I've been playing around with LMCE 0710 Beta2, and have been thoughroughly impressed. Lots of problems, but very enjoyable and very impressive potential.
One problem - I can't make my lights follow my remote movement
Pity I discovered LMCE only after I sold my house fully automated with CBus
Anyway, I want to automate my current house and connect the automation to LMCE - and I'm not afraid of the development work necessary to get there. Are there any other brave souls that want to journey down this road with me?
First step is to select a an automation system that can be retrofitted. CBus is not a good choice - I don't want to pull cladding off the wall to install the control cables, and Wireless CBus is quite a bit more expensive.
PLCBus? Sounds interesting - does anyone have any experience with it?
X10 - it has some bad press regarding reliability, and I want my system to be robust. I want my automated house to just work - I don't want to have to reboot my computer each time my fridge motor induces a pulse down the powerline.
Oh yeah - I also want my automation system to be independent - I want it to be controllable from a computer system like LMCE, but I don't wan't it to be dependant on a computer. Turn off all the computers in the house and lights must still be controllable from the wall switches and/or IR remotes or whatever - which implies decentralised intelligence like CBus (and PLCBus, from what I've heard)
Best Regards,