I have several hundred GB free on other Hard drives, but MythTV doesn't seem to use any of the free space automatically. Is it suppossed to?
Also on the HD it likes to use I have a bunch of folders like this TV_SHOWS_1, TV_SHOWS_2, TV_SHOWS_3...etc
Some of them are empty, does anyone know what the purpose of these are?
Is the only way to have MythTV record to a free Hard drive is to change the path manually in MythTV setup?
Is there a way to setup a recording group? I read up on MythTV.org and I can't pinpoint which version of mythtv LMCE uses. When I schedule a recording it has a dropdown box to select the recording group but the only one listed is default. How can I add another one that records to a diffrent directory?
Also on the HD it likes to use I have a bunch of folders like this TV_SHOWS_1, TV_SHOWS_2, TV_SHOWS_3...etc
Some of them are empty, does anyone know what the purpose of these are?
Is the only way to have MythTV record to a free Hard drive is to change the path manually in MythTV setup?
Is there a way to setup a recording group? I read up on MythTV.org and I can't pinpoint which version of mythtv LMCE uses. When I schedule a recording it has a dropdown box to select the recording group but the only one listed is default. How can I add another one that records to a diffrent directory?