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Messages - mathieu

Good article about speaker wire.
Conclusion: allthough not ideal, cable runs that are 25m for 4 ohm speaker requires  an AWG of 10.
How do i connect speakers?
In my setup core and mm's are centralised. Distance from most distand speaker to the closet is 25 meters.
I have read speaker cable runs that exeed 15 m degrades sound quality.
What are my options?

Br Herman
More or less related,
Im keen on having a system that is low on energie usage.
With THE system constantly looking for new media files, disks are constantly spinning.
Is this assumption correct?
If so, is it possible to have the disks only spinning when reading media files or when doing a manual sync of media files.

Br Mathieu
Installation issues / Re: Using SoftSqueeze
February 06, 2012, 12:03:16 PM
Installation issues / Re: 1004.....squeezebox not working
February 01, 2012, 12:24:05 AM
Hi Coley,
How should this be solved then?
Hi All,

finally, my squeezebox is back in linuxmce.
It wasn't working , pluto-slim-server-streamer couldn't install because it depends on squeezeboxserver which name has changed to logitechmediaserver.

to solve the problem:
sudo apt-get install logitechmediaserver
in a browser go to:
copy the file to your home directory in the core
in a terminal type:
sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=squeezeboxserver pluto-slim-server-streamer_2.

Hopefully this helps others to.

Installation issues / Re: squeezebox not working
January 23, 2012, 11:56:34 AM
Yes, but apt suggests to install a replacement package, logitechmediaserver. Even installing this package brings no you.
Users / Re: Weederboard or knx
January 21, 2012, 06:34:56 PM
Not sure but I was hoping to control my din mounted dimmers in the closet, by immitating the manual operation of the 24vac buttons. One push turns on lights @100%, push and hold x seconds reduces light intensity with y ... something.

Installation issues / 1004.....squeezebox not working
January 21, 2012, 07:36:54 AM
Hi All,

Recently I added a squeezebox to the system. It was automatically detected and the procces went as usual. When I used the orbiter to play some music notting happened.
Then in web admin I went to >advanced>configuration>squeezebox server. I noticed the page was empty. Doing a manual install of the package learned that squeezebox server has a replacement, logitechmediaserver. I installed this package. After this the web admin page was present. I removed the squeezebox and added it again. This didn't work, still could not play audio.
Next attemp I deleted the pluto slim server plugin, the slim server streamer and the SB to have it re-detected improvement.
So far my skills go, hoping some one ells does better. BTW I am using a recent 10.04 of two weeks old.

EDIT1: added some of DCERouter.log
EDIT2: playing with the SB remote does work.

