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Messages - radmofo

To save 120 bucks each. Someone will make a hack for full functionality eventually. 
The mute 1 8 2 pwr trick works! Thanks for that! I can now see the mythtv buttons. Yeehaw! Only 40 more bugs to work out.
Users / Re: can't download shows from mythweb
June 06, 2008, 12:41:15 PM
I think it needs to be a function of lmce so its integrated. When lmce uses the latest mythtv build with the new asx streaming engine people will really want this to work I bet.
Users / Re: MythTV recording directory
June 05, 2008, 01:03:43 AM
OK, so I can change the recording directory in MythTV setup and all is well. But whenever I do a reboot it defaults backto the original path? Any idea where to shut this off?
Users / Re: MythTV recording directory
June 04, 2008, 04:42:37 PM
Ok, then I will plug away at it tonight and report status. Thanks for the detailed answers!
Users / Re: MythTV recording directory
June 04, 2008, 02:42:12 PM
Thanks Seth, I figured out that MythTV in LMCE is .2 and not .21. But the thing that throws me is that there is a choice for recording groups when you schedule a recording.

I have set up a stb in the A/V equipment section of dcerouter admin which ads a menu item to Media called LiveTV. That is now a choice for my recording group drop down chioces when I schedule a recording. So I was wondering how to point that group to a directory. Something is not fluid here though I am guessing.

Another thing is, I have (at present) 4 tuners in my core and only my core. With no tuner in any media director. From what you have stated the TV_SHOWS_$var is consistent with tuners in a media director (moon$var). So if all my tuners are in the core then do all my recordings made from other md's go into TV_SHOWS_1? If I remember correctly all of them are empty except TV_SHOWS_1.

Furthurmore, can I force all of them into the same folder somehow so all recording are accessible from every media director?

AND, will this work? I will just manually create /home/public/data/videos/mythtv/tv_shows_1 on the largest Hard drive and point each md recording directory to that particular folder.

Am I on the right track, or will this cause problems that you know of?
Users / Re: can't download shows from mythweb
June 04, 2008, 01:40:57 PM
I'm wondering this as well. i think the videos directory is wrong in mythweb. I have to test more.
Users / MythTV recording directory
June 04, 2008, 12:38:09 PM
I have several hundred GB free on other Hard drives, but MythTV doesn't seem to use any of the free space automatically. Is it suppossed to?

Also on the HD it likes to use I have a bunch of folders like this TV_SHOWS_1, TV_SHOWS_2, TV_SHOWS_3...etc 

Some of them are empty, does anyone know what the purpose of these are?

Is the only way to have MythTV record to a free Hard drive is to change the path manually in MythTV setup?

Is there a way to setup a recording group? I read up on and I can't pinpoint which version of mythtv LMCE uses. When I schedule a recording it has a dropdown box to select the recording group but the only one listed is default. How can I add another one that records to a diffrent directory?

Users / Re: LinuxMCE and e-mail
June 03, 2008, 08:54:19 PM
I wish that lmce had a built in email server so it could send email notifications of security breaches and such. Like if my wife puts in a porno or something I could get an email telling me when and the title.
For those who like to a pro and get an in house quote for automation etc...
2 words for everyone "ITS FREE" 

Yes, you can connect two tuners and a seperate stb to each one. then you will be able to record a program and watch another as well as record two programs simultaneously and view as many other prerecorded programs as you have MD's.

You wont have to worry about which one is for recording and which one is for viewing LMCE will figure that out for you, so basically if you are recording two programs and select "TV" it will tell you that all available inputs are in use. So therefor go to recordings menu choice and watch one of the in progress recordings. You could FF it to LIVE TV (but then you have to watch commercials) YUK! And if only one tuner is recording and you selct "TV" it will automatically select the free tuner for live tv viewing.

Have fun.
Quote from: rodercot on June 03, 2008, 05:03:02 PM
hey All,

Well I just bought and dwnld'd the Sony 57" Service Manual for my set. Out of the box it set at 9% Overscan. Ouch. Although I do not mind getting my hands dirty at most of this stuff, the setting this things has are brutal so for instance there is not one general overscan adustment. I have 7 settings per gun - per mode - per input (scaling) - and they all have to be done to adjust the h - v sizes. There is a rough and fine adjustment for each of those as well. No wonder an ISF Cal cost upwards of 500$ around here.

