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Topics - gtsupport

Installation issues / Dianemo S with USB NIC
August 06, 2012, 10:00:20 PM
After a prolonged absence from my system I'm now back at the keyboard. I'm sticking with the Dianemo S system for now but have some new issues  ;D

I noticed that previously when any machine on my network was using a lot of bandwidth, i.e. downloading movies etc. then the core/nerve centre would crash. I've tracked this down to the onboard NIC I believe, so I disabled it and fitted a USB NIC. I did a clean install of 12.04 today and then installed Dianemo from the 1.17 deb. Internet connection worked fine with Ubuntu through the USB NIC, obviously or Dianemo wouldn't have installed. As soon as I rebooted the machine after the installation there was no network connection to the internet from the core; the network settings show no external Mac address, or IP address. If I go to the desktop and try firefox, or any command line command, such as apt-get.....etc there is no network connection.

So how do I tell the system that it should use the USB NIC for the external connection?


Installation issues / Dianemo S on 12.04
June 15, 2012, 11:49:01 AM
I tried unsuccessfully to update from 11.10 to 12.04 on my Dianemo S nervecentre so downloaded the ubuntu 12.04 cd and installed it afresh.

I followed the wiki instructions to re-install Dianemo S but it fails during the script with the following:-

W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found

W: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
*** Installation FAILED ***

Is it something I've done wrong, or forgotten to edit??

Next problem.

I have got my webcam somewhere near, when I plug it in I get the green led now, also it has created /dev/video1 which seems promising.  When I try to access it from the security cameras screen on either the webadmin, or from the dianemo ipad app. I get "unable to open video device".

The webcam is a "Creative Webcam Go" and worked fine previously.  I'm sure its a setting that I haven't done properly, so all comments appreciated.
Installation issues / Dianemo issue with HD-PVR
May 17, 2012, 03:19:10 PM
Ok, as suggested a separate thread for my Dianemo issues.

This one is for the Hauppauge HD-PVR.

As suggested I tried setting it up in the myth tv setup from the console.  AFAIK I set everything right, but MythTV won't start.  Now because I don't have any experience with MythTV I may have done something wrong, I have never been able to get it to work with LinuxMCE after over a year of trying, however I never had to use Myth before.  With LinuxMCE the HD-PVR becomes a seperate media scenario on the orbiter.  Is this not the case with Dianemo?

How can I check to see if everything is setup right?  (maybe useful for a remote assistance here??)

What happens when I press the TV scenario is that the MythTV countdown shows "1", freezes there for some time, and then goes into the Myth options screen where I can select recordings/setup etc.  It then tries to restart, and puts me back at this screen again, so if I select the setup menu for example, after approx 2 seconds, it returns me back to the start, and loops like this until I use F7 on the keyboard to stop it. (nothing else works).

FYI I'm running Ubuntu 11.10, and have run the dianemo update script this morning, so all should be up-to-date.

Installation issues / a few Dianemo issues
May 16, 2012, 11:24:49 AM
I've decided to give Dianemo S a go because it wasn't possible to get linuxmce to give me audio via HDMI.  I'm not going to go into that issue again, but I do have a few questions about setting up devices within Dianemo due to the lack of UPNP.  I've decided to put them in a post here in case anybody else needs the info at a later date.

Basically I'd like to configure my Dianemo system to add the following hardware/functions:-

Hauppauge HD-PVR.  Works great in Linuxmce using template 2041, but thats not found in Dianemo.  How to add it?

I have a USB webcam that I was using as a security camera.  I tried adding it as a child of motion as with linuxmce but I'm sure the core is not seeing it now because the green led doesn't come on when plugged in with Dianemo, and it did previously.

My sky digibox was previously being captured with the HD-PVR so I'd like this function back, but also I have a Dusky controller that never worked with linuxmce, and I've heard good things about it with Dianemo.  How to get this up and running?  Also will it interface with MythTV?

My Z-wave stick is not communicating either, I've been through the wiki and everything it said to happen has/did, but it still fails to start up when Dianemo starts and I get the message about reduced functionality.  I believe it may be due to the fact that it doesn't know which port its connected to, but how do I figure this out?  I have 8 USB ports on my core/nervecentre they all have something plugged in to them so how do I know which is the Z-wave stick (Aeon labs).

