 340. did not work.

is really necessary if a nvidia driver is already installed and working (lightdm)?

Thank you ardirtbiker. Where do i find 302? seached and did not find.

i did some minutes ago.

removed the nvidia drives (NVIDIA --uninstall), removed all nvidia drives (304, 375, etc), downloaded from pastebin, used and the result was the same, with 340. Changed to 304, and the result was the same.

From ssh i could see AVWizard installing 340. did not work. Could see installing 304. Did not work either.

Any driver your recomend?

This hardware configuration worked with 10.04 (well, i build it and used the HD with lmce 10.04).

endless.... looping ;)

no i don't have another graphic card.

I can enter rescue mode at boot and remove the nvidia drivers. any hint which driver shall i use for it?

blacklisted nouveau, removed nvidia*, installed drivers from NVIDIA, same thing... 0, pointer, 0, pointer in a loop.

it seams that is installing the removed drivers again.

did not give a try, but can i disable so the NVIDIA NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.102 stays? is it supported by lmce?

another try. installed 14.04 fresh, not updates,, went to the end, reboot and 0, mouse pointer, 0,  mouse pointer, endless

nvidia 210 is my card....
ok, installed 14.04 64 bits, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, ubunt-drivers autoinstall,, and at the end, rebooted. now i get mouse pointer, black screen with 0, mouse pointer, black screen with 0, and so on, endless.....

any clue?

Quote from: posde on August 19, 2017, 07:54:02 PM
The preferred way of installing LinuxMCE these days is:

* Install regular (*)Ubuntu 1404 Desktop (32 or 64)
* Run netinstall.

Enjoy :-)

Thank you Posde. I thought only 32 bit would work. Ok, 64 bits prefered :)

Netinstall = wget ?

Thanks and based on the answer, i downloded the dvd image of 14.04.

It boots, splash screen, i choose hybrid install, and runs but does nothing.

Any hint for 14.04?

Installation issues / Upgrading from 10.04 to 16.04
July 28, 2017, 09:04:58 PM
Hi all,

after a long time, i'm back and would like to upgrade from 10.04 to 16.04.

Is there a tool where i can preserve the configurations, like phone lines, extensions, etc, or do i need to install from scratch and configure all again?

With best regards,

during the last apt-get upgrade, i got the following:

The following packages have been kept back:
  gvfs gvfs-backends linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic pluto-dcerouter
The following packages will be upgraded:
  libx11-6 libx11-data libx11-dev libxcb-render0 libxcb-shape0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xv0 libxcb1 libxcb1-dev libxext-dev
  libxext6 libxi6 libxrender1 libxt-dev libxt6 libxtst6 libxxf86vm1

Shouldn't pluto-dceroute be upgraded?

Best regards,

yesterday, i did an update and upgrade, and since then, dhcp is having problems.
The dhcp server fails on start.
Was anything changed?
Best regards.

Found the problem:
error in syslog:
dhcpd: Open a socket for LPF: Permission denied
The bug was recognized and fixed for 12.04
<> but
not for 10.04. It may have to do with the server change; with 10.04 the
dhcp server is 'dhcp3-server', and with 12.04 it is 'isc-dhcp-server'.
Anyway, to fix edit:


network inet raw,
network packet packet,

network inet raw,
network packet packet,
network packet raw,

Then reload apparmor:
sudo service apparmor reload

And then the dhcp server will now start:
sudo service dhcp3-server start