So radmofo - be careful in your service menu - most if like the sony will not make any changes to the set unless written and saved to the NVM. So if you just power off nothing will be saved. Then you can go back in and try again, have a pen and lots of paper and right down everything you do or change.

If overscan adjustments are available on an earlier Nvidia carg like 7600GT etc. It would be almost worth picking one up tp try it out instead of paying big to have the set calibrated.



I have a 7300 GT that wont allow any overscan changes at all. Thanks for the tip, I will be careful if I go in to "service" If I toast my TV this will be my last post after my wife gets a hold of me.
Users / Re: Gyration Remote Configuration
June 03, 2008, 05:19:48 PM
I'm having a heck of a time with this....Asistance needed please. The biggest thing is it doesnt seem to load automatically, I think its something to do with permissions, higher power help is needed. I followed the directions exactly and if I run the command manually it works but it just will not autostart per the directions. WHY!!?? UGGH!

This works,
Quotesudo xmodmap /etc/.Xmodmap

This don't work.
Quotesudo vi /usr/pluto/bin/
Add a line before the line KDE_DEBUG=1 so that it looks like

xmodmap /etc/.Xmodmap
Save the file. You have two choices to get it going

Also these two commands in the .Xmodmap file give an error as stated in an earlier post in this thread
Quotekeycode 180 = PgUP
keycode 152 = PgDOWN
They have to be removed from the file for it to be executed. I think from this line in the instructions that they are FF Rwd,
QuotePgUP = Fast Forward   # FFWD Button
PgDOWN = Rewind   # RWND Button
which does not work.

The other part of the directions that are flakey is...
QuoteProblem: There are a couple of oddities to that I have encountered. When I watch a movie and want to change the volume or lighting for a movie (or pre-recorded program), it does what it supposed to. But when I watch Mythtv live, pressing the volume up on the Gyration remote invokes the MythTV Sleep Timer.

Solution: This can be resolved by remapping the sleep timer key using the Mythweb application located at http://core.ip.address/mythweb/ (for internal open systems) or at http://core.dhcp.server.adress/mythweb/

This can be avoided by unmapping the following keys in Mythweb/Settings/Controls

Unmap these keys. Make sure you scroll down the whole list, as they appear more than once.

After you have completed these steps the following keys will perform these functions:

I have looked up and down this list and there are no keys mapped to F6, F7 or F8. I'll even paypal someone real live money if they can solve this and make this remote work like the directions say. After all I did buy two of these for $75.00 (half the price of 1 fiire chief) I'd rather give the dough to a dev anyway! I figure I have 15 hours into it now and its just a damn remote!! Oh, I'm using 0710 RC2 with this (havent tried another version) Well, if there is any chance of getting it to work, I know I have posted in the right place! I look forward to hearing back...

Heres the directions I followed...
Default capabilities
When the device is plugged in, it is identified and configured as a GO Wireless USB device. The "gyration mouse" bit works immediately. By default the Stop button will stop media playback, and the skip forward and back buttons work. If this is all you want, you're done. No further configuration is needed.
By default LinuxMCE recognizes the volume up/down keys, the 10 number keys, the MCE button, and the media controls play/stop/ffwd/rwd/pause/skip fwd/skip back.
How to Setup
Gyration codes: Gyration-GYR3101US-codes
I wanted the "Ambience" (Volume/Lighting) control key mapped, as well as the Channel/Chapter function, and the pull up menu for watching/listening to media.
To enable the volume control, I used the xev application from the KDE desktop terminal window, and identified the required keys.
The first time this is run, it will pop-up a test window. Specify your mouse there, and then press the buttons on the Gyration remote to see the results in the terminal. Pay special attention to the

entries -- they are what you will specify in the .Xmodmap file.

