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Topics - wsuetholz

Pages: [1]
Marketplace / WebDT 366 for sale
« on: June 30, 2009, 05:03:46 pm »
  I purchased a WebDT 366 when Thom had pointed them out a while back.  I didn't get much farther then turning it on, and noticing the cradle wasn't quite the correct one, before things got busy.

  This unit does have a minor scratch on the screen in the upper left, I think all of the ones in that sale did..  The scratch doesn't seem to affect the operation or viewing of the device.  I haven't actually run the orbiter on the device, but being as it was in the same lot as the one used by Thom, it's likely to work. 

  Device has a Cisco WIFI card, and seems to have Bluetooth as well.  I have used Bluetooth PAN in order to get internet access, since my WIFI network is using WPA not WEP.

  I'm selling the device, including extra external battery, charger and cradle (which isn't the correct one, but is still usable as a stand).  I'm presently asking $175 + shipping.

  Thank you.

Users / Server rebuild recommendations
« on: June 05, 2009, 07:48:27 pm »
  My server's OS drive is in the process of self-destructing, so I'm going to have to do a rebuild.

  I have a combination of 4 1TB drives, and 3 500GB drives.. Of which 2 1TB and 2 500GB are filled with media/other systems backups.  The OS drives are presently running on the IDE 0 channel, and I have 4 SATA II and 4 SATA (PCI Card) channels.  Only the system board channels are bootable.
  What would be the recommended setup? I was thinking RAID 1 for the OS (500GB Drives) and RAID 5 for the Data (1TB Drives).  I do have a backup scheme in place for the database.  I'm mostly concerned with uptime on this rebuild.  But, I have issues with the 1/2 the storage space that Raid 1 results in.  I realize that Raid 5 has some write time performance issues as well.


Marketplace / WebDT 366 for sale
« on: May 05, 2009, 08:21:02 pm »
  I purchased a WebDT 366 when Thom had pointed them out a while back.  I didn't get much farther then turning it on, and noticing the cradle wasn't quite the correct one, before things got busy.

  This unit does have a minor scratch on the screen in the upper left, I think all of the ones in that sale did..  The scratch doesn't seem to affect the operation or viewing of the device.  I haven't actually run the orbiter on the device, but being as it was in the same lot as the one used by Thom, it's likely to work. 

  Device has a Cisco WIFI card, and has Bluetooth as well.  It is presently running WinCE 5.0,  There have been reports of people running WinXP embedded on it.  From what people have said, it works great as an orbiter for LinuxMCE using the software that TSHAK(Thom) put together.

  I'm selling the device, including extra external battery, charger and cradle (which isn't the correct one, but is still usable as a stand).  I'm presently asking $175 + shipping.

Thank you.

Installation issues / Audio Issues -- Fixed (kind of)
« on: September 17, 2008, 08:50:59 am »
  I have a MD that is base on a NVidia chipset.  It is an Asus A8N-VMCSM system board.  It uses the snd-hda-intel sound driver.  I have applied all the fixes I needed when I was running a MythTV install, and the sound is not good.  It's distorted during playback.
  I changed the flag to not auto start the MD software/orbiter and played the same exact audio file using mplayer, and it sounds ok, until I start up the MD.  The audio will get distorted even on the running mplayer session.

  Any ideas?  It doesn't seem to be media file related, and there seems to be plenty of processor available during this.


Users / Media streaming
« on: June 07, 2007, 06:32:20 pm »
  I would like to know if it is possible to have the media playback be multicast?  Like VLC can do.  Where you have a VLC server running streaming the video/audio out, and multiple VLC clients can be viewing the same stream.

  I'm not sure I like the remote file mounting for media that seems to prevalent for media center PCs.  I'd even like the pictures to be streamed this way as well.  If there are any MDs in screen saver mode, then the screen saver should be running on the core streaming out to any MDs that care, when all of the MDs are active, then the screen saver can sleep for a while.

  Don't know if this really belongs in users or not..


