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Messages - zaphodB


is this for the Antec Fusion 430 too???


Developers / VDR with Gyration Gyromouse
April 21, 2008, 05:11:53 PM

at time it's impossible to handle the vdr and his buttons fully in lmce only with the Gyration Gyromouse.

Would it be possible in the future, to handle vdr full with this mouse or do I have to buy a Fiire remote.

I've buyed all my equipment in 11.2007 after watching the video an read the wiki.



Hello @ all,

sorry about my bad english!

I tried to get LMCE with an analog Loewe-TV (M2NPV-VM with S-Video/FBAS-Out to TV)

While the setup with a LOEWE Aventos 32" 16:9 100Hz CRT, I can't chose an Option for 720x576 to get the 16:9 resolution
The RGB-Out on the Break-Out from M2NPV-VM won't work with my Loewe, only S-Video/FBAS does

The Monitor got no VGA-Card internal, only SCART (one with RGB but it don't work) S-Video and S-VHS

I think I have to edit the xorg.conf, but don't know the Parameter to work with the 16:9 CRT.

What were the correct parameter for the xorg.conf to get LMCE to work with Full-Screen ????

The Bios-Entry for TV-Settings were PAL-G (Germany) and TV-Selection is AUTO (AUTO, RGB, TV)

PLEASE Help !!!

I mean Hari has also a 16:9 CRT but he has it with component-out of his board.

This Time I have only 4:3 resolution on a 16:9 CRT TV an black graphs (1") above and under the LMCE-Output.

If someone has the ANTEC Fusion 430 working with the Display and the IR which is integrated please write the detailed steps to do it

Software: LMCE 7.10 Beta 4 AMD64 (3,7GB Imge)

Antec Fusion 430
ASUS M2NPV-VM (Bios 1301)
AMD 3800+ EE
1x WD 38GB Raptor (LMCE)
2x 2GB Kingston Value
Technotrend S-1500 DVB-S
GPU 128MB shared (see Wiki)

Hope anbody has an idea how it could works.


Feature requests & roadmap / Re: Firewall and Proxy
February 02, 2008, 11:44:47 AM
For all who need a firewall,

go to

its the best you can get and for private users the lic is free. On FTP there were Images for VMware and ISO's to install it on a dedicated core. It should work with XEN

The have 2 Versions 6.x and 7.x (7.x is much faster, but some differences in the hardware (HCL) than the 6.x)
Use to get the KIL and HCL

The VirSig-Updates comes houerly and create many rules for your network...

Use it on a VIA 1GHz with 3 NICs for my network and woks vry fine

Sorry about my bad english



my WM2003SE PDA is the Qtek 2020 without wifi, only BT. Could you please tell me which cab-file from the admin you took for your HX2410?

Want to use the Qtek9000 or Qtek9100 because they have a Querz-Keyboard

I've tried only with 704 cab-files. Any known changes with theese cabs from 710 b2? Compiling-Failure in 704 like myth (for the DVB-Settings)?


which orbiter-client *cab do you use with the wm2003 se? Using wiFi or BT?

Anyone using orbiter on wm5 or wm6?


thought to use these kind of orbiter to use LMCE without a mediastation or TV (music, climate, lights...all thing s which could be done without a panel).


how you made the setup, how much ram you need for the orbiter, is it wifi or bt?

I use the 2020 (2003 v2) only to read my ebooks (KHB' an over 2000 PR's / text only).

The Qtek 9000 or the 9100 with the querz were nice to handle and have wifi & bt, but if i install the treo-pack they mean all is ok. But when i start the orbiter the ram was flooded 'til they freeze.

Ok, could buy a N800 but the 3rd PDA and only for LMCE?   NO!!!!

There were millions of WM 2003 - WM2006 PDA's, why it must be product, which only a few people have?

No solution to run Orbiter on newer PDA's with WM5 or WM6?

Hi @all,

Got 3 PDA's QTek 9000 (WM6), Qtek 9100 (WM5) and Qtek 2020 (WM2003).

Would be nice to use these Devices as an orbiter

I'm not able to get the treo-orbiter to run on these devices. Either with BT or WiFi.

Has anyone a PDA with the OS (WM2003, WM5WM6) running the Orbiter Software?

Need a HowTo for installation and confirguration am WM-Orbiter in the wizard

Can anyone help?


The prob of myth is, there is no way turn on the LNB-Voltage.
If my Topfield is turned off, myth get no channel. Is it on some were found.In vdr the DiSEqC-settings could be edit, nut in myth i found none.

I'll wait for 710 official beta1, which is here announced.

LMCE is a great project!!!

It could be (called in german), "Die eierlegende Wollmilchsau".

The Guys do a great job!!!

