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Users / Revo AR1600 PXE boot recommendation
January 14, 2014, 07:36:22 PM
These little MDs are the black sheep of the LCME community. They were like 150 bucks new, nVidia ION1, and do a smashing job as an MD... but booting them is problematic at best.

This seems to stem from an extremely optimistic function of the kernel's forcedeth auto-negotiation which pops on a few times at gigabit speed, blasts some packets and then kills itself before it gets a response, and tries again several times before then trying at 100, and sometimes catching before the kernel panics. On the nic itself you can watch this behavior... orange is 1000, green is 100. This is my cheap and dirty fix for them.

If you have a smart/managed switch (in the case of cisco, first update the firmware), set that port to identify at gigabit. No need to negotiate... but it still runs through this terrible routine without a possibility to negotiate for some reason. Identifying at 100 it does not do this dance, and just boots... but who wants that? A simple hack to deal with this is to edit /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/<mac address of MD> and add "panic=1". It will panic the first time and reboot, and for some reason rebooting, rather than cycling power, it will come up correctly and load.
Users / 1204 nvidia stuffs
August 30, 2013, 04:41:41 AM
I have changed the way the nvidia installer works.

Primarily this is because I have bevome very tired of keeping up with new cards, and figured out a solution. I now create a template file, which can be updated just by changing the url of their readme file for their new drivers.

So... for instance their current stable driver readme is here
There, under:
II. Appendices
    A. Supported NVIDIA GPU Products

Will take you here:

Generally you can just replace /319.49/ with whatever is current. This brings down all the new cards and VDPAU revisions and creates the file "/usr/pluto/templates/nvtemplate" via a script I named

# The DrvrUrl can be updated to the current evo. I find this url by going to
# selecting the newest card series manually, then choosing the latest driver, and selecting readme.
# The appendix shows the Supported Chipsets url... to be entered here. This will bring in new IDs.



wget -P /tmp/ "$DrvrUrl"

RevA=$(grep '<td>A.*</td>' -B1 "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
RevB=$(grep '<td>B.*</td>' -B1 "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
RevC=$(grep '<td>C.*</td>' -B1 "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
RevD=$(grep '<td>D.*</td>' -B1 "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
RevE=$(grep '<td>E.*</td>' -B1 "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")

PidsCur=$(sed -e "1,/$leg304/p" "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
Pids304=$(sed -n "/$leg304/,/$leg173/p" "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
Pids173=$(sed -n "/$leg173/,/$leg96/p" "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
Pids96=$(sed -n "/$leg96/,/$leg71/p" "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")
Pids71=$(sed -e "1,/$leg71/d" "$UrlLoc" | grep -o "0x...." | sed 's/0x//g' | sort -u | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr "\n" " ")

cat > /usr/pluto/templates/nvtemplate <<EOF

# Driver PCIIDs. Currently 304 is as high as we go so driver current and 304 will work the same. #
# Done this way for the future, when newer driver will be required for cards that exist then.    #





# VDPAU Revisions. Currently no Rev E... expect there will be. #





So... is much smaller now... and creates a template file if it does not exist.

# These functions are to help determine which driver to install for the currently installed nVidia card,
# as well as determining if vdpau support is available on the installed card.
. /usr/pluto/bin/
if [ ! -f /usr/pluto/templates/nvtemplate ]; then
. /usr/pluto/templates/nvtemplate
Distro=$(lsb_release -c -s)

# returns current PCIID. Attempts to handle multiple cards.
getPCI_Id() {
vga_pci=$(lspci -nn | grep -w 'VGA' | sed 's/.*://;s/\].*//')
gpus=$(echo "$vga_pci" | sort -u | wc -l)
if [[ "$gpus" -gt "1" ]]; then
vga_pci=$(echo "$vga_pci" | awk 'NR==2')
echo "$vga_pci"

# returns true if an nvidia card is installed in the system, false otherwise
getNvidiaInstalled() {
if ! lspci -nn | grep -iq "vga.*nvidia";then
return 1
return 0

# echos the currently installed nVidia driver (if there is one)
getInstalledNvidiaDriver() {
(dpkg-query -l "nvidia-glx*" "nvidia-current" | grep "^ii" | awk '{print $2}') 2>/dev/null

# returns the preferred driver to install for the currently installed nVidia card.
getPreferredNvidiaDriver() {

case " $Driver_Current_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "nvidia-current"
return 1

case " $Driver_304_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
if [[ "$Distro" == "lucid" ]]; then
echo "nvidia-current"
return 1

case " $Driver_173_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "nvidia-glx-173"
return 1

case " $Driver_96_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "nvidia-glx-96"
return 1

case " $Driver_71_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "nvidia-glx-71"
return 0
#Could not map PCI_Id to a correct nVidia device.
return 0


