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Topics - dopey

Developers / Myth MD/Orbiter
March 09, 2014, 09:39:57 PM
Hi All,

First, let me start off saying I'm not trying to start a "this app is better" argument. That does not belong in this thread.

I'm coming back to this project, after being absent for a number of years. Now I'm considering making some changes, but curious as to what others think of that direction I'm considering. I'm especially curious if anyone else has thought of or starting doing this before.

Also, if anyone can help point me to "areas of interest" for me to study and read, I'd much appreciate it. Right now, the design I'm about to go over is a concept only and I've only just begun looking at what it would entail to accomplish... I haven't even setup my LMCE dev VM yet.

Throughout the years of this project (how wonderful is it that I can say that) the one thing that annoyed me the most is the Myth TV integration with LinuxMCE. To watch Live TV you had to wait for this behemoth of an app to load, and LMCE's connection to Myth has been finicky at best. Plus, you have to consider, it takes some much time for Myth to load, because it's loading a lot of the stuff LinuxMCE is already handling.

When I first started looking at LinuxMCE, the Myth Internal Player was still new and often overridden on purpose, but that's not true anymore. That internal player can now run circles around the Xine player that LinuxMCE uses by default, plus MythUI allows you to spawn/overlay video windows wherever you want, display pictures, play audio, etc.

It then occurred to me that MythTV is actually very feature complete; and would have everything a HA system needs or would ever want, if only Myth had a plugin for a LMCE Orbiter, inside MythTV itself; and MythTV acted as the MD. Then Mythfrontend (or perhaps a separate app that utilizes the MythUI API) would be opened when ObiterGL is called. Myth would then be responsible for handling all audio, video, and text notifications (Myth already has this functionality); and sending/responding to commands to/from the DCERouter (what it seems mainly needs to be added).

Doing this would replace the picture viewer, Xine, and gallery devices; so MythTV would handle all commands previously sent to those devices. I think this is probably the main area that I would need to study up on first.

Before I even start going down this route, does anyone see any political issues that would cause me problems (such as licensing, rival devs, etc.)? This does sound like it would take a considerable amount of time, so I want to be reasonably sure I'm not going to be stopped halfway. I'm also hoping there's other developer interest in doing something like this.

I just reported this as a bug, but I figured I'd post it here as well to see if anyone here has any thoughts:

I'm not entirely certain that installing the HDHomeRun caused it, but that's when I started seeing the issue (during the install process). The HDHomeRun still isn't completely setup as I had to hard reset in order to to regain control. Now after every boot Ushare starts and eats all the memory very quickly.

I should note that this is a brand new install (0710b3 64bit) and the Core/Hybrid was only running for a day prior to the install of the HDHomeRun. It was, however, running without issue up to that point.

I am currently working around this by quickly killing the ushare process after boot.

I'm not sure what other information would be pertinent as I have never actually used ushare before...
Users / Non standard resolution and Orbiter Skin
September 07, 2007, 11:39:59 AM
I've been working to get my HP Pavilion dv8000 to work as a MD with UI2. I also wanted to up the resolution to it's max setting of 1680x1050. I, for the most part, got this working, but for some reason every screen under Media is blank (just a black screen).

Of course 1680x1050 is a non-standard resolution in LinuxMCE, so I had to add it, which I probably did wrong. I issued the following command in the pluto_main database to accomplish this:
insert into Size (Description,Width,Height,ScaleX,ScaleY) VALUES('1680x1050',1680,1050,657,657);

I'm not too incredibly sure about the ScaleX and ScaleY fields. I calculated the ScaleX field with 1050/1600, which gave me .65625. I then rounded up to 657. The ScaleY field I am really unsure about, but I saw that 1080p has the same value in ScaleX and ScaleY, so that's what I did.

After doing that I set both the Media Director and OnScreen Orbiter to 1680x1050, did another reload router and then full regen of that Orbiter. Like I said, this works, for the most part; I just can't get anything to display under Media. I've tried a couple more reload router and regens as well, but that didn't help...

I've completely run out of ideas on this one, so if anyone else has some I'd much appreciate it.
Developers / Compiling LinuxMCE version of MythTV
August 27, 2007, 01:54:05 AM
MythTV in the source.

I wanted to at least get mythfrontend working on my Gentoo boxes. It seemed pretty straight forward to do that. I created a tar archive of the MythTV source in the LinuxMCE source. I then created an ebuild for that (actually I just modified an already existing one and copied it to an overlay with a new version number). It compiled and installed just fine.

However, it seems that the version in the source is not the same version that LinuxMCE actually uses. As soon as I ran mythfrontend it had to upgrade the database schema and then it gave me an error saying that that version of mythfrontend only supports protocol version 33, but the backend is running version 31. I verified that it is in fact compiling and installing the version in the LinuxMCE source and that it is connecting to the database on the core.

I'm sure I just missed something obvious, but I'm at a loss as to what that is...
Developers / MythTV, Zap2it, and Schedules Direct
August 26, 2007, 12:24:55 AM
As many of you probably now Zap2it labs will no longer be serving the open source community with TV listing data. As a result Schedules Direct was created to fill this void. In order to ensure Schedules Direct doesn't fail the open source community as Zap2it has (not really their fault) Schedules Direct has imposed restrictions on what applications can use it's service. The exact legal wording is still be discussed, but this is a pivotal moment for LinuxMCE and it should be involved.

