I'm just throwing this out in case somebody may find it useful, here is what I did so far:
- unpack the sources
- change directory
- copy original libraries from the system
- replace "Mozilla_Plugin" with "Plug_And_Play_Plugin" in Makefile_all
- generate a Makefile for "MessageSend" from a file already there
- replace <-mkr_t_compile_defines-> with a more useful default value in the Makefiles
- replace <-mkr_t_compile_libs-> with a more useful default value in the Makefiles
- build the DCERouter and some plugins
tar xvf LinuxMCE_0704_Source.tar.bz2
cd LinuxMCE-1.1-SRC/src
cp -a /usr/pluto/lib/* lib/
sed -e 's/Mozilla_Plugin/Plug_And_Play_Plugin/g' -i Makefile_all
sed -e 's/\r$//' -e 's/^LDLIBS = -lpthread $/&-lhttp_fetcher/' MessageSend/Makefile.MessageSend >MessageSend/Makefile
find . -iname Makefile -exec sed -e 's/<-mkr_t_compile_defines->/-DKDE_LMCE -DDEBUG -DTHREAD_LOG -DLOG_ALL_QUERIES -I\/opt\/libxine1-pluto\/include -I\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/include -I\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/include\/SD/' -i '{}' \;
find . -iname Makefile -exec sed -e 's/<-mkr_t_compile_libs->/-L\/opt\/libxine1-pluto\/lib -L\/opt\/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007\/lib/' -i '{}' \;
make -f Makefile_all 2>&1|tee make.log
This seems to build at least the basics for me. Next you can go into the directory of what you want to build and do
make clean all ("so" or "bin" can be used instead of "all" as well) there.
For example additional shared objects like the "Ruby_Generic_Serial_Device" (Generic_Serial_Device) and "VDRPlugin" could be build like this:
make clean so -C Generic_Serial_Device 2>&1|tee make-Generic_Serial_Device.log
make clean so -C VDRPlugin 2>&1|tee make-VDRPlugin.log
The resulting binaries and libraries are placed in the
bin/ and
lib/ directories, these can be copied to the corresponding directories under
/usr/pluto/ but you might want to make a backup of those directories first.
And that's about as far as I got for now, how about you?
EDIT: corrected the directory to change into
EDIT: replaced the finds with exports as indicated by Paul.
EDIT: updated now that things appear to be working.