# Returns which vdpau revision (A,B, C or D) supported by the currently installed nVidia card.
# returns nothing if vdpau is NOT supported!
getVDPAUSupport() {

case " $VDPAU_Rev_A_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "A"
return 1
case " $VDPAU_Rev_B_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "B"
return 1
case " $VDPAU_Rev_C_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "C"
return 1
case " $VDPAU_Rev_D_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "D"
case " $VDPAU_Rev_E_Supported " in *" $PCI_Id "*)
echo "E"
# Could not map a PCI_Id to a supported vdpau revision
return 0

# This function will install the correct nVidia driver for the currently installed card.
# if the first parameter is set to "reboot", it will also reboot the system after the driver is installed.
installCorrectNvidiaDriver() {
# first, lets see if there is even an nvidia card installed in the system
# If there is no nVidia card even installed, lets get out of here.
if ! getNvidiaInstalled; then

echo "*************************************************"
echo -n "       "
StatusMessage "Begin nVidia driver installation"
echo "*************************************************"
Log "$LogFile" "== Begin NVidia driver installation ($(date)) =="
Log "$LogFile" "Card Detected: $(lspci -nn | grep -vi 'non-vga' | grep -i 'vga')"
Log "$LogFile" "PCI_Id Detected: $(getPCI_Id)"

# Now lets get the currently installed nvidia driver (if there is one)
if echo "$current_driver" | grep "nvidia"; then
echo "Detected installed driver $current_driver"
Log "$LogFile" "Detected installed driver $current_driver"

# Get the preferred driver to install
echo "LMCE prefers driver $preferred_driver"
Log "$LogFile" "LMCE prefers driver $preferred_driver"

# Install the driver if needed
if [[ "$current_driver" != "$preferred_driver" ]]; then

if [[ "$markUp" == "1" ]]; then
echo "installing NEW driver $preferred_driver!"
Log "$LogFile" "installing NEW driver $preferred_driver!"
tmpfile=$( /bin/mktemp -t )
if [[ -n "$current_driver" ]]; then
apt-get -y remove "$currrent_driver" --force-yes
apt-get install -yf "$preferred_driver" 2> >(tee "$tmpfile")
local param="reboot"

if [[ "$?" > "0" ]] ; then
ERROR=$( cat $tmpfile )
echo ""
echo -e "\e[1;31mUnable to install $preferred_driver!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;31mRefer to the above message, which is also logged to $LogFile.\e[0m"
echo ""
Log "$LogFile" "Unable to install driver:"
Log "$LogFile" "$ERROR"
apt-get remove -yf "$preferred_driver"
dpkg --configure -a
beep -l 100 -f 500 -d 50 -r 3
sleep 10
CountErr=$(($CountErr + 1))
/etc/init.d/networking restart
apt-get update
apt-get install -yf "$preferred_driver" 2> >(tee "$tmpfile")
if [[ "$CountErr" == "3" ]]; then
ErrorMessage "Cannot install after 3 tries. Giving up"
local param="reboot"
rm "$tmpfile"
echo "Preferred driver $preferred_driver already installed."
Log "$LogFile" "Preferred driver $preferred_driver already installed."

echo "*************************************************"
echo -n "       "
NotifyMessage "End NVidia driver installation"
echo "*************************************************"
echo ""

Log "$LogFile" "== End NVidia driver installation ($(date)) =="

# Reboot only if requested and a new driver was installed
if [[ "$param" == "reboot" && "$Installed" == "1" ]];then
#if [[ "$Installed" == "1" ]]; then
# Give the user a warning message and beep, then reboot
echo ""
StatusMessage "Nvidia driver installation requires a reboot."
NotifyMessage "Please stand by while your system is rebooted."
echo ""
#need to force AVWizard to run, and remove the xorg.conf file created by the nvidia installer so it starts clean
#rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf*
ConfSet AVWizardOverride 1
beep -l 100 -f 500 -d 50 -r 3
sleep 2

Save both of these files to /usr/pluto/bin chmod +x them, and boot. Should work well.

Of course the point of all this, is that I need testers. So if you have a 1204 upgrade that isn't working right, or better yet a fresh install... please use these scripts and report back how awesome they are and enrich your life.

