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Topics - roberto99

Hi all

Cant find/Am not sure which is the correct link to download the 810 DVD file. Any one? (only torrent??)
Hi all

I am trying to set up the last release of 810 on top of Kubuntu 810 in vmware server 2 but cant get any networkconnection (to work) after installing Kubuntu itself. Has anyone succesfully tried this setup? I am not skilled in Linux. I tried adding 2 network konnections eth0 and eth1 but have no working connection.

So really my question is: what do you basically have to do to get network connections working in Kubuntu 810? I guess I am just not able to do this step correctly.

Did anyone successfullly already setup such an environment?  Is it only a vmware server problem? I tried to install the vmware tools but had some errors and it did not help.
I guess if nobody is able to help I will try to install on a actual computer so to find out if it is a vmware server problem

Any hint?

Hi all

I have been waiting for this as the ION plattform should combine the Atom processor with the Nvidia chipset for low power consumption and good video output capability. I hope to get as much input on this as possible as soon as the product will be availabele cause it looks like a interesting board for MD's and might get one for my self for testing if it look generally promising to who ever will read this.

What do you think?

Here is the link:,2300.html

Hi all

I have a hybrid from which I can perfectly view youtube videos
I have a md connected to it from which I can't. The error is:

"Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player"

I checked the settings in firefox and they are identical on both machines
"apt-get update" did not help

any idea?

Thanks in advance
Hi all

Can anyone point me to a guide how to make a notebook install for a diskless md booting with a pcmcia network card (installing (grub) on to a harddisk (physically i will use a cf card with an adapter) and also how to do this install (grub) on to a cd) ? unfortunately I don't have a build in floppy drive.
The bios option to boot from card bus networkcard is given, but does not work. It is a Dell Inspiron 5100 wiht a Trendnet TEG-PCBUSR pcmcia network card.
Thanks for any advice

This guide: is for installation on to a floppy only, right?
Do you think this might work as I have a file for my card called on the installation cd ?
Hi all
I followed this and this except for the Web Admin Settings cause i dont have my phone running over lmce and dyndns is configured on my ipcop firewall.
So now what? i thought i can now send commands from the N70 over the bluetooth connection to the MD to start music and so on but the only thing shown on the display is "(no data)".
Did I misunderstand everything and do i need a phone running over lmce to use the N70?
I had no errors during the installatin but i was sitting in the room where my hybrid is and did everything from there, whilst, strangly, only the MD in the nearby room has a bluetooth dongle. When I finished installing I went to the MD room and I had to click "OK" to the one message you have to click that.

Thanks for any hints in the right direction
hi all
just a quick question: where do i find what is the default value/function of the function keys f7 f1 f2 ect. just after installin lmce?
(i need it to configure my nintendo wiimote and just hitting the keys on may keyboard did not really help me to understand)
Thanks in  advance
Hi all
I have the possibility to buy several Microsoft media center remote controls (without a respective reciver!) at once. Now I am wondering if I really do need it or if a can use any remotecontrol as I am using USB UIRT. Or IF the reciver would be included that would work well without a usb uirt (and would be cheaper).
Users / How can i create a guide in the guides section?
December 26, 2008, 09:45:40 PM
Hi all

How can i create a guide in the guides section? Cant find any link (after login)
Users / How to clone the main harddisk
December 26, 2008, 08:48:16 PM
Hi all
I am looking for a method to clone the whole harddisk of a LMCE System. Does anyone know how or with which tool it is possible?
Thanks in advance
hi all
i installed a pxe md and its hooked up on a (old) 17 inch lcd monitor. the problem is that when it finishes to start up the font size is huge and i can not access "system settings" to correct it. what can i do? chane it in the command prompt? but how?
any help appreciated
hi all
i can successfully install the 32bit version of 710 rc2 but when trying the 64bit version, after starting the installation i have no image. pressing "2" for VGA does not help.
any idea? need specific hardware information?
Hi all

I am thinking of starting to user Devolo products to build a network over the household power circuit.
For example:
What I would like to continue doing is to have diskless pxe booting MD's only. So my question is:
Is it possible to pxe boot AND use the security software provided with the hardware?
I am asking this because.... what is done first?.. the boot or the authentification..? Or... do I get it wrong?

Any hints would be appreciated.

thanks and cheers
Users / LMCE standard backup vs. Raid
August 15, 2008, 09:55:57 AM
Hi all

I am wondering about the following:
LMCE has a backup function already included. But as I know it does not (for example) back up the files of diskless MD's, right? So if it is like that this is not a complete backup solution. I then would rather use software raid by fist installing ubuntu, setting up the raid and then install LMCE on top of it. If it works I dont know, I am going to try, but am I right that the standard backup function of LMCE does not back up the files of the disless MD's (and what else .... who can tell me) or am I wrong?

Hi all

I have installed a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy  SE 5.1 sound card and "the green line out" works when I hook up normal speakers. But when I connect my 5.1 speakers, I still only have sound on the line out (green plug). Where do I have to change settings to get the 5.1 sound? Any pointers? Is it maybe alsamixer but where do I find it?

Hi all

As I belive that many uf us want to try to reuse already owned or old hardware in general, but that often the Graphics performance is the issue to get UI2, this might be of interest:

The company "Albatron" will soon offer graphics cards based on the  GeForce 8400, 8500 und auch 8600 FOR THE   PCI  SLOT.
This means that (some) of these cards will have just the ideal gpu chipset for LMCE and that you can use it on hardware without a agp or pci-express slot (or as a second or alternative graphics card). Me for example I own some Dell desktops with integrated gpu and no agp or pci-express this should just be ideal for it.

See here for information in german:,40737.html
Add your own link if you find information in english!

I am looking foreward to test at lease 1 of these as soon as they come out.
Please share your experiences or thoughts.

Hi all

The motherboard INTEL D945GCLF, Atom 230 (1.6 GHz), i945GC is out now.
It really looks like a potential MD platform. Low power consumption most of all and small in size.

A german review can be found here:,testberichte-240070.html
An english review of atom here:,1947.html

I would like to start this topic to discuss experiences by users.
Apparently it is not availabel in shops yet (at least here in Switzerland), but should hopefully soon be ready to ship.

Looking foreward

Users / Minimum requirements for (pxe booting) MD ?
July 10, 2008, 11:03:47 AM
Hi all

I am looking to buy an old notebook and to use it as digital picture frame and to listen to audio. Ideally it would be pxe booting. But what I am not sure of is what are the minimal RAM and Processor requirements.

Who knows or has tried?

Users / WOL not possible for hybrid?
July 09, 2008, 09:58:43 PM
Hi all

I today tried to wol (wake on lane) my hybrid from my ipcop firewall with wake-on-lane and from a linux machine with etherwake, but it did not work. In the bios of the hybrid mb the boot rom is enabled and wake up from pci/pcie events is enabled as well. I tried with the mac of both nics. Its an Asus P5N32-E SLI Plus motherboard.

what could be the problem? is the problem that it is a hybrid? wol from my ipcop firewall otherwise works fine for other machines on the lan

Maybe i do have to modify something in the nic properties under kde desktop? i could not find any settings corresponding to wol.

Hi all

Could not find an anwser to this question in the forum.

Does the "follow me" function work with the Nintendo WiiMote? How? Or how could it be accomplished?

This would be a great functionality for the WiiMote since it also is such a great and cheap input device.