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Topics - Zaerc

All email services giving out free accounts to spammers will be banned as we get more and more of them signing up every day.  This will start one month from now with the banning of all yahoo, gmail and hotmail related email addresses.

So if you use one of these services, please change the email address listed on your profile page, or face the consequences. 

Thank you for your attention.
Users / Re: "Tough Love In This Forum"
March 27, 2009, 11:08:51 AM
Quote from: colinjones on March 27, 2009, 02:11:10 AM
I think I must be missing something, I'm not sure where you feel something was specifically directed at you. Do you mean in this particular thread, or are you referring to something else I don't know about (or missed!)

To answer your question, I feel that the deletion of my posts is pretty much specifically directed at me.  That is what I was refering to.  The same pretty much goes for bluntly locking that thread for no aparent reason other then to avoid the question obviously. 

And I guess you'll have to excuse me for getting a bit paranoid when suddenly a project turns into a totalitarian nightmare overnight because someone feels that these forums make him look bad to his friends (that have absolutely nothing to do with this project or community at all) and starts laying down the law.
Developers / Why was my post removed from this section?
January 18, 2009, 12:37:36 PM
Because this is the developer section, which is only intended for development related discussion and not user questions, installation issues or job offerings etcetera, we have seperate sections for those, use them!

For now we will be moving them, but if this keeps  up we will start to bluntly delete them, you have been warned.
Users / MOVED: Star Trek Themed UI1
January 17, 2009, 06:51:55 PM
Users / Re: Calming the System
July 06, 2008, 04:26:47 PM
Somebody seems to feel the need to accuse me of crimes agains humanity ;) in a private message, and as I'm not a big fan of private messages I'll just answer it here publicly...

Quote from: ASquared21 on July 06, 2008, 05:29:57 AM
:(Sad to see that Linuxmce will be destroyed by a few people. You don't know me, but have still written poor proffesional posts to me. This is not a threat, you might be the one who could cause Linuxmce to colaps. I understand your posission so I am not posting this in the main forum to sjpare some enbarrasement on your part. You should maintain a proffessional air when dealing with costumers, it helps the reputation of the project. I know it canbe hard, but please stop having a fit every time someone does something wrong. I for one had no idea that I was posting in the wrong forum.

Keep your proffessionalism, spirits, and general health up. Treat people with respect. For any tips, or to chat, reply.
Thanks for listening,

First of all you don't know me either, but somehow that does not stop you from accusing me of destroying this project. :o  Obviously you don't understand my "posission" at all.  I am a volunteer, not a professional and certainly not selling a commercial product.  Which also means that you are not a customer, get over it. 

Instead of inappropriately lecturing people on how to be more useful to you ::), maybe you can try following some instructions and get a clue, that would really help this project.  And sorry to disappoint you but I'm not having a fit everytime I write something that some "costumers" like yourself don't approve of.

Now if you don't mind I'd like to get back to sorting out the lmce build scripts instead of answering whiny messages from "costumers".  Thanks for wasting my time with this bullshit though, I needed a break.  :P
Developers / seems to be dissapearing!!!!
February 15, 2008, 01:57:29 PM
Several users in the chatroom are reporting that they cannot access the domain anymore.  This seems to be due to a DNS related problem.

Not really a developer issue I know, but I figure it will be picked up here the quickest.

Some more or less relevant information:
13:30:41 <@hari> Non-authoritative answer:
13:30:41 <@hari>        canonical name =
13:30:41 <@hari>        canonical name =
13:31:50 <@hari> > /server
13:31:50 <@hari> Server:
13:31:50 <@hari> Address:
13:31:50 <@hari> ** server can't find /server: NXDOMAIN
13:32:00 <@hari> whois:
13:32:01 <@hari>    Domain servers in listed order:
13:32:01 <@hari>       NS1.PLUTOHOME.ORG
13:32:01 <@hari>       NS2.PLUTOHOME.ORG
Users / FreePBX reporting broken in 0710-beta3?
January 29, 2008, 10:04:22 PM
When I go in the web-admin to Advanced > Configuration > Phones setup and click Reports, I get the following error:

[nativecode=Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)] ** mysql://:@localhost/asteriskcdrdb

Couldn't find anything with google about it, so I was wondering does anybody else get that and/or maybe knows how to fix it?
Users / Turning off bluetooth auto detection
November 10, 2007, 05:02:30 PM
Does anyone know how to do it?  I've looked at every message on these boards that mentions bluetooth but can't find any hints on this.