Or break stuff. SHould work. Thanks as always for testing

As it sits now, if the template file does not exist, runs. This is the file it creates, /usr/pluto/templates/nvtemplate

# Driver PCIIDs. Currently 304 is as high as we go so driver current and 304 will work the same. #
# Done this way for the future, when newer driver will be required for cards that exist then.    #
Driver_Current_Supported="0003 0020 0028 0029 002c 002d 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 004e 0090 0091 0092 0093 0095 0098 0099 009d 00a0 00a7 00b1 00c0 00c1 00c2 00c3 00c8 00c9 00cc 00cd 00ce 00f1 00f2 00f3 00f4 00f5 00f6 00f8 00f9 00fa 00fb 00fc 00fd 00fe 0100 0101 0103 0110 0111 0112 0113 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 014a 014c 014d 014e 014f 0150 0151 0152 0153 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 016a 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 017a 017c 017d 0181 0182 0183 0185 0188 018a 018b 018c 0191 0193 0194 0197 019d 019e 01a0 01d0 01d1 01d2 01d3 01d6 01d7 01d8 01da 01db 01dc 01dd 01de 01df 01f0 0200 0201 0202 0203 0211 0212 0215 0218 0221 0222 0240 0241 0242 0244 0245 0247 0250 0251 0253 0258 0259 025b 0280 0281 0282 0286 0288 0289 028c 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0297 0298 0299 029a 029b 029c 029d 029e 029f 02e0 02e1 02e2 02e3 02e4 0301 0302 0308 0309 0311 0312 0314 031a 031b 031c 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 032a 032b 032c 032d 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0338 033f 0341 0342 0343 0344 0347 0348 034c 034e 038b 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0397 0398 0399 039c 039e 03d0 03d1 03d2 03d5 03d6 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 040a 040b 040c 040d 040e 040f 0410 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 042a 042b 042c 042d 042e 042f 0531 0533 053a 053b 053e 054d 054e 0554 0557 0562 0565 0568 0590 0592 0594 0595 05a2 05b1 05b2 05b3 05da 05e0 05e1 05e2 05e3 05e6 05e7 05e8 05ea 05eb 05ed 05f4 05f8 05f9 05fd 05fe 05ff 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 060a 060b 060c 060d 060f 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0617 0618 0619 061a 061b 061c 061d 061e 061f 0621 0622 0623 0625 0626 0627 0628 062a 062b 062c 062d 062e 0630 0631 0632 0633 0635 0637 0638 063a 0640 0641 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0648 0649 064a 064b 064c 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0658 0659 065a 065b 065c 067a 0680 0686 0689 068b 068d 068e 068f 0691 0692 0693 0694 0697 06c0 06c4 06ca 06cd 06d1 06d2 06d8 06d9 06da 06dc 06dd 06de 06df 06e0 06e1 06e2 06e3 06e4 06e5 06e6 06e7 06e8 06e9 06ea 06eb 06ec 06ef 06f1 06f8 06f9 06fa 06fb 06fd 06ff 0702 0711 0714 0719 0725 0728 072b 072e 0732 0743 0753 0754 0763 0771 0772 0773 0774 0776 077a 077b 077c 077d 077e 077f 0781 0798 0799 079b 079c 07e0 07e1 07e2 07e3 07e5 0807 0823 082f 0830 0837 0840 0841 0842 0844 0845 0846 0847 0848 0849 084a 084b 084c 084d 084f 0850 0860 0861 0862 0863 0864 0865 0866 0867 0868 0869 086a 086c 086d 086e 086f 0870 0871 0872 0873 0874 0876 087a 087d 087e 087f 088e 088f 0891 08a0 08a2 08a3 08a4 08a5 0907 0911 0914 091e 0926 0952 0953 0974 0982 0983 098d 0a20 0a22 0a23 0a26 0a27 0a28 0a29 0a2a 0a2b 0a2c 0a2d 0a32 0a34 0a35 0a38 0a3c 0a60 0a62 0a63 0a64 0a65 0a66 0a67 0a68 0a69 0a6a 0a6c 0a6e 0a6f 0a70 0a71 0a72 0a73 0a74 0a75 0a76 0a78 0a7a 0a7c 0ca0 0ca2 0ca3 0ca4 0ca5 0ca7 0ca8 0ca9 0cac 0caf 0cb0 0cb1 0cbc 0dc0 0dc4 0dc5 0dc6 0dcd 0dce 0dd1 0dd2 0dd3 0dd6 0dd8 0dda 0de0 0de1 0de2 0de3 0de4 0de5 0de8 0de9 0dea 0deb 0dec 0ded 0dee 0def 0df0 0df1 0df2 0df3 0df4 0df5 0df6 0df7 0df8 0df9 0dfa 0dfc 0e22 0e23 0e24 0e30 0e31 0e3a 0e3b 0f00 0f01 0fc0 0fc1 0fc2 0fc6 0fcd 0fce 0fd1 0fd2 0fd3 0fd4 0fd5 0fd8 0fd9 0fdf 0fe0 0fe1 0fe2 0fe3 0fe4 0fef 0ff2 0ff8 0ff9 0ffa 0ffb 0ffc 0ffd 0ffe 0fff 1004 1005 1021 1022 1026 1028 1030 103a 1040 1042 1048 1049 104a 104b 1050 1051 1052 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 105a 105b 1072 107c 107d 1080 1081 1082 1084 1086 1087 1088 1089 108b 1091 1094 1096 109a 109b 10b8 10c0 10c3 10c5 10cc 10d8 10dd 10e9 10ed 1140 1180 1183 1184 1185 1187 1188 1189 118a 118f 119d 119f 11a0 11a1 11a2 11a3 11a7 11ba 11bc 11bd 11be 11bf 11c0 11c2 11c3 11c4 11c6 11c8 11e0 11e1 11e2 11e3 11fa 11fd 1200 1201 1203 1205 1206 1207 1208 1210 1211 1212 1213 1241 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 124b 124d 1251 126d 1280 1282 1284 1290 1291 1292 1293 131d 13fd 14a2 14c7 14d2 1507 152d 18ef 18f9 18fb 18fd 18ff 1c42 1c52 202d 20dd 20df 212a 212b 212c 2132 2136 21ba 21fa 2200 220a 223a 224a 2aed 2aef 2af1 2af9 3605 3607 360b 3610 3617 3656 365a 365b 365e 366c 3675 3684 3800 3801 3802 3803 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3910 3912 3950 3977 397d 3983 5001 5003 500d 5014 5017 5019 501a 501f 5025 5027 502a 502b 502d 502e 502f 844c 846b 8595 903a a625 aa33 aaa2 ae71 b092 c0d5 c0d7 c0e2 c0e3 c0e4 c652 c709 c711 c736 fa01 fa02 fa03 fa05 fa11 fa13 fa18 fa19 fa21 fa23 fa2a fa32 fa33 fa36 fa38 fa42 fa43 fa45 fa47 fa49 fa58 fa59 fa88 fa89 "

