« on: March 15, 2009, 05:12:05 pm »
I have been attempting to understand more of how the LinuxMCE system works at a technical level, documenting and uploading the information to the wiki. I'm struggling with a couple of errors I'm currently encountering in my DCERouter.log that repeat so often it's difficult to spot anything else.
05 03/15/09 11:00:10.169 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x855ab20 (m_Socket: 131) <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:10.169 MythBackEnd_Socket::Close <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:10.169 MythBackEnd_Socket::Connect failed m_bConnected=false <0x9f4e8b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:11.289 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0x9f4e8b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:12.289 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0x9f4e8b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0x9f4e8b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 ClientSocket::Connect() not successful <0x9f4e8b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0x855cc48 (m_Socket: 131) <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 MythBackEnd_Socket::Close <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 MythBackEnd_Socket::Connect failed m_bConnected=false <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 MythBackEnd_Socket::SendMythString failed to reconnect <0x9f4e8b90>
01 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 MythTV_PlugIn::ConfirmMasterBackendOk -- lost communication with it. Forcing it to die <0x9f4e8b90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Received Message from 31 (MythTV Plug-In / ) to 15 (App Server / ), type 1 id 67 Command:Spawn Application, retry none, parameters: <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 13(Filename): /usr/pluto/bin/ForciblyKillProcess.sh <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 50(Name): killmyth <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 51(Arguments): mythbackend <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 94(SendOnFailure): <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 95(SendOnSuccess): <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 115(Show logo): 0 <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 120(Retransmit): 0 <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 126(Exclusive): 0 <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.289 Parameter 241(Detach): 1 <0xa04eab90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.299 Received Message from 15 (App Server / ) to 15 (App Server / ), type 1 id 812 Command:Application Exited, retry none, parameters: <0x864b6b90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.299 Parameter 227(PID): 30532 <0x864b6b90>
08 03/15/09 11:00:13.299 Parameter 228(Exit Code): 0 <0x864b6b90>
05 03/15/09 11:00:41.045 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0x9ece7b90>
The errors seem to be centered around the MythTV (which I do not have setup yet, my cable company doesn't release a box has an activated firewire/1394 port), though I have not performed any kind of setup, are these errors expected in the router log? Is there a recommended way to get around these errors or disable the mythtv piece to clean up the log?
Thank you,