LinuxMCE is an non-commercial, open source project itself and as such it shouldn't have a problem getting on the "Approved Applications" list. However, as I understand the TOS, third party vendors selling the core servers would not be approved... unless they sell just the hardware... but that's something that needs to be discussed with the Schedules Direct board. So companies like Fiire would need to have their own contract with Tribune in order to sell complete core servers that actually give TV listings... legally.

It's important to note that LinuxMCE uses the program guide data directly, not just through MythTV, so it must be on the "Approved Applications" list or we would be violating the TOS as it is currently written. Even though LinuxMCE is a distribution and not a single application it does need to be on the list (Even KnoppMyth is on the list).

Another problem is that only the newly released version of MythTV even supports Schedules Direct. This means that we have approximately 1 week (Zap2it stops service Sep. 1) to update MythTV to the latest release, integrate it into LinuxMCE, get LinuxMCE on the approved applications list, and release and update or will will start to loose TV listing data.
Users / X, Transparency, and CPU Usage
August 13, 2007, 11:33:49 PM
Eventually, I got the Orbiter to work with UI2. The only problem was that I couldn't turn on alpha blending even though DRI and composite was all working fine. Still, I was willing to live with this.

However, when I first installed the core it was using another monitor and when I connected the monitor it was going to use for good it recreated the xorg.conf and enabled transparency. I'm really not sure why it did this, but now the CPU usage for the X process gets progressively higher until it reaches around 100% (takes about 5 minutes) and makes the system useless. Note that it only does this when the Orbiter is drawing on the screen, otherwise the X process has normal CPU usage. I've tried disabling the composite extension in xorg.conf, but then then Orbiter get stuck in an endless loop saying that it couldn't enable transparency. I also tried changing the orbiter UI to not use transparency, but the admin site doesn't allow me to change those options.

At this point the Media Director is unusable, so any help would be much appreciated. I'm running an AMD X2 4200+ on a ASUS A8V-MX motherboard with an Nvidia 6200 AGP video card.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I also tried updating the Nvidia drivers to 100.14, but it didn't have any effect.
Developers / Nokia 770 Orbiter
July 25, 2007, 08:50:19 AM
I have been working on building the orbiter for the Nokia 770. I got most of the way there, but I got stuck at a build error while building the orbiter bin.

First thing I noticed is that the build instructions in the Wiki is woefully out of date. Despite that, I did some google-ing, built the environment and the dependencies that aren't available as packages (SDL_gfx, libXmu, libhid, mysql[just the libs], and xextproto). I then built the Orbiter shared libraries, which built fine. Finally once I got to last step of the build process, which is to build the orbiter bin, I received the following build time error:

g++ -c -I.. -I../DCE -I/usr/include/mysql -DDEBUG -DTHREAD_LOG -DLOG_ALL_QUERIES -I/opt/libxine1-pluto/include -I/opt/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007/include -I/opt/libsdl1.2-1.2.7+1.2.8cvs20041007/include/SDL -I/usr/include/SDL -DORBITER -DCACHE_IMAGES -DENABLE_MOUSE_BEHAVIOR -I../Splitter -I../OrbiterGen -I../SDL_Helpers -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -Wall -fPIC -ggdb3 -g -O0 Linux/HIDInterface.cpp -o Linux/HIDInterface.o
In file included from Linux/../OrbiterData.h:32,
                 from Linux/../Orbiter.h:39,
                 from Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:35:
Linux/../DesignObj_Orbiter.h: In member function `void DesignObj_Orbiter::m_GraphicToDisplay_set(std::string, int, bool, bool)':
Linux/../DesignObj_Orbiter.h:79: warning: unused variable 'k'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In constructor `PlutoHIDInterface::PlutoHIDInterface(DCE::Orbiter*)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:460: error: `pthread_mutexattr_t DCE::Orbiter::m_MutexAttr' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:55: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `void PlutoHIDInterface::ProcessHIDEvents()':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:144: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'c'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'i'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:79: warning: unused variable 'a'
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `bool PlutoHIDInterface::ProcessBindRequest(char*)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:181: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:193: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:194: error: within this context
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:197: error: within this context
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp: In member function `bool PlutoHIDInterface::SetActiveRemote(int, bool)':
Linux/../Orbiter.h:427: error: `OrbiterFileBrowser_Collection*DCE::Orbiter::m_pOrbiterFileBrowser_Collection' is protected
Linux/HIDInterface.cpp:293: error: within this context
make: *** [Linux/HIDInterface.o] Error 1

Any thoughts on how to proceed would be much appreciated.
Users / Asterisk and Sipura SPA-2000
June 29, 2007, 11:31:59 AM
How do you set up this sip to analog phone adapter to work with linuxmce? I got it to work with Asterisk all by itself, but linuxmce requires you to setup you phones and extensions through its admin website and I don't see an option for this.

Also I have two incoming phone numbers with two different broadvoice accounts. When I set up these as two phone lines it will only except one phone number. It will add both phone lines, but it will only allow one of those phone lines to have a phone number. When I add the number to the second line it wipes out the first number for the first line. Is this a bug? I can't believe that linuxmce only supports 1 phone number!

I'm almost at the point of just disabling all phone functionalities from the core and just running asterisk desperately. I know I'll be loosing a lot of functionality, but I've been without a phone for a while because of this and I need some that works...