Driver_304_Supported="0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 004e 0090 0091 0092 0093 0095 0098 0099 009d 00c0 00c1 00c2 00c3 00c8 00c9 00cc 00cd 00ce 00f1 00f2 00f3 00f4 00f5 00f6 00f8 00f9 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 014a 014c 014d 014e 014f 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 016a 01d0 01d1 01d2 01d3 01d6 01d7 01d8 01da 01db 01dc 01dd 01de 01df 0211 0212 0215 0218 0221 0222 0240 0241 0242 0244 0245 0247 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0297 0298 0299 029a 029b 029c 029d 029e 029f 02e0 02e1 02e2 02e3 02e4 038b 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0397 0398 0399 039c 039e 03d0 03d1 03d2 03d5 03d6 0531 0533 053a 053b 053e 07e0 07e1 07e2 07e3 07e5 "

Driver_173_Supported="00fa 00fb 00fc 00fd 00fe 0301 0302 0308 0309 0311 0312 0314 031a 031b 031c 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 032a 032b 032c 032d 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0338 033f 0341 0342 0343 0344 0347 0348 034c 034e "

Driver_96_Supported="0110 0111 0112 0113 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 0178 0179 017a 017c 017d 0181 0182 0183 0185 0188 018a 018b 018c 01a0 01f0 0200 0201 0202 0203 0250 0251 0253 0258 0259 025b 0280 0281 0282 0286 0288 0289 028c "

Driver_71_Supported="0020 0028 0029 002c 002d 00a0 0100 0101 0103 0150 0151 0152 0153 "

# VDPAU Revisions. Currently no Rev E... expect there will be. #
VDPAU_Rev_A_Supported="00a0 00a7 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0407 0408 0409 040a 040b 040c 040d 040e 040f 0410 0421 0422 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 042a 042b 042c 042d 042e 042f 0595 05e0 05e1 05e2 05e3 05e6 05e7 05ea 05eb 05ed 05f8 05f9 05fd 05fe 05ff 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 0608 0609 060a 060b 060c 060d 060f 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 0617 0618 0619 061a 061b 061c 061d 061e 061f 0621 0622 0623 0625 0626 0627 0628 062a 062b 062c 062d 062e 0630 0631 0632 0633 0635 0637 0638 063a 0640 0641 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0648 0649 064a 064b 064c 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 0656 0658 0659 065a 065b 065c 068f 0693 0697 06e4 0714 0743 0850 0a2d 0ca0 0ca7 10c3 14a2 14d2 202d "