My system is picking up devices from outside my house and since I live right next to a busy shopping street it's almost becoming a day job to tell the system to ignore them one by one.  I figured it would get less after a while but that turned out to be wishful thinking, instead it has become a bit sluggish after litterally thousands of devices to ignore.  It would be far easier for me to enable the auto detection temporarily whenever I actually want to add a new bluetooth device.

Developers / sqlCVS
October 27, 2007, 06:08:20 PM
Does anybody know how this is supposed to work?

I'd like to check out a new clean database for testing with the components I've managed to build from source, but so far I can't find any good documentation on sqlCVS.

# /usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS --help
Copyright (C) 2004 Pluto, Inc., a Florida Corporation
Phone: +1 (877) 758-8648
This program is distributed according to the terms
of the Pluto Public License, available at:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Pluto Public License for more details.


Unknown option: --help
sqlCVS, v.<=version=>
Usage: sqlCVS [-h MySql hostname] [-u MySql username]
[-p MySql password] [-D MySql database] [-P mysql port]
[-H sqlCVS hostname] [-R sqlCVS port]
[-r Repository( -ies )] [-v] [-i] [-c comments]
[-t Table( s )] [-U Username[~Password][,...]] [-d username]
[-a] [-e everyone] [-w width]
[-s Skip Verification of fields] [-b batch] [-f] [-n]
-h hostname    -- address or DNS of database host,
                        default is `dcerouter`
-u username    -- username for database connection
-p password    -- password for database connection,
                        default is `` ( empty )
-D database    -- database name. default is pluto_main
-P port            -- port for database connection,
                        default is 3306
-r output path -- Where to put the output files.
                        Default is ../[database name]
-t input path  -- Where to find the template files.
                        Default is . then ../sqlCVS
-b batch       -- the batch number you want to approve
-U user~pass   -- the user(s) who are logged in and will be committing rows
-d username    -- the owner of any unclaimed new records
            Default is the first user checking in records
-v verify      -- Verifies the integrity of the database first (foreign keys)
-s Table:Field -- Comma delimted list of Fields to ignore when doing a verify
-i verify id   -- Verifies that all records have unique psc_id
-a allow       -- Allows checking in a row with a foreign key
            to a modified row in another table that is not
            being checked in
-e everyone    -- Checkin all records from every user
-n no prompts  -- Don't ever prompt, just exit if necessary
-c comments    -- Optional comments to be included with a checkin
-w screen width-- This value will 'stick' because it's stored in the config
-S restrictions-- Include the listed restrictions.
                  If one restriction, other than 0,
                  is specified with the -v option, rather than auto-deleting, it will
                  update orphaned rows to be in the same restriction
-f filename    -- Save the output of this command to a file, usually so
                  another program like a website can show the contents
                  normally used with -n
-O PK -N PK    -- For use with change_key command
-A anonymous   -- Support authorization witn anonymous~anonymous
                  username and password - all records are commited w/o quarantine
-C attempts count  -- Maximal attempts to connect server if it's busy, default is unlimited
-T processor timeout  -- Timeout for server-side processor (seconds, default is 15 min)

And from looking at some of the scripts included in the source tarball I gather there are "commands" like: import, checkin, change_key, update-psc as well, but what they actually do remains a mystery to me.  I'm guessing (hoping) that one of these scripts is probably used post-install to get a fresh copy of the pluto database.

Aparently sqlCVS does not accept another local username then "root" so I have simply removed the root password on the local mysql database, now running without parameters gives me the folowing menu:

# /usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS
Copyright (C) 2004 Pluto, Inc., a Florida Corporation
Phone: +1 (877) 758-8648
This program is distributed according to the terms
of the Pluto Public License, available at:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Pluto Public License for more details.


Database host:localhost user:root pass: name:pluto_main port:3306
Use sqlCVS -? for command line options.

What would you like to do?
In the future you can also make your selections on the command line using the command shown in parenthesis.
------Server-side functions------
1.      Create a new sqlCVS repository from an existing database ( create )
2.      Edit an existing repository ( edit )
3.      Start listening for incoming connections from clients ( listen )
4.      Permanently roll-back checkins ( rollback )
5.      Create a 'dump' file with the tables in the current repository ( dump )
6.      List all the tables and what repositories they are in ( list-tables )
7.      List all the repositories and what tables they have ( list-repositories )
8.      History on all tables ( history-all )
9.      History on no tables ( history-none )
10.     List unauthorized batches ( batches )
11.     List contents of batch ( batch-contents )
---The following are not normally used---
20.     Reset entire database--sqlCVS clients will be out of sync ( reset-all )
21.     Reset the system tables ( reset-sys )
22.     Update psc_id's ( update-psc )
23.     Update last_psc_batch/id **server only** ( update-last-psc )
------Client-side functions------
A.      Import a 'dump' file from a server and make a local, working copy ( import )
B.      Check-in changes you've made locally ( checkin )
C.      Update my local copy with changes from the server ( update )
D.      **disabled** Synchronize my database with the server. Same as checkin+update ( sync )
E.      View my local changes ( diff )
F.      Approve pending batch ( approve )
G.      Reject pending batch ( reject )
H.      Revert changes from a mask file ( revert )
I.      Changes a primary key and propagates ( change_key )