Best Regards

[08 01/21/12 7:58:35.600  Parameter 74(Offset): 0 <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625 Received Message from 58 (iphone_orbiter / Kitchen) to 10 (Media Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space), type 1 id 43 Command:MH Play Media, retry none, parameters: <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 2(PK_Device):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 13(Filename): !G58 <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 29(PK_MediaType):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 44(PK_DeviceTemplate):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 45(PK_EntertainArea): 4 <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 116(Resume):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 117(Repeat):  <0x5adbbb70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.625  Parameter 253(Queue):  <0x5adbbb70>
01 01/21/12 7:58:48.629 debug_stream_end MediaStream::MediaStream c1 1003/0x9601588 source 70 <0x87fb7b70>
07 01/21/12 7:58:48.629 Event #21 has no handlers <0xa73e9b70>
07 01/21/12 7:58:48.629 Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space) to -1001 (unknown / ), type 2 id 21 Event:Listening to Media, retry none, parameters: <0xa73e9b70>
07 01/21/12 7:58:48.629  Parameter 27(PK_Room): 3 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635 Received Message from 72 (SlimServer Plug-In / ) to 71 (Slim Server Streamer / ), type 1 id 249 Command:Start Streaming, retry none, parameters: <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635  Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 0 <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635  Parameter 41(StreamID): 1003 <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635  Parameter 42(MediaPosition):  <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635  Parameter 59(MediaURL):  <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.635  Parameter 105(StreamingTargets): 70, <0x979d0b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.635 The target device 71 (routed to 71) has not registered. <0xb7818b70>
01 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 About to call CMD_Play_Media sole master to 71 play media within start streaming <0x87fb7b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 Received Message from 72 (SlimServer Plug-In / ) to 71 (Slim Server Streamer / ), type 1 id 37 Command:Play Media, retry none, parameters: <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.636  Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 4 <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.636  Parameter 41(StreamID): 1003 <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.636  Parameter 42(MediaPosition):  <0x979d0b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.636  Parameter 59(MediaURL): /home/public/data/audio/WDC_WD10EADS-00L5B1 (sdb2) on [32]/lossy/underworld/_maxi__push_upstairs/01___(Maxi)_Push_Upstairs___Push_Upstairs.mp3 <0x979d0b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 The target device 71 (routed to 71) has not registered. <0xb7818b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 Is streaming ?: 1 <0x87fb7b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 play media command sent from 72 to 71! <0x87fb7b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.636 Media_Plugin::CheckForAlternatePipes no destination for EA 4 Living Room/Family Room <0x87fb7b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.637 Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space) to 70 (SqueezeBox Player / Living Room/Family Room), type 1 id 192 Command:On, retry none, parameters: <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.637  Parameter 97(PK_Pipe): 1 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.637  Parameter 98(PK_Device_Pipes):  <0xa73e9b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.637 The target device 70 (routed to 71) has not registered. <0xb7818b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668 Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Closet/Storage Space) to 58 (iphone_orbiter / Kitchen), type 1 id 242 Command:Set Now Playing, retry none, parameters: <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 3(PK_DesignObj): 54,4962,47,244,224,230 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 5(Value To Assign): Underworld
(Maxi) Push Upstairs <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 9(Text): Push Upstairs <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 29(PK_MediaType): 4 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 41(StreamID): 1003 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 48(Value): 0 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 50(Name):  <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 103(List PK Device): 71,71,71,,0,0,0 <0xa73e9b70>
08 01/21/12 7:58:48.668  Parameter 120(Retransmit): 1 <0xa73e9b70>
05 01/21/12 7:58:48.669 Media_Plugin::StartMedia() function call completed with honors! <0x87fb7b70>
05 01/21/12 7:59:36.832 Doing MPlayer redirection check... <0x6f7dcb70>
05 01/21/12 7:59:36.832 Doing MythTV redirection check... <0x6f7dcb70>
05 01/21/12 7:59:36.832 sending CMD_Play_Media from 24 to 42 with deq pos 5 <0x6f7dcb70>
05 01/21/12 7:59:36.832 set media id command sent with id F10020 <0x6f7dcb70>
05 01/21/12 7:59:36.832 play media command sent from 24 to 42! <0x6f7dcb70>
Users / Weederboard or knx
January 17, 2012, 08:37:11 AM
Hi all,

I am ready to use lmce to automate some lights.
All of my lights are now wired to a central point in THE closet and are operated by relays and momentary switches.
So a really cheap sollution would be to use a weederboard with digital inputs to drive the existing relays.
There is allready some info in THE wiki:
Making a fulltime functioning GSD device looks like a nice little project.

However, can you Guys think of reasons not to use it and go for an other solution like KNX?
I am asking because there is so little mentioning of weederboards on THE forums.

Best regards
Users / Re: submitted a template track#1390
January 13, 2012, 10:53:29 PM
Just submitted new template for LG tv controlled by IR.
The track#1394.
Hopefully other this serves others to.
Users / Re: Best use for a NAS?
January 12, 2012, 05:58:10 PM
Hi twodog,
Have been thinking of such thing to.
THE simplest way imho to make a releable backup of THE system drive is to make an image of it.
You could use clonezilla for that purpuse. There is a clonezilla live cd and also a clonezilla server.
Maybe installing clonezilla on a partition in the lmce core and put it on top of grub menu before lmce. That way when you reboot, the core machine will automaticaly start clonezilla and some backup script you added to the proces of booting. How this is done in practice  i am not sure. .....

Users / Re: submitted a template track#1390
January 12, 2012, 05:16:33 PM
thanks Thom,
Feels good knowing, I do not have to create THE temptlate ever again from scratch. I did check in both dce and ir repos.
Users / Re: Irrigation & Rain8net
January 12, 2012, 11:24:35 AM
I am also interested in THE functionality of reading the soil moisture and irrigation only when needed. deliver Moisture Meter and Watermark Soil Moisture Sensor.
If Hari can find some time  to do THE coding I am happy to provider him with the needed hardware.

Users / Re: submitted a template track#1390
January 12, 2012, 11:05:10 AM
To do it next time correctly, where can the sqlcvs batchnumber be found? The sqlcvs update was succesfull and THE diff went ok also, but in THE resulting black screen was no number to be found.