I've been through the wiki several times and have had success with things like usb-uirt, Y-cam IP camera etc so I'm pretty happy that things are going to work, its just hard work with the upnp not doing it automatically for me  :P

I'm happy to update the wiki when I have all my devices working, so please post any helpful info here and I'll get right onto it.

Many thanks.

Users / Which Graphics Card Do You Use?
November 03, 2011, 10:17:16 PM
Hi all, I've started a new page in the wiki to document as many graphics cards as I can that are working, specifically regarding HDMI audio.  I would be grateful if you could update this post with your details, specifically:-


the wiki page is:-

I am persevering with my 10.04 install, but the biggest issue at the moment is the lack of the windows MCE usb2 remote functionality on my MD.  SWMBO is getting the hump now, as it works fine with my 8.10 install, but I'm keen to push forward with the 10.04 kernel so its now become urgent in our house!  I have checked the logs, and it appears that the device 107 is spawned correctly, but it doesn't actually respond to any button presses at all.  Is there another place I can check to see if the presses are actually being received?  If I unplug the device and re-plug it, LMCE shows the window to say its re-enabling the MCE_USB2 device.....installing software etc. then shows installing software_done.  Still nothing.  Numerous reboots, or reloading router etc doesn't seem to have any effect.  I tried removing the device from the webadmin, and then plugging it in again.  Same thing, it appears automatically, loads the software etc, but doesn't work. Booting back into 8.10 sees it working fine, so hardware is OK.

Anyone else have this problem, or suggest a resolution?

Users / Apple TV "APPS" coming soon...
October 18, 2011, 09:54:14 PM
Hi all,

just been reading some interesting threads on several Apple forums, and it seems as though there are big things planned for Apple TV.  It looks as though there may be apps available in the near future that will run on Apple TV.  I was thinking of an orbiter app running on the thing, interfaced with the standard apple remote.  Wouldn't that be cool, not to mention the tiny footprint of the things, and no-fuss installation. (3 cables; power, hdmi, lan)

I have no idea if its feasible, or how much work would need to be done to make it happen....just passing on my thoughts.

Also I believe that Dianemo can stream feeds directly to the apple tv already with their UPnP system, but perhaps TotallyMaxed can explain this better than I.


Been giving 10.04 a real thorough go the last couple of days, and it seems to be OK, so I decided to migrate over from 8.10.
I've just run the and booted my MD.  Unfortunately after seeming to boot fine, it stops with the "Failed to start X" error.
I've checked the /var/log/xorg.0.log file and the only error is right at the end :-
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 03@00:00:0
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for v4l
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

The MD is a Zotac Mag which worked ootb with my 8.10 install.  Should I update the video drivers, or something??  Bearing in mind this is the first time its booted from the newly created image, nothing's been messed with.  I did try the usual apt-get update, and apt-get upgrade, but nothing new was installed, so I guess those commands have already been run in the install script.
The onboard graphics is an Nvidia Ion, so its nothing too new or fancy.

Any suggestions as to where to look next??

Users / New Thin Client
October 04, 2011, 10:37:54 PM
Just seen these whilst searching for a new fanless thin client.  Not sure if the hardware will work with LinuxMCE, but they look tiny, can pxeboot with some fiddling, and have audio over HDMI.  Might have to get my hands on one and give it a go.  The bare bones ones are only £158 from and less in the states I think.

Maybe a technical bod could take a look and offer some advice before I spend my cash.   ;D

Installation issues / install problems on 10.04
August 30, 2011, 10:01:05 PM
Encountering strange goings on...!

Just installed kubuntu 10.04 along with LinuxMCE as per the instructions in the wiki:-

All went well, and I managed to get the AV wizard up, setup the required settings etc, and then linuxmce started up for the first time.  Went through the house wizard, or whatever its called to assign z-wave, capture cards etc, and everything was fine, then I had the usual orbiter screen UI2 with alphablending.  First thing I noticed is that there were no flickr pictures in the background, but the internet connection does work, as I can load up web pages from "computing", also my other devices are assigned IP addresses, so I know the dhcp is working, and that the other nic is ok. (had problems with it on 8.10, the R8169 issue).  Anyway, missing flickr aside everything seemed fine.  My problem now is that I rebooted back into 08.10 to check some settings, but now when I boot up 10.04 it stops at "Generating orbiter.....Done"  I can switch to other terminals and see from tty1 "starting launch manager...OK"