But all Step by Step

In the moment i have use it for my analog TV (Loewe), AMP (Yamaha), DVD (Panasonic) and PVR (Topfield*). My wife wants to use the things too, also i made the scrips on the Pronto. So she can use it with 4 fingertips.

* Topfield is here in Germany the best SAT-PVR to get for money. The new model TF7700PVR has 2 DVB-S2 Inputs and a HDD up to 750GB. In the future the software should stream the contend of the HDD in the network.

For my testsystem i have an Antec Fusion Black 430 with the imon VFD.
Would be nice to have a "step by step" HowTo, because my knowlegde of linux is very, very small.

In the moment i use it only for my ripped DVD's on my THECUS 5200 Pro.

To use it for audio, like mp3's in the moment it's impossible. I have all my mp3's with full ID2-Tag (v2.3) incl. the covers (front, back, media), but LMCE isn't able to sort it like iTunes or so. LMCE don't get the first Cover (description in TAG for FRONT). LMCE isn't able to get only the front cover, when in the TAG were more than one. LMCE don't use the Track-No in ID3-Tags to sort them.

I think this will be solved in the future

Here in Germany is only MERTEN, who offers Z-Wave Products. But in the german LMCE-Forum was a topic, that the code in LMCE and the new Z-Wave Products must be made new. To test it in the moment it's too expensive (got time).



Hi @ all,

1st. sorry about my bad english!

I need help to get myth to work with my SAT-Equipment.

Quad-LNB with DiSEqC 1.0 multiswitch

Pinnacle PCTV-SAT (running under MS is ok)
Hauppauge NOVA-SE seems to have a bug so the firmware must be patched.....

But in the moment the PCTV SAT is in my Antec-Case (Does anybody how to configure the iMON/VFD to use it with my pronto ru 940 to switch LMCE on/off)

Don't know the settings in the DiSEqC section of the dvb-card. Either the switch and the LNB-Settings

Here my setting of my PVR (Topfield TF5000PVR Masterpiece)

    LNB setting/Einstellung:

    Name des Satelliten         ASTRA
    Tuner Auswahl (Topfield)    2
    Verbindungsart           Einzeln (da 4 Kabel vom Multiswitch 2 zum Topfield)
    LNB Frequenz           9750/10600
    LNB Spannung          on/An
    22 kHz Schalter           off/Aus
    DiSEqC 1.1                off/Ausschalten
    DiSEqC 1.0                1 of 4

    Tuner 1                              Hotbird:   10719 / V / 27500
    Tuner 2                              ASTRA:          10788 / V / 22000

Tried the cable with a dbox2 ant Topfield -> ok.

Anyone who has a configuration like mine who can help?

Or ist it better to wait for 710 with vdr?



Installation issues / Topfield Template
January 06, 2008, 11:26:14 AM
Hi @all,

Is in LMCE a template for TOPFIELD-PVR's?

Using a TOFIELD 5000 Masterpiece, all Topfield PVR's got an RS-232

A Member of Topfield Europe, "Gerti" says all PVR's could be controlled via RS-232, exept on/off.

Here is an Link of the topic

I'm using the optical out of LMCE. When the output-bar nothing happen. The Sound is still on the same level.

By playing MP'3 the songs have diffent loudness, so i have to do it manually. Is there a solution to make it like iTunes? iTunes ask to put all the songs in the DB to the same level and works fine.


Hello @ all,

sorry about my bad english!

I tried to get LMCE with an analog Loewe-TV (M2NPV-VM with S-Video/FBAS-Out to TV)

While the setup with a LOEWE Aventos 32" 16:9 100Hz CRT, I can't chose an Option for 720x576 to get the 16:9 resolution
The RGB-Out on the Break-Out from M2NPV-VM won't work with my Loewe, only S-Video/FBAS

The Monitor got no VGA-Card internal, only SCART (one with RGB but it don't work) S-Video and S-VHS

I think I have to edit the xorg.conf, but don't know the Parameter to work with the 16:9 CRT.

What were the correct parameter for the xorg.conf to get LMCE to work with Full-Screen ????

The Bios-Entry for TV-Settings were PAL-G (Germany) and TV-Selection is AUTO (AUTO, RGB, TV)

PLEASE Help !!!

I mean Hari has also a 16:9 CRT but he has it with component-out of his board.

This Time I have only 4:3 resolution on a 16:9 CRT TV an black graphs (1") above and under the LMCE-Output.

If someone has the ANTEC Fusion 430 working with the Display and the IR which is integrated please write the detailed step to do it

Antec Fusion 430
ASUS M2NPV-VM (Bios 1301)
AMD 3800+ EE
1x WD 38GB Raptor (LMCE)
2x 2GB Kingston Value
Technotrend S-1500 DVB-S
GPU 128MB shared (see Wiki)

Hope anbody has an idea how it could works.