On my particular setup (which I think is the default) the keys show up as:

Volume Up   keycode 176
Volume Down keycode 174
MCE button  keycode 97

Now the keys in LinuxMCE that provide the volume/channel/menu functions are:

F6 = Channel/Chapter FFWD/RWD/PAUSE menu
F7 = Menu button
F8 = Volume/Lighting button "ambience"
Update to get more MythTV functionality
MythTV Keys

P = Pause  # Pause key on remote
R = Record   # Record key on remote
Z = 30 second skip # Right skip key under directional pad
Q = 10 second back   # Left skip key under directional pad
I = Info   # Info button
F9 = Mute   # Mute button
Y = Switch Cards   # Pictures button
PgUP = Fast Forward   # FFWD Button
PgDOWN = Rewind   # RWND Button
Using this info, I created the following .Xmodmap file as root user in /etc

cd /etc
sudo vi /etc/.Xmodmap

keycode 176 = F8
keycode 174 = F6
keycode 97 = F7
keycode 110 = P
keycode 177 = R
keycode 153 = Z
keycode 144 = Q
keycode 134 = I
keycode 160 = F9
keycode 237 = Y
keycode 180 = PgUP
keycode 152 = PgDOWN
Now after creating the file, make sure it is loaded when LinuxMCE starts up. To do this add the following (as root) to the script file /usr/pluto/bin/

sudo vi /usr/pluto/bin/
Add a line before the line KDE_DEBUG=1 so that it looks like

xmodmap /etc/.Xmodmap
Save the file. You have two choices to get it going.

1. Fire off the command

sudo xmodmap /etc/.Xmodmap
(This must be done from the KDE desktop term window (Konsole), as it needs to be run in the X environment. (You can also export the display like: export DISPLAY=:0;xmodmap /etc/.Xmodmap .)
2. Restart the core.

By placing the file in the script, anytime the core is rebooted, your settings are automagically set up.
Problem: There are a couple of oddities to that I have encountered. When I watch a movie and want to change the volume or lighting for a movie (or pre-recorded program), it does what it supposed to. But when I watch Mythtv live, pressing the volume up on the Gyration remote invokes the MythTV Sleep Timer.

Solution: This can be resolved by remapping the sleep timer key using the Mythweb application located at http://core.ip.address/mythweb/ (for internal open systems) or at http://core.dhcp.server.adress/mythweb/

This can be avoided by unmapping the following keys in Mythweb/Settings/Controls

Unmap these keys. Make sure you scroll down the whole list, as they appear more than once.

After you have completed these steps the following keys will perform these functions:

MCE button pulls up LinuxMCE menu system
Volume Up button brings up the "Ambience" controls during media playback
Volume Down button brings up the Channel/Chapter Fast Forward/Rewind and Pause functions
The Gyration center button does movement correctly
If you double click the center button, the mouse stays active, but remember to click once more to turn off (or you'll kill the batteries).
The Gyration Left button acts like the left mouse button for "Choose" functions
The Gyration Right button is the "exit" or "clear item" button
The left and right buttons are just like mouse buttons
The Number keys work with MythTV
The Pause button will pause MythTV
The Record button will start an on-the-fly-recording
The skip forward button does the standard 30 second skip correctly
The skip back button does the 10 second back skip correctly
The fast-forward and rewind buttons function as they should
The Pictures button will switch tuner cards if you have more than one. Nice for DVB users who don't use VDR.
The Mute button functions correctly
The Info button functions correctly
Quote from: geoffrey on June 03, 2008, 08:14:19 AM

i also have a samsung (although a different model) and had pretty bad overscan problems.  I found that there is a 'service mode' that allows many adjustments to be made to the picture that are not accessible using the normal menu. 

for my TV, to enter the service menu start with the TV off then enter


on the remote.

From there, you can play aruond with things like x and y axis adjustments, screen size and position etc...

hope it works for your TV as well.

Thats awesome, I will try that later this evening! I hope it works!!

This may be of interest to you,However I have a 56" Samsung which uses the VGA connector and I have the damn over scan for the desktop, which I cant fix at all it seems, use another MD to count the up down left right clicks, to configure mythtv settings since you cant see them on the screen....its a pain!