Z.      Change login or users

Q. Quit

I guess at least that clears the commands up a bit.  But now I guess I'm stuck at some file that can't be read:

# /usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -D pluto_main -r dce import
Copyright (C) 2004 Pluto, Inc., a Florida Corporation
Phone: +1 (877) 758-8648
This program is distributed according to the terms
of the Pluto Public License, available at:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Pluto Public License for more details.


Database host:localhost user:root pass: name:pluto_main port:3306
01      10/27/07 17:37:17.876           Connect failed Unknown database 'pluto_main' <0xb7b166b0>
Creating database pluto_main
Caught exception: Cannot read file

# /usr/pluto/bin/sqlCVS -D pluto_main -r dce import
Copyright (C) 2004 Pluto, Inc., a Florida Corporation
Phone: +1 (877) 758-8648
This program is distributed according to the terms
of the Pluto Public License, available at:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Pluto Public License for more details.


Database host:localhost user:root pass: name:pluto_main port:3306
Caught exception: Cannot read file

For all I know this could be a configuration file that sqlCVS depends on, but I feel a bit reluctant to try this on a real lmce installation as I'm obviously pretty clueless to what I'm exactly doing here and it wouldn't surprise me at all if I'm doing things horribly wrong...

These completely harmless, yet annoying warnings can easily be fixed:

sudo sed -e 's/tail +/tail -n +/' -i /usr/pluto/bin/*.sh

Developers / Building from the source tarball
August 31, 2007, 10:48:11 PM
I'm just throwing this out in case somebody may find it useful, here is what I did so far:

  • unpack the sources
  • change directory
  • copy original libraries from the system

  • replace "Mozilla_Plugin" with "Plug_And_Play_Plugin" in Makefile_all
  • generate a Makefile for "MessageSend" from a file already there

  • replace <-mkr_t_compile_defines-> with a more useful default value in the Makefiles
  • replace <-mkr_t_compile_libs-> with a more useful default value in the Makefiles

  • build the DCERouter and some plugins

tar xvf  LinuxMCE_0704_Source.tar.bz2
cd LinuxMCE-1.1-SRC/src
cp -a /usr/pluto/lib/* lib/

sed -e 's/Mozilla_Plugin/Plug_And_Play_Plugin/g' -i Makefile_all
sed -e 's/\r$//' -e 's/^LDLIBS = -lpthread $/&-lhttp_fetcher/' MessageSend/Makefile.MessageSend >MessageSend/Makefile

find . -iname Makefile -exec sed -e 's/<-mkr_t_compile_defines->/-DKDE_LMCE -DDEBUG -DTHREAD_LOG -DLOG_ALL_QUERIES -I\/opt\/libxine1-pluto\/include -I\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/include -I\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/include\/SD/' -i '{}' \;
find . -iname Makefile -exec sed -e 's/<-mkr_t_compile_libs->/-L\/opt\/libxine1-pluto\/lib -L\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/lib/' -i '{}' \;

make -f Makefile_all 2>&1|tee make.log

This seems to build at least the basics for me.  Next you can go into the directory of what you want to build and do make clean all ("so" or "bin" can be used instead of "all" as well) there.

For example additional shared objects like the "Ruby_Generic_Serial_Device" (Generic_Serial_Device) and "VDRPlugin" could be build like this:

make clean so -C Generic_Serial_Device 2>&1|tee make-Generic_Serial_Device.log
make clean so -C VDRPlugin 2>&1|tee make-VDRPlugin.log

The resulting binaries and libraries are placed in the bin/ and lib/ directories, these can be copied to the corresponding directories under /usr/pluto/ but you might want to make a backup of those directories first. 

And that's about as far as I got for now, how about you?


EDIT: corrected the directory to change into

EDIT: replaced the finds with exports as indicated by Paul.

EDIT: updated now that things appear to be working.

Could somebody please get rid of the accounts that are regularly being used to add spam to the wiki?  Preferably blacklisting the email domains from where they registered.