VDPAU_Rev_B_Supported="00b1 060d 06e0 06e1 06e2 06e5 06e6 06e8 06e9 06ea 06eb 06ec 06ef 06f1 06f8 06f9 06fa 06fb 06fd 06ff 0711 0840 0844 0845 0846 0847 0848 0849 084a 084b 084c 084d 0860 0861 0862 0863 0864 0865 0866 0867 0868 0869 086a 086c 086d 086e 086f 0870 0871 0872 0873 0874 0876 087a 087d 087e 087f 0a68 0a69 10c0 1c42 1c52 360b "

VDPAU_Rev_C_Supported="0003 054d 054e 0554 0557 0562 0565 0568 0590 0592 0594 0595 05a2 05b1 05b2 05b3 05da 05e8 05f4 0600 0606 064a 064c 067a 0680 0686 0689 068b 068d 068e 0691 0692 0694 06c0 06c4 06ca 06cd 06d1 06d2 06d8 06d9 06da 06dc 06dd 06de 06df 0702 0719 0725 0728 072b 072e 0732 0753 0754 0763 0771 0772 0773 0774 0776 077a 077b 077c 077d 077e 077f 0781 0798 0799 079b 079c 0807 0823 082f 0830 0837 0840 0841 0842 0846 0866 088e 088f 0891 08a0 08a2 08a3 08a4 08a5 0907 0911 0914 091e 0926 0952 0953 0974 0982 0983 098d 0a20 0a23 0a26 0a27 0a28 0a29 0a2a 0a2b 0a2c 0a32 0a34 0a35 0a38 0a3c 0a60 0a62 0a63 0a64 0a65 0a66 0a6a 0a6c 0a6e 0a6f 0a70 0a71 0a72 0a73 0a74 0a75 0a76 0a78 0a7a 0a7c 0ca2 0ca3 0ca4 0ca5 0ca8 0ca9 0cac 0caf 0cb0 0cb1 0cbc 0dc0 0dc4 0dc5 0dc6 0dcd 0dce 0dd1 0dd2 0dd3 0dd6 0dd8 0dda 0de0 0de1 0de2 0de3 0de4 0de5 0de8 0de9 0dea 0deb 0dec 0ded 0dee 0def 0df0 0df1 0df2 0df3 0df4 0df5 0df6 0df7 0df8 0df9 0dfa 0dfc 0e22 0e23 0e24 0e30 0e31 0e3a 0e3b 0f00 0f01 0fc0 0fc1 0fc2 0fce 0fd2 0fd3 1030 1040 1049 1050 1052 1058 1059 105a 1072 1080 1081 1082 1084 1086 1087 1088 1089 108b 1091 1094 1096 109a 109b 10b8 10c5 10cc 10d8 10dd 10e9 10ed 1140 11fd 1200 1201 1203 1205 1206 1207 1208 1210 1211 1212 1213 1241 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 124b 124d 1251 126d 1282 1284 131d 13fd 14c7 1507 152d 18ef 18f9 18fb 18fd 18ff 20dd 20df 212a 212b 212c 2132 2136 21ba 21fa 2200 220a 223a 224a 2aef 2af9 3605 3607 3610 3617 3656 365a 365b 365e 366c 3800 3801 3802 3803 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3910 3912 3950 3977 397d 3983 5001 5003 500d 5014 5017 5019 501a 501f 5025 5027 502a 502b 502d 502e 502f 8595 903a aa33 aaa2 ae71 b092 c0d5 c0d7 c0e2 c0e3 c0e4 c652 c709 c711 c736 fa01 fa02 fa03 fa05 fa11 fa13 fa18 fa19 fa21 fa23 fa2a fa32 fa33 fa36 fa38 fa42 fa43 fa45 fa47 fa49 fa58 fa59 fa88 fa89 "

VDPAU_Rev_D_Supported="0625 0fc6 0fcd 0fd1 0fd2 0fd4 0fd5 0fd8 0fd9 0fdf 0fe0 0fe1 0fe2 0fe3 0fe4 0fef 0ff2 0ff8 0ff9 0ffa 0ffb 0ffc 0ffd 0ffe 0fff 1004 1005 1021 1022 1026 1028 103a 1042 1048 104a 104b 1051 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 105b 107c 107d 1180 1183 1184 1185 1187 1188 1189 118a 118f 119d 119f 11a0 11a1 11a2 11a3 11a7 11ba 11bc 11bd 11be 11bf 11c0 11c2 11c3 11c4 11c6 11c8 11e0 11e1 11e2 11e3 11fa 1280 1290 1291 1292 1293 2aed 2af1 3675 3684 844c 846b a625 "

Users / ATI GPUs that can use fglrx (HD2xxx +)
February 27, 2013, 02:38:53 AM
I wasn't able to squeeze it in quick enough for final release. I did not have enough testing time... however it worked on the scale machines... well... the method anyway...

