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Messages - felpouse

Hi Erwin,

as you want to come in Italy you are welcome.

I had found this ftp link :

Here you can find many release both sccp and sip version. You can unzip the content of the zip file in the tftpboot directory and modify the SEPDefault.xml file about the TERM70.DEFAULTS.loads   .

It's better to not try to open it, I don't think it'll be a simple procedure.

I don't know any procedure about the possibilty to use it as a wake alarm.

About the ring tones I think that is possible , actually I don't remember the correct procedure but why not.



I think that the only possibility is to take a look to the iso of 0704 or the oldest one. I think that from 0710 the cisco firmware was already not present. But at the moment I don't remember exactly when this part of package disappear from the distribution. I'm sorry.

Let me know if you find it. Or I can try to find it in my old cd images from pluto installation. But I can do this this evening when I went home .


I don't think there could be a possibility to copy the firmware from one phone to another.

The only possibility is to have an old copy of the deb package from an old installation of linuxmce....

If I remember correctly was :    cisco7970firmware_7.0.2-1_i386.deb


Hi Dave,
I had finished this afternoon the installation. It's possible that the fix was after my last reinstallation.

Let us know your last try....

Hi all,

for the problems related to the title of this post, I've tried to add this in the source.list : intrepid release

Retried to make the entire installation and all gone well.

But I don't know if this is the correct way to resolv the problems...


Hi Erwin,
if you did a complete reset the phone actually is without a firmware on it. And the file you saw with tcpdump is the initial file needed by the 7970 to load the firmware requested via tftp.
The specific file and therequest are related to the xml file configuration that you have in the /tftboot dir.
The old installation of LinuxMCE and Pluto had also the firmware on it. But starting from the 0810 the firmware files are not present.
If you have a support contract with Cisco you can download the firmware put it in the /tftpboot, adeguate the xml config file dir and reload the phone. Thats it, you can follow on the phone screen the upgrade procedure. Also you had to verify and check the mac was in the range of the Cisco 7970 template.

Best regards


did you follow the wiki page about howto install LinuxMCE, and the script sequence ?

sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu.
apt-get update
apt-get -y -f dist-upgrade
wget -c
tar xvf new-installer-beta2.tar.gz
cd new-installer

I hope this could help you.


Users / Re: Cisco 7970 and Error Message
January 12, 2010, 10:17:54 PM
Hi John,

please verify that on the sccp.conf file in the /etc/asterisk you had the correct bind ip addres based on your internal network address and the references on the lines and devices are based on the correct mac address of your phone. Then verify both the SEPDefault7970.cnf.xml file located in the tftpboot directory and also the link based on the mac of your phone that had the correct ip of your core and the correct URLs (authenticationURL and servicesURL.

And finaly did you use VLAN env also on the phone? And how many dhcp server did you have in your env?

Best regards

Dear all, I had completed the procedure to create the new version (v2) of the skinny protocol deb package to use with the Cisco IP Phone like 7970/7960.

You can see at the trac server with this link :

I will hope to be possible use it and try to enhanced the sccp protocol usage in the asterisk environment.

I'm using it from saturday, and no strange problem still occurred. Also a better functionality in the web orbiter (xml http link) after many VoIP phone call in incoming. Not necessary to reload it for reuse. (This is my personal opinion and experience).

Best regards to all.   :D


P.S. : all is started and based on the Chan-SCCP channel driver for Asterisk sourceforge home page.
Developers / Re: New VoIP SIP Provider added
December 07, 2009, 09:07:11 AM
Hi all,

thanks to jdecker, the commitment is already active with the correction. See there :


Developers / Re: New VoIP SIP Provider added
December 06, 2009, 11:26:41 AM
Hi all,

I would like to tell that the last release of 0810 beta2 with the Messagenet SIP provider integrated had a little bug in the perl script "" , with the CR at the end of all the lines.

Please see the above ticket that I'd reopen to signal this, and uploaded the new one corrected I hope.

Sorry for the inconvenient  ;)

Best regards

Developers / Re: New Kernel revision 2.6.27-15
October 28, 2009, 07:29:33 PM
Hi Merkur,

you are completely right, but for example if you want to use the zaptel driver for asterisk, actually I have this one zaptel-modules-2.6.27-14-generic, and I think that this will not be working post upgrade.

Actually I don't know how many packages are completely depending on the 2.6.27-14 kernel.

Sure for one of mine DVB card I need to recompile the linuxtv drivers but I'd already do it.

Thats all

Developers / New Kernel revision 2.6.27-15
October 28, 2009, 06:45:56 PM
Hi all,

actually if I do an aptitude update and aptitude dist-upgrade, I can see many packages for the upgrade procedure but also the kernel version that is not the latest official kernel is -14 that was mentioned in the alpha wiki pages.

Here an extract of what I'm saing :


This could be a possible problem in stability to all the system or not? Or it's better to not touch the actual kernel version? For me is 2.6.27-14-generic .

Many thanks in advance and best regards


P.S. : I'm thinking, what happen in a possible new installation started today using the last installer and the last info on the beta page (LinuxMCE-0810 beta)?  Which kernel will be used. Thanks.
Developers / Re: New VoIP SIP Provider added
October 28, 2009, 03:19:06 PM
Perfect !   ;)
Developers / Re: New VoIP SIP Provider added
October 28, 2009, 08:34:10 AM
Hi Emanuele,

for the moment you can check this track on the svn and correct by hand the related script :

Or wait for the release of the new package updated.

