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Topics - usaf-lt-g

Installation issues / IONITX-B-E - No sound
June 13, 2010, 08:15:53 PM
Hey guys,

I finally just got 810 up and running, and got a new MD added. The problem is, I'm not getting any sound from it. The motherboard is an IONITX-B-E (Atom N230) based motherboard, and I've got the optical cable plugged into my receiver and SPDIF port on the back.

If I look in the LMCE Admin page under Devices --> Media Directors. It shows the following:

Available Sound Cards     <blank>
Sound Card                   No sound cards found.    

Not sure if that's pretty normal or not. In any case, if someone can help me or point me in the right direction to get the sound working. I'd appreciate it!

Hey guys,

So my box is currently 710, but I figured I'd wipe it and put the latest 810 on. Last night I downloaded the latest build - LinuxMCE-8.10-23049-i386.iso and burned the DVD. MB is an Asus M2NPV-VM.

Popped in to the DVD-rom of the core, and chose the bottom option "Install LinuxMCE".... problem is.... it always comes back with the "Busybox - (INITRAMFS) screen... and doesn't go any further.

Not really sure what the deal is.

Any help?
Hey guys,

So I'd like to automate my living room which is where I have the main tv, etc. The problem with this room, is that I have a LOT of windows, and a 36 - 40 foot ceiling that has the windows running all the way up.

In total in this room... 14 separate Windows. Currently I have Horizontal (Non-Motorized) wood blinds on 6 of these windows.

I'd like them all to be motorized, and I'd like them all to have the ability to be controlled by LMCE.

What's the cheapest way I can go about doing this? I've been having difficulty finding solutions....
Hey guys,

I've been a user of LMCE for quite some time, but it's been in the "crippled" stage ever since I began the project. I'm currently on 710. At the time when I originally pieced together what I wanted, the hardware wasn't really available for me to integrate everything yet. But it looks like there's been some improvements. Having been away from the scene for a little while, I was hoping to get some recommendations for new hardware for my core, and MD. Assume at this point, I'm going to scratch what I have in my current CORE, and that the VIA based MD I have will be used someplace else.

I would like to be able to run UI2 / UI3 if at all possible (It looked like the new ION mini-ITX boards are now nVidia based.... are they fully supported by LMCE?) In the past I've only been able to get UI1, which was very disappointing since flickr never worked.

I would like to be to integrate / interface with the following pieces of A/V in my home:

DishNetwork - Want my Core to be able to pull HD content, Sore, and act as a PVR (if possible)

Element 42" Plasma TV Model PLX-42048 - It has an RS232 port, and I'd prefer to use this... although I've never been able to find a suitable MD that was able to communicate via the RS232 serial port.
Marantz SR5002 A/V Receiver - Has RS232, but again... never been able to really set this up before

Additional Information:
1. The CORE is in a separate room (closet). The Dish Receivers are also in this same room. I have a central wiring cabinet, where router, dish receivers, and core are all located.
2. I havea considerable collection of ripped BD's on my NAS from my personal collection I've bought. Is the current version of LMCE able to read-playback these yet?
3. I've been considering upgrading my Blinds in the main living room / along with the lights to use X10 technology or somethhing compatible with LMCE for control of the climate, although completely clueless on what to purchase and general pricing?
4. The RS232 connections I tried using in the past, were with a USB to Serial Cable I tried plugging into the USB ports of my old MD. However, that never seemed to work. In fact, the LMCE Admin COnsole couldn't detect anything was ever plugged in.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Users / Issue with Port exposure
August 18, 2009, 03:35:15 PM
Hey guys,

I'm having an issue getting one of my application servers (which is a web server) exposed properly to the outside world. I noticed LMCE 710 already has some rules for 80 and 8080, and I'm wondering if that's what's screwing this up.

Basically my network looks like this:

Internet <---> Wi-Fi / Phone System External Network (XXX.XXX.3 subnet router) <---> LMCE Internal Network (XXX.XXX.80 subnet) <---> Web Server (XXX.XXX.80.249 should be port 80).

The router is already setup and configured to my dyndns hostname. If I ping it, it returns the correct IP address of the router.