Download this and replace yours with it in /usr/pluto/bin

cd ~/Documents
sudo -i
<enter password>

cat ./ > /usr/pluto/bin/
apt-get remove --purge fglrx
rm /etc/X11/xorg.con*
apt-get update

This is going to take a LONG time. It has to upgrade your kernel, and as everything uses dkms these days, I have to do some trickery with the headers. This upgrade, on a weakly powered MD, can take up to 3 hours. DO NOT INTERRUPT!!! Yes it unpacks headers forever... and does it like 3 times.

If that isn't quite enough to get the job done do this after.

apt-get -y remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx* --force-yes
apt-get -y install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri fglrx-modaliases --force-yes
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
apt-get -y install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core --force-yes
rm /etc/X11/xorg.con*

But I see no need for that last mess...
Users / New audio scheme, and upgrades (Updated)
January 30, 2013, 06:49:03 PM
I think we have finally worked out an audio scenario which works on nearly everything, in every program, ootb. The only things I would expect this to not work on, are a handful of new stuff which requires a kernel upgrade.  Here is the problem... if the new schemes come to be via upgrade instead of install... it never makes its initial guesses, which work pretty good... so you may have to do a couple of steps.

If you upgrade, and you have never seen this screen before:

You will need to run avwizard, so that you can choose the card you want, populating the database with this variable. I would move your /etc/X11/xine.conf to backup and just reboot.

Also please be aware of this wiki

There are circumstances where you will need to add AlternateSC = 1 or 2 to pluto.conf before audio will work.  Again... we take guesses, and they should be pretty darned accurate... but we only do them once, during install, when conditions can be evaluated, and not overwrite manual decisions. As the code did not exist when, for instance, your video card was installed, these guessing routines never run.

If while in AVWiz, you do not hear audio, you can back up a step with the esc key, add/change the AlternateSC variable and go forward again. If it will work... it will work.

There are a couple of scenarios on the fringe in which the above will not work. If while trying to start avwizard, you have such a broken /etc/asound.conf file that alsa has crashed... and cannot be used to get data. Just delete your /etc/asound.conf  it is rewritten every boot anyway... or if you have some odd in-between stuff written to the /etc/pluto/xine.conf that the scheme cannot replace. You would just delete the last 3 or 4 lines underneath #vcd.title_format:%F - %I %N%L%S, disk %c of %C - %v %A
at the bottom of the file.
Users / GPU Compatability Matrix
December 10, 2012, 08:40:59 PM
Hi friends,
In order to try and effect better use of my time, I have created a preliminary matrix for GPU's that do NOT work ootb, and how to try to resolve them. I am always happy to try and help people, but with several people on newer GPUs, a lot of my time is eaten up trying to get things working, and testing. Hopefully this will cut down on that traffic a bit. Please give feedback here.

Also linked in this file is another thing that might better explain the new audio configurations.
Users / Digitial multi-channel audio (ac3/DTS)
December 06, 2012, 06:32:43 PM
Is fixed.

Snaps LMCE-1004-20121206134026921.iso and further have the fix.

An apt-get update/upgrade will pull down the package which fixes it. All that should be necessary is a reboot. Getting closer to having a nifty little project released :)
Users / MythTV users using schedules direct...
December 05, 2012, 07:24:17 PM
You have an LMCE 10.04 install
You are completely updated or better yet, fresh install from latest snapshot
You have a tuner recognized by the system
You use myth tv
You have a schedules direct account

So, we are down to 6 or so defects (to move forward out of beta).

One of mine, is that SetupWizard no longer scans mythtv channels. For the longest time... I didn't even know this did that (7.10 days)... and always setup with the utility in computing... because it requires a non-intuitive (to me) step. I discovered sometime using 810 that after you enter your schedules direct info, and it brings up your region/zipcode, if you click that INSTEAD of "Next" it takes you to a set of screens which will scan channels for you. When I see a next button, which comes and goes, I click it when it appears. It makes perfect sense that you would "select" from the list of one before hitting next, or give the ability to click next if there was nothing in the list... it just took me a gazillion installs before it even occurred to me to click it.