No matter what I press, or do linuxmce doesn't want to appear. (been through pressing keys as if the av wizard doesn't appear)
If it log into tty2 and run the, followed by the, after rebooting I get the AV wizard again, followed by the orbiter back on the screen as before, and all my settings from the first house wizard are still there and working.  Rebooting again leaves me with the same problem of linuxmce not loading.  Am I missing some really basic step of the install process, or can I check a log file somewhere to see where its hanging up.  I know the #1 rule is to be patient, so I thought, "sod it, I'll leave it overnight" and in the morning the pc had switched itself off!  Nice one ???

I know that its still in development mode, but loads of people seem to have it working, so I must be missing something here.  I even tried formatting the partition, re-installing kubuntu again and trying it all afresh....still the same.

Any ideas??
Installation issues / HDMI audio...(again!)
August 30, 2011, 09:30:49 PM
I could use a little help  ;)

After failing for months to get my audio over hdmi with 08.10 I have installed 10.04 on a second partition.  After the usual apt-get updates etc. I downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers, and also the latest Alsa driver.  With all this in place, even before installing the LinuxMCE application, I tried the audio over hdmi.  What this kubuntu version gives me that 08.10 didn't is that in alsamixer I get a second device with 4 channels.  After unmuting them I still get no audio over hdmi....however if I type
aplay -D hw:1,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav then a lady says "Front Center" through my hdmi connected tv.  Great!  Now how do I use this information to tell the system that I want to use this device/channel as my sound output??

After loads of googling, and even a brief trip to the IRC, I gave up and continued with installing LinuxMCE.  All went well (ish) and at the AV wizard I chose HDMI as the audio option.  Problem is there's still no audio over hdmi so there must be a setting or file I have to update to tell Linux that I want my audio sent through the channel mentioned previously...any suggestions?? ???
Users / Sky remote control
June 08, 2011, 09:57:52 PM
To aid ease of use, I'd like to use the remote control for my sky box and have it pass through the linuxmce system to control the sky HD box. (i.e. capture the ir command via the usbuirt, then send it back out again)  I wanted to add a remote control in the webadmin section "infrared remote controls you will use", but there wasn't one listed for the sky box (any of them) that i could see.

Has anybody already setup a template for a sky remote control, or am I going to have to sit and teach it all the commands from scratch?

I can use my windows remote to control the sky box, and also the gyration remote, which use the "Sky plus codeset".  Can I use this info and create a new remote template from it??


Users / Restart after power failure
June 02, 2011, 01:06:19 PM
Basically as the thread title really, I want to make my core automatically restart after a power failure in the home.  Is there any way to do this, i.e by wake on lan, as I know the router and switch automatically come on after power is restored, or perhaps a better way that somebody knows?


Matt. :)
Users / Audio - Video Sync.
March 01, 2011, 10:00:13 AM
I have a problem with the audio sync when watching tv on my kitchen MD.  I have a Hauppauge HD-PVR capturing the input signal from the satellite box on the core/hybrid, then LMCE streams it to the kitchen MD.  If I watch it on the core, the audio is in perfect sync with the picture, but on the MD the sound is about 1 second faster.  Its fine watching ripped dvd's or even playing them from the dvd drive in the core, its only the live TV (I'm not using Myth).  I've tried using the analogue stereo output on the MD with pc speakers, and I'm now using the HDMI cable with the TV speakers.  Both the same.

Network is gigabit LAN.

The MD is a Zotac MAG (MAGHD-ND01) which uses the Nvidia ION graphics card.  In Webadmin -> Devices -> the graphics card is set to standard video card.  I know some receivers have a delay option you can set, but I'm using the speakers in the TV, and there is no option there to delay it.

I'm living with it because I only use it to watch the news in the morning when getting ready for work, and mostly just listen, but it annoys me that its not right, so if there's a fix I'd love to sort it.

Users / Video Pipe question
February 27, 2011, 06:47:32 PM
Hi, my USBUIRT arrived on Friday so I spent the weekend playing and setting up all the video and audio pipes for my system.  What I need to know is where can I see the commands that are sent to the USBUIRT each time I select one of the media scenarios?  The reason I ask is that it sends the command to my receiver first, then the hdmi input change to the TV, which automatically changes the receiver back, so I need to send the codes in the reverse order.  I've looked everywhere I can think of in the web-admin so I'm guessing this must be somewhere else, a config file somewhere maybe??  (or somewhere I missed)

When I click on "resend IR codes" in the orbiter I see the commands there, I just want to send them in a different order.