I've attempted to setup port forwarding on 80 at both the External Network router and LMCE internal network firewall rules, however, I can't seem to work around it.

I've also attempted port re-directs, and have tried to access the webserver via IE on a specific port (5050) that re-routes it to 80 at the webserver end... this also doesn't work.

The only place I can access the web page from currently is from either the server, or a PC on the internal network.

Any help?
Hi guys,

Been a while since I've posted anything but thought I would ask the question anyways. I'm looking for any info on supported all-inclusive mini-ITX or smaller form factor motherboards. By all inclusive, I mean passively cooled CPU already on-board, Gig-E ethernet, preferably HDMI or DMI video output, an optical out for audio, and something other than VIA Graphics. As some of you already know, one of my thin clients I currently own is based on the MSI CN700 series motherboards. HOWEVER, the downside to this MB, is that it contains on-board VIA Unichrome graphics which was a bear in itself to just get it to work with UI1. Is the Intel GMA950 3D Graphic Engine supported by UI2 in 710?

I really want to upgrade my thin client's board to something that at least supports UI2 (geforce?), and PXE is kind of a must. My current board supports PXE, and although a little slow booting, it usually runs very well. The thing I like the MOST about the small form factor of the mini-ITX is that it's virtually silent since it's passively cooled, VERY low power consumption, and takes up practically no room in my TV cabinet (It's basically a 7inch by 7inch by 3 inch tall sqaure case). Compatibility is a must obviously, I'd prefer not to have to setup all kinds of open source drivers just to get UI1 working again.

Any possible leads would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
Users / Updating Network Drivers for MD
December 01, 2008, 06:04:16 AM
Hey guys,

So I've been dinking around on my setup, and realized today that one of my MD's actually only has a built-in 10/100 ethernet card (on-board). I originally thought it was a 1000 gig-e, but after further review... it's not. Seems that since I got version 1.0 of the board (MSI CN700t), they only had 10/100 ethernet cards integrated to the board, it wasn't until the new revision of the board contained a gig-e card.

In any case, it's a small form factor mini-itx to be precise, which means adding a simple PCI card for gig-e isn't an option. However I came across a USB Gig-E ethernet adapter that I thought might do the trick but wanted to find out what drivers I would need to use to get it working in LMCE 710. It's called the "Sabrent USB-G1000" and offers data speeds up to 2000 Mbps.

I'm curious if it's as simple as disabling the on-board NIC, plugging in the USB NIC, and going. Or If i'll need to edit the /usr/pluto/diskless/43/etc/initramfs-tools/modules file to add the correct driver and run the script?

What's the easiest way to update to this NIC, and what drivers should I use?
Users / Need a new MD
September 02, 2008, 07:49:34 AM
Hey guys,

I need to get a new MD as the one downstairs in my main living / theater room ain't cutting it due to VIA graphics chipset and some other lackies.

I originally had a MSI 700CN based board (essentially mini-itx). It's great for power consumption amongst other thangs, but the lack of optical port (needed for my A/V component) and incompatibility with VIA graphics drivers is a bit annoying.

I'd like to put together something that has the following:

2 Serial Ports
a GOOD nVIDIA based graphics board w/ DVI or HDMI output
an Optical Out Port for connection to my A/V equipment
integrated blue tooth would be nice, but not necessary, I have dongles
low power consumption
small form factor
PXE-BOOT (a must)

That's about it... any suggestions?
Users / Lite-On Blu-Ray Drive Problems
August 29, 2008, 03:35:35 AM
Hey guys,

I have a Lite-On Blu-Ray Drive installed in my core. The core has the BD / DVD Ripping packages are installed. I can play and rip DVD discs just fine, however, whenever I put a BD disc in there, it doesn't even detect it, let alone allow me to rip it. Is there some driver I need to install to enable it?

Users / Flickr Not Displaying Screen Saver
August 06, 2008, 10:29:28 PM
Hey guys,

So I got my new MD up in the living room... everything works great except for the Flickr Screen Saver. When it goes to run, it just gives me a white screen, no pictures. The MD Is using OpenChrome VIA Graphics drivers and UI1. As I said everything else works great, audio, movies, etc. Not sure what the deal is. Core and MD are also both running 710. Someone said it sounded like a "shoddy" network, but i'm sure the network is fine... everything is running at 100MBps or faster.