My problem testing this, is that I have two tuners. One is a windows only tuner with experimental drivers which use a complicated process... which will not scan unless I can create a package and a device template, and an HDHR. The script was broken that scans HDHR... I fixed that. Now I need for people with other tuners that ARE detected by the system to see if they can scan channels from Setup Wizard using the above method. (setup wizard button can be found under Advanced/Advanced on orbiter)

Please post your result, and your capture device. Let's get this out of beta so we can get something else in ;)
Developers / Murdoch HD-PVR
October 23, 2012, 03:08:09 AM
Please update to the most recent pluto-boot-scripts

run /usr/pluto/bin/

Open the frontend setup (not backend) and change audio output to "ALSA:default" under "General",
and tell me if "HD PVR audio port not being propagated properly." is resolved by this, and if not what the result is.
I have rewritten the detection scheme to try and handle sandy/ivy bridge, and there are a few caveats. This should be regarded as alpha, and I will try and support these, but if it becomes to huge a goose chase it may be dropped.

What is required for this on lucid, is a kernel upgrade either to natty or oneiric depending... and a bunch of new drivers etc. This all happens automatically, but... it takes a very long time, much longer than a normal first boot for either MD or Hybrid... and you are greeted only by a black screen. Just, leave it be. Interrupting this breaks things terribly. It will eventually reboot.

For ivy bridge, I believe it will come alive eventually, but be terribly slow/sluggish due to the fact that a driver is not actually being loaded. The kernel is just giving raw support. I would like for someone to help me by confirming that this is the case. lsmod | grep intel   should only reveal a bunch of sound modules, and lsmod | grep i9 will probably come up empty. IF that is the case, please add modprobe i915 to /etc/init.d/a0start_avwizard  after CheckVideoDriver and report success or failure, and confirm that this is in fact the case.

Installation issues / Multiple fileserver adds of MDs.
October 01, 2012, 04:50:24 AM
Replace /usr/pluto/bin/

This behavior has always existed, but is now exposed by other changes.
mysql --user=root pluto_main

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PnpQueue;
| COUNT(*) |
|    43744 |
1 row in set (0.13 sec)

mysql> SELECT SerialNumber, COUNT(*) FROM PnpQueue GROUP by Category;
| SerialNumber                                                                                              | COUNT(*) |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_10c4_ea60_0001_if0_serial_usb_0                                   |      159 |
| 67069bc7-70f4-4a6f-9711-fba06d83dbc3                                                                      |    26965 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_power_supply_ac_adapter_ACAD                                        |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10de_774_sound_card_0_alsa_control__1                                    |     2849 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_power_supply_battery_BAT0                                           |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVDR___PX_870A                                                 |      177 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1106_3344_drm__null__card0                                               |      177 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_18c3_720_dvb                                                             |      429 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_FAN                                                                     |      153 |
| \\                                                                                            |        6 |
| \\00:24:a5:00:06:9d\release                                                                               |       13 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_logicaldev_input                                                    |     3382 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_168c_1c_rfkill_phy0_wlan                                                 |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_backlight                                                           |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/leds_mmc0                                                                    |        8 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_197b_2383_memstick_host                                                  |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_197b_2382_mmc_host                                                       |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_14_bf_57_78_f0                                                        |      650 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_00_24_2c_57_aa_ed                                                        |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/net_computer_loopback                                                        |      480 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10de_774_sound_card_0_oss_pcm_1                                          |     1851 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ppdev_parport0                                                               |      318 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4f9_21_G4J487953_if0_printer_noserial                             |        5 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_CPU1                                                                    |      812 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_58f_6362_058F63626376_if0_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0_scsi_generic |     1250 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_58f_6362_058F63626376_if0_scsi_host                               |     3293 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_403_6001_A9006rTc                                                 |      366 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_10de_774_sound_card_0                                                    |      339 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_90c_c371_noserial_if0_video4linux                                 |        2 |
| /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_D7E8_0778                                                        |       46 |
30 rows in set (0.21 sec)

That is a lot of useless crap in an install about a week old...

That UUID, for the record, is a hard drive I have told the system not to use on my core. I have changed to not keep querying things that exist in Unknown Devices... but... why I have 3k alsa entries in a week... something is very wrong and I would like to fix it.
Now, my drives never went offline, but I am pretty sure I know why some were.

I have rewritten It works pretty different now. Please download this on your core, and place in the /usr/pluto/bin directory, then cp /usr/pluto/bin/ /usr/pluto/diskless/*/usr/pluto/bin

Get your drives online and reboot. Please report your results.
make sure you chmod +x  or cat it into your existing file.

Look forward to feedback while I work on hdmi audio.
*edit- looks like the answer is no for right now.

I broke the heck out of avwizard a week or so back. Specifically the audio configuration scripts were crashing it. I am sorry for the frustration this caused, but I was trying to get all of the new generation of nvidia cards to work correctly out of the box.

