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Topics - naiknb

Pages: [1]
Installation issues / Installation Issues with Asus M4N78 Pro MOBO
« on: June 01, 2009, 04:45:44 am »
Hi Guys,

Not sure if this have been discussed anywhere already but did a lot of research and didn't find any answer so posting it here.

I got this new Asus M4N78 Pro MOBO with Nvidia chipset and am now on verge of dumping LinuxMCE and move to Windows7 which sounds more promising atleast I can install and watch movies and TV through it.

I am having no luck in installing LinuxMCE on this MOBO. I am using AMD 64 CPU i tried both 32 bit version and 64bit. Installation just doesn't proceed. I tried with removing quiet and splash and I found that it hangs onto initframs. After googling I found it's because of SATA DVD drive and HDD. And the suggestion was to use linux all_generic_ide which I did still no luck. Please help me out here as I really don't want to move to Windows but looking at the time I have put in I don't see any other alternative at this stage.

Thanks in davance

Help Wanted / Ordering DVD from LinuxMCE website
« on: August 26, 2008, 08:51:33 am »
Hi Guys,

Have any one ordered this DVD from the website? I tried ordering it a month ago and still haven't received it. I tried to contact through google checkout as it uses google checkout and apparently there is no response from any one.
Google Checkout    


Mr Nilesh Naik has sent you the following message:

Status request for order #272735589557191:
Its now nearly month is there any reason why I still haven't received my order? thanks nilesh
 Order Details - Jul 22, 2008 5:50 PM PDT
 Google Order #272735589557191    
 Shipping Status      Qty     Item      Price    
  Not yet shipped     1    LinuxMCE 0710 - Both 32 bit and 64 bit installer DVDs  -  9GB LinuxMCE 32 bit installer DVD and 9GB LinuxMCE 64 bit installer DVD, sent via First Class mail    $5.00    
Tax :    $0.00    
   Total:    $5.00

As I only have 20GB limit per month and didn't wanted to use half just for downloading this DVD as $5 is rather cheaper option than downloading it. But one month past and no response neither DVD.

Does any one knows of a place from where I can buy this DVD in around Melbourne Australia. As I really don't want to download and spend my data limit.


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