Not sure what the problem is.... any help or suggestions?

In the Admin website device is configured as so:

Device data   Type default   

Directories /home/public/data/pictures   

Name Photo_Screen_Saver   

ZoomTime 10000   

FadeTime 3500   

Supports NPOT Textures - not checked   

Max Size 1024

If I ssh in and view the log i get the following:

05      08/06/08 14:46:28.006           ^[[33;1mPSS released its textures!^[[0m <0xb631ab90>
05      08/06/08 14:47:00.235           ^[[33;1mGot a reload command from 0 ^[[0m <0xb631ab90>
05      08/06/08 14:47:00.485           ^[[33;1mReceived CMD_Off. Terminating...^[[0m <0xb631ab90>
Return code: 139
3       08/06/08 14:47:02       49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;31mDevice died... count=1/50 dev=49^[[1;00m
Wed Aug  6 14:47:02 CDT 2008 died
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       08/06/08 14:47:13       49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;00mStarting... 2^[[1;00m
1       08/06/08 14:47:13       49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;00mFound ./^[[1;00m
1       08/06/08 14:48:51 49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;00m2374 Dev: 49; Already Running list: 44,45,47,46,49,51,50,48,^[[1;00m
1       08/06/08 14:48:51 49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;00m2374 Device 49 was marked as 'running'. Not starting^[[1;00m
1       08/06/08 14:48:51 49 (spawning-device)    ^[[1;00m2374 Dev: 49; Exiting because not starting^[[1;00m
05      08/06/08 15:07:16.853           ^[[33;1mStart Gallery thread^[[0m <0xb5a73b90>
05      08/06/08 15:07:18.278           ^[[33;1mPainting the image... (force refresh) ^[[0m <0xb5a73b90>
05      08/06/08 15:10:00.692           ^[[33;1mPSS released its textures!^[[0m <0xb6274b90>

Users / Need Help Getting files synched
August 01, 2008, 04:09:28 AM
Hey guys,

I'm trying to figure out how to get my Video / Audio / Picture Files from one of my PC's recognized and able to play on my MD in the living room. I'm not certain how this done.

Essentially, my setup is as follows:

Core sits in a server closet, where my cable box also sits (hooked via IR to the living room)
Living Room MD, is connected to Network, TV, A/V Receiver.

Office Computer is connected to the same network, IP of and has a plethora of media files on it (MPGs, AVIs, Pictures, Music, etc.)... located on the G$ which is shared. This is a Windows box.

The core dected and added the windows shares for the Office Computer, as well as my laptop for some odd reason. However, I can't browse or search for any of the movies or anything when I'm in the MD.

Trying to figure out how I can do this... any suggestions?
Users / New MD need help with RS232 connections
July 29, 2008, 05:39:53 PM
Hey all,

FINALLY got my new MD working (what a pain in the arse...) after struggling with openchrome drivers, and several configuration issues. Anyways... so now I'm trying to figure out how to configure my MD (which is located in my living room where all the main equipment is).

As of right now, the MD is hooked directly via 2 Null Modem Serial cables to each of the RS-232C ports on my components.

The TV is an Element 42" PLX-4202B

The A/V Receiver is a Marantz SR5002

I'm currently running LMCE 704 B3 (yes I know, I need to upgrade to 710... i'm getting there i'm getting there ;) ).

Obviously the MD doesn't detect the RS-232C connection by default, so I'm not sure what my next steps should be. Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!



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Users / VIA supported yet? - MSI CN700T
July 27, 2008, 06:19:44 PM
Hey guys,

??? ???
It's been a while since I've posted anything... mostly because I was waiting on some type of solution for my setup. Last I played with LinuxMCE was back in February, and I had just purchased my first media director, which was unsupported because of the on-board graphics chipset being VIA.

The motherboard that's in the media director is an MSI CN700. And my Core is currently running Beta 3 at the moment. The Media Director would work on a netboot up to the point where it needed to load X-windows for obvious graphic driver reasons.