I believe I have now achieved this, based on the few tests I have been able to perform. If you have an nVidia GT xxx card or ion 2 (which is a GT 218 I believe)... you SHOULD have a working config that will play audio in AVWizard and MDs now over HDMI. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. All other cards SHOULD be unbroken now as well. So just update and upgrade... run AVWizard and report back whether success or fail.

Please give me the output of lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3     in either case

IF there is a problem, please paste your /etc/asound.conf file
IF there is a problem, please paste the output of sudo aplay -l

If you have oddball sizing issues in AVWizard that are NOT resolved through selection, please paste your current xorg.conf. Removing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pluto.avwizard and rebooting WILL resolve it. I am trying not to do that automatically for people with custom xorgs.

There is a new snapshot cooking as we speak as well. This new snapshot SHOULD be our best yet, including a working live boot.
Users / GPUs that aren't currently working.
September 06, 2012, 06:35:57 AM
I am not fixing them anymore.


I am now working on qt, because it is more important. I will field no bitching. Those of you who have specific problems, find solutions in the ubuntu universe and if you give me a working example, I will try and alter our code. At this point, for each thing I fix I break 1/2 of something else... and, as I said... qt is more important.
I have added/fixed/remapped some device templates.

Logitech Dinovo Mini.
FN + Vol Up is f6 (skip/rw/ff)
FN + Mute is f8 (vol/lighting)
Left Superkey (windows icon) is f7 (menu). On some models the right superkey is f7 as well... and so is FN + vol down.
All other buttons (media play/pg down up/channel) now work as expected, including FN + skip forward/back are regular FF RW.

Gyration Go Mouse GC1005m
Buttons are back!
* l3mce pops Champagne
This should not interfere with ANY other gyration product. Please post here if you wish to call me a liar, and we will figure it out, but I have looked over the mapping for several models in detail, and do not expect anyone is going to call me a liar.

Adesso ARC-1100
I have added support for these little cheap remotes I have running around everywhere. They have a built in mouse and are under 20 bucks and work quite well. I very much like them. The scenario switching buttons (colors, audio video guide etc) are not working. I am looking into it. I do not believe that the numberpad will ever be working. All numbers trigger the same key event... so... maybe I will figure that out just for fun, but no promises.

Enjoy. Complain here.
If anyone is using the roku1, I would appreciate it if you would do an experiment for me. Please open device template #2049. The second line has an "Edit Ruby Codes" button. Please change some or all of them from: nfsend("press send");     to: nfsend("press s");    for instance.
Update the template and reload the router.

The roku 2 supports command stacking, so the word tries to send several commands, whereas on the roku 1 I believe the rest are ignored.

If someone could confirm this works, I am holding off on several DT commits. I have fixed the Dinovo Mini, the Gyration Go Mouse, and added support for Adesso remote controls as well as added support for the Roku 2's MAC range, and, of course, these changes to fix navigation behavior.

This only applies to GT XXX not GT XXXX which should all have HDMI. For example
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] [10de:0a2a] (rev a2)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] [10de:0a65] (rev a2)
are good examples of what I am looking for.

What I am NOT looking for is
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7800 GT] [10de:0092] (rev a1)

I need the output of:
lspci -nn | grep -w 'VGA'
apt-cache policy linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(uname -r)
sudo aplay -l
Thanks to armorgnome for helping me figure out why intels were breaking.

A while back I added code to update the pciid database so I could get better information on newer cards, and an odd quirk was that some were coming back in upper case. I changed the scheme to convert all names to upper case, but on the Intel side missed a supplemental install which is necessary for many of them to work. Unfortunately a blogger trying to install LMCE was affected by this, so his experience was less than good and his opinion of the project, less than favorable.

There should be a new build sometime later today, and a new snap. If you were affected by this
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache policy pluto-boot-scripts | grep -i candidate

When the version is >= 26303 then either, sudo apt-get install pluto-boot-scripts, or sudo apt-get upgrade.

Sorry for the oversight.
So... currently we have to mount the drive momentarily to extract its size. I figured out a trick to get around that, and as always... I need testers. This change will not break anything, and is less invasive than the current method. If it didn't work, it would simply not report the size, or not report it correctly.

That is another thing. I am reporting ACTUAL size... so do not be confused if your 2TB drive shows up as 1.82 TB... for example.

Just backup your current /usr/pluto/bin/, and replace it with this

Then either plug in some drives, or remove known drives from your system and let it detect them.

This should work for physical devices you attach to the system (hard drives, usb drives, sd drives, software raids etc), not network devices.
Thank you in advance.
So as the title says. In my continuing quest to get HDMI audio right, I have moved on to ATI... which is actually more of a pain than nVidia.

So, light em if you got em.

Begin by giving me the output of
sudo aplay -l