On a seperate note, for anybody that has a Panasonic TV, there is a complete list of discrete codes available here, which were a real find, especially for being able to select an input and not have to scroll through them.

Users / MythTV location info / Dusky controller
February 21, 2011, 01:02:24 PM
I've been struggling to get MythTV working since the beginning of my LinuxMCE install, but decided to give it a real go over the next few days.  I have a question regarding the information that MythTV uses about my location.

I'm currently in Northern Poland, so I setup my location in LinuxMCE to the nearest big town as normal when installing, however I've got a sky HD box receiving UK channels.  MythTV tells me that there is no information regarding schedules for my location because I assume its trying to get Polish schedules.  Is it possible to set the MythTV location seperately to the LinuxMCE location??

Another question...
When I plugged my sky box into the Hauppauge HD PVR, a seperate scenario button was created on my media menu (Live TV Sky+).  As I have never setup MythTV from the start it must be bypassing it, and streaming the picture straight from the box when I press this button.  If I want to integrate it all into Myth so that I can record shows etc, do I have to remove this scenario, or will a correct setup of Myth make this work anyway? (Does that make sense?) ???


Users / z-wave sensors
February 15, 2011, 01:58:27 PM
I'm having a spot of bother with my z-wave security devices.

I'm using the Aeon labs stick with the include button, works fine for the lights, but can't get it to work with my ZIR010 motion sensor, or the smoke alarm. (everspring SF812)

I know Hari put in the work to get the smoke alarm working, but when I include it, nothing appears in my list of Z-wave devices.

The PIR sensor includes OK, but when I put the stick back in the core the lighting wizard automatically runs, I select Alarm panel and it tells me there is 1 sensor which needs to be added.  Great, except that when I tell it which room its in, it asks what to call it and there it all goes pear-shaped.  There is no "Next" button after I name it, I can only exit the wizard, or go to the end and press "Start using the system"  When it has finished regening the orbiter and reloading the router it has disappeared again, and does not appear in the z-wave device tree any more.

I tried to add it manually, but I'm not sure which template to use?
The wiki is very good for this device, but I'm struggling to get through it properly

When I added it manually in webadmin I chose the generic motion detector, as there was no specific template for this device, but the wiki mentions using parameters #17 #18 and #22 to set it, but I can't see these in the generic template.

What am I doing wrong?  Should I do an apt-get update? I have already done the sqlcvs updates for all DCE and IR components
Users / WD Mybook World *Now working*
February 02, 2011, 10:28:40 PM
Hopefully this is a simple one....

I've just plugged my WD Mybook world (NAS drive) into the switch on the internal side of the core.  It was recognised by the system and added itself as a drive, however I can't access any of the media stored on it, also when I click on it in the manage drives screen, nothing happens.

The IP address it was given is

My windows box that is also on the internal switch can map the drive no problems, and I can access it from the browser on the core.

Its full of movies, music and pictures but I can't see any of them from within the orbiter.

The device template it added itself to is #1837 but I noticed that at the bottom of the device info screen it says Registered: No

I was hoping that it would have added itself as a jukebox, or simply listed the media in the relevant places on the orbiter screen.  Any reason why it wouldn't do this?


Users / Y-Cam Camera
January 27, 2011, 10:24:59 PM
After a long break for the holidays, I'm back at the keyboard again trying to get my system functioning as I would like.

I see that somebody on here has used the Y-Cam cameras with LinuxMCE, I had one anyway and want to integrate it.  I'm not sure what template to use, but I also seem to be missing something because whichever template I pick, I can't see any images from the camera.  I can log into the camera from my windows box, and see the streaming video, I can even log into the camera from another computer in a different country, so I know it works, it must be something I need to setup properly with the LinuxMCE unit.  For now I have connected the camera directly via cable to the network switch, linuxmce gave it an IP address in the correct range, but there are no images.

Any users with this type of camera that can give me a prod in the right direction?



* Update *

I can log into the camera and view the feed from firefox within LinuxMCE, its just the camera button on the orbiter that doesn't get the picture??