Just curious if there's been any solution / workaround / fix for this yet that would be easy for me to implement. Thanks!

Hey guys,

I'm trying to upgrade my LMCE to Beta 3 using the upgrade script helpers... and the link doesn't seem to work.

I'm going to the wiki page

and then I click on the  gutsy-upgrade-scripts_0.1.0-1_i386.deb link. (

That link doesn't work. How can I get this?

Users / MD Boot Up Problem
February 17, 2008, 05:51:23 AM
Hey all,

Received my NEW MD today and got it hooked in and all. I set the device to PXE boot, and it's receiving an IP successfully and running through the normal boot up procedure. Heck it even detects my SBLIVE 24 External USB SoundCard (Got it because MD didn't have Optical Outputs on it, and I wanted DTS sound).

In any case, the mobo is a MSI CN700T, which is based on VIA. It's MINI-ITX form factor, which is why I liked it. I'm running 0710 Beta 2 on my core at the moment (haven't updated it yet). in any case... it gets all the way down to "Helper Script Started", and seems to just sit there. If I hit enter... I'm given the prompt to login.

Not really sure what to do from here, or what my problem is. Help Please?
Users / DTS Audio Question?
February 15, 2008, 05:24:04 PM
Hey Guys,

Another question in relation to this new MD. Again, it's built on the VIA CN700T Motherboard. Audio says it's a "Flexible 8-Channel" Audio with Jack-Sensing, however, my understanding was that if you have a DTS AV Receiver, you could hook up your MD right to that, and voila, you now have DTS Enabled Media (assuming the media is DTS).

From past experience though, my understanding was that you could only achieve DTS sound through either a Digital Audio cable, or a Digital Coax cable. Is that true? The board doesn't have a pin configuration anywhere for SPDI/F out, and the audio outputs are standard 3.5mm stereo jacks.

The board does have 1 available PCI slot for an expansion board... though i'm unsure how exactly I'd get that to fit in the case I have.

What are my options here?
Users / Quick ? about PXE Boot
February 15, 2008, 05:14:23 PM
Hey guys, I just got a new MD. It's built with VIA CN700T Motherboard. I'm in the BIOS menu, and I've never setup PXE boot before (not even sure if this has that capability or not).

However, I see two Options that may apply...

Under Advanced BIOS Features --> Boot Sequence. I have the ability to select "Legacy LAN" from the list of Boot Devices.

Also Under Integrated Peripherals --> VIA OnChip PCI Device. There's an option called "Onboard LAN Option ROM" which is currently Disabled. The menu Item says it "Decides whether to invoke the boot ROM of the onboard LAN chip.

Do either of these 2 options apply? Just Trying to see how I can get this thing up and running.

Users / FTP Services?
February 13, 2008, 04:58:12 PM
This might be a really dumb question... but is there anyway to turn on FTP services? I have another drive that I keep all my work documents on etc that previously had WinServer 2003 running on it. I set my network up in such a way that I could access the files on the FTP from anywhere. I'd still like to have that running in the background on my Core if at all possible so that I can still get to my files remotely.

Any easy way to do this?

Just curious, but I liked the idea Apple TV went with in allowing users to "rent" titles via the internet. Thought this was a very cool option, especially since you can get them in HD or Blu-Ray.

What about allowing for something like this, OR, perhaps making a peer-to-peer type application. I.E. You use a program to capture an XML extract of LinuxMCE core's currently attached to internet, to extract Movie Title, quality, Size information to a central database program. Users of LinuxMCE could then browse through the DB for a title they'd like to watch, and assuming there were a client software piece located on each MD, the MD could connect to the person(s) with the movie, and stream it to their MD.

Just some thoughts... noodle that one a bit ;)
Users / Posting Pics Issue
February 11, 2008, 02:57:01 AM
Not really sure where to put this other than here, but I seem to be having an issue posting pics to the forum. Was trying to attach a 51k jpg which lays out my setup for a particular post I have and it errors out.

Get the following message.

"An Error has occurred"
" Cannot access attachments upload path! "

I've tried placing the file on just the root, and still can't seem to upload. Not sure what the deal is.