Installation issues / Starting CORE software automatically. Beta1.1
« on: June 07, 2007, 06:13:50 pm »
  When I installed, I chose the option that the machine would be used primarily as a PC (I would have liked primarily as CORE) since I didn't want the orbiter to start automatically, but I'd still like the CORE backend software to start.  I just don't wan't the orbiter starting automatically.  I'll probably also turn off the automatic starting of X/KDE when I get things working smoothly.

  So, what do I need to do to get the CORE to start at system boot, not when the LinuxMCE application is run from a desktop.  I tried putting the shell script that the LinuxMCE application calls to start the core into /etc/rc2.d, but that didn't seem to work.  I don't like having to log in in order to get the CORE running.  I would change it to autologin, but I still need to enter a password for starting LinuxMCE, which kind of defeats the purpose of autologin.

Options I'd like to see at install time:
1) Install as CORE only
2) Install as Hybrid which includes CORE and Orbiter running at boot
3) Install as Hybrid with just CORE running at boot, Orbiter can be started by itself from the desktop.
4) Install as Media Director, with no CORE, Just Orbiter and other Media display functions


Feature requests & roadmap / DHCP Configuration options.
« on: June 07, 2007, 05:43:47 pm »
  I would like the DHCP options for nameservers and routers to be able to be specified, let them default to the LAN IP, but allow them to be changed/added to.
Presently I have modified the dhcp scripts to have a sed line that fixes the dhcpd.conf file after being generated by PlutoDHCP.  I looked at the PlutoDHCP source code and see that it seems that this would require modifying database schemas to accomplish, since it just uses the local IP for both of those config options.


Installation issues / Beta1.1 Problem with network boot MD
« on: June 07, 2007, 05:37:24 pm »
  I have a hybrid core that is running on an ATI based platform, and a NVidia based MD. 

  As of last night, the MD doesn't even boot all the way anymore.  It loads the kernel from the core, and starts to boot, after it detects the network it reboots.  It was booting at one point, getting to the point where it was telling me that it was notifying orbiters of a new MD, but the orbiter on the CORE never displayed anything,  So I went through the web page and reclicked the setup diskless MD, just in case.

Anything I should be looking at?


Users / Minimum install for MediaDirector
« on: April 26, 2007, 04:30:19 am »

  How much disk space is really needed on a director?  Could we set up a micro dist that would include enough to work as a director and still fit in < 128 meg?
There are some mostly working BitBake receipies for the orbiter, that somebody was doing up to have a Zaurus as a director, so maybe Open Embedded would work as a starting point?

I know, I know.. Do it myself...

On that note...  What are the critical packages that need to be installed and working for a MediaDirector that can still stream media.  But, don't hold your breath waiting for me to roll it :-)

I have a couple of RCA RM-4100 (AKA MSNTV2) boxes that are in the process of having LinuxBIOS ported to them, that will soon be perfect for MediaDirectors,  They have 1Meg of
BIOS memory to play with, and come with a 64meg CF card, that can be replaced.  To give you an idea..  One of the LinuxBIOS folks has installed a complete working Linux with an X Server in a 2 Meg BIOS chip.


Users / Missing Network boot option in BIOS.
« on: April 26, 2007, 04:19:43 am »
  I got this Soyo SY-P4RC350 board, partially because it had onboard Composite and S-Video out, and partly because I had a P4 2Ghz processor from a dead machine lying about.  I had it working with Knoppmyth, and would like to use it "mostly" diskless.  I have some 64meg IDE Flash drives, that I'd like to use for the initial boot (just one if possible).  Can anybody point me the correct way to do this..  The BIOS doesn't seem to have an option to enable network boot, and I don't see it doing the PXE inquiry at all.

  More clearly (possibly :-)

  I want the machine to boot the Linux kernel from the Flash drive, and then act as if it is a diskless boot client by getting the rest of it's system from the Core system.

  .. So much to do, so little time <hmm> ..


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