I, for one, won't be removing anymore spam unless at least some form of action is taken.
Developers / Core to Hybrid
August 28, 2007, 08:36:47 PM
I was wondering if it was possible to change a core install into a hybrid. 

So I installed a core system and added a Generic PC as MD with the web-admin.  Unfortunately I couldn't add it to the core directly but it could be added as a top level device.  Then changed the "This device is controlled via" to CORE, put it in a room and emptied the "IP Address" field.  After a reboot it came up (took a while with lots of installage) but the UI was displayed clipped (only showing the upper left corner).  To fix that I clicked in the bottom left of the screen (normally the LMCE logo in UI1) and then the "Video Res & Audio Setup" button, which took me through the AVWizard that fixed the problem. 

I'm guessing the other way around is even easier. ;)
Users / GC100 + input sensors
August 24, 2007, 08:30:46 AM
Has anybody got any experience configuring these? 

I have one hooked up to my doorbell, and it's not clear to me how I need to configure it in LinuxMCE.  I already added a "Generic Input Ouput" device to the gc100, but I'm not even sure what to put in the "Port/Channel Number" device data field.  For now I'm using the value 3 as it's connected to (IR-)port #3. 

Now (I'm guessing) I need to add a "someone rings the doorbell" event and tie it to some action, this is where I get really lost.  Ideally I would just like to have the text-to-speech say something like "tring" or "there is someone at the door", maybe even just turn a small light on in the livingroom for a few seconds when the house is in sleep mode.

I see the following in the

05      08/24/07 8:06:07.701            Creating child 63 <0xb795f6d0>
05      08/24/07 8:06:07.701            Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 43 that this has no custom event handler for.  It will not fire events. <0xb795f6d0>
05      08/24/07 8:06:07.701            Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 43 that this has no custom handler for.  This is normal for IR. <0xb795f6d0>
05      08/24/07 8:06:09.636            statechange Reply: Sorry, after all that searching, I can't determine which child device should be sent the pin_changed <0xb615bb90>

Not sure what it exactly means, but I don't like the sound of it.

Any suggestions at all (things to try, logs to check, etc) are welcome.
Users / GC100 + CM11 setup
August 20, 2007, 10:20:28 PM
Somehow I seem unable to setup my GC100 properly, even after using workarounds.  The CM11 works fine on both the core (with USB-serial cable) and a media director (with serial cable), right up to the point where I hook it up to the GC100's serial port.

Is there anyone around who has experience with this?

I have eventually added the gc100 successfully (or so it seems) to the LMCE system, tried both workarounds on the LMCE and Pluto gc100 wiki page.  They both seem to work fine and get the device added (the latter one leaves the device unlocked, which can be handy for testing).

I have set the parameters on the serial port to "4800 8N1" as listed among other places on the pluto gc100 page.  According to GCSupport aparently every browser but IE is broken (funny how I never noticed that before, not to mention ping being broken under linux as well, I mean come on).  Whether this broken firmware can ever be upgraded is anybodies guess (and I'm not desperate enough yet to email their techsupport), but I digress.

Meanwhile there is a new serial device on the core available in the web-admin: /dev/ttyS_84_0 it would seem to me that this has to be the serial port on the GC100 (which just happens to be device #84).  Now this is where things get confusing for me. 

When I reconfigure the CM11 in the web-admin to use that serial port (like I've done moving back and forth between the core and MD) it doesn't work anymore.  Then I noticed that the gc100 also has a "Com Port on PC" setting, so I tried setting that to /dev/ttyS_84_0 as well, which was accepted but with the same disappointing result.  I have no idea how this is supposed to work, but here is what baffles me: the /dev/ttyS_84_0 "device" is actually a symlink to /dev/null.  Any thoughts on this are more then welcome.

In the mean time I guess as a last resort I can put this device under my arm and go visit a windows-using friend, just to reconfigure it with IE (ffs).  Not that I expect much of that as the settings are reported what they should be, but just to rule that out and who knows...

PS. I got a GC100-06 with Firmware Version : 2.4-06 and a CM11A (w/opt. USB cable) for what it's worth.
Developers / small patch for auto.PlutoStorageDevices
August 13, 2007, 05:13:18 AM
Here is a little modification I needed since the fileserver I used doesn't seem to like cifs, but does like smbfs for some reason.  All this does is enable you to specify "smbfs" instead of "cifs" in the web-admin for a certain share.  Just locate the share in the devices tree, there is an input field called "Filesystem" (under "device-data") which didn't do much without the attached patch.

Maybe it's of use to someone else as well.

EDIT: I uploaded a patch file instead, copy paste wasn't working right.