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Messages - commsbyte

Pages: [1]
Users / Re: vbox + LinuxMCE 0810-alpha + ui2 = working
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:53:07 pm »

Ok so to work the rendering out, I figured that glxinfo was pointing the dri module still at the nvidia one....
Since glxinfo outpus still says:
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation

Therefore to fix this to get hardware render,
run following commands

rm /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia/ /usr/lib/

Let me know your result, you should pretty much be able to run this vm as a full media director now. I can hardly tell its virtual now, the only difference now is still can only get virtual stereo sound, but I can live with that. Maybe one day someone will write an audio passthru driver to utilize the audio directly.


Users / Re: vbox + LinuxMCE 0810-alpha + ui2 = working
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:30:35 pm »
Your wish is my command  ;D

Users / Re: vbox + LinuxMCE 0810-alpha + ui2 = working
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:33:51 am »
Had a bit more time to look at this, and realised the reason the UI2 is a bit slow in teh guest is because its using software rendering. You see this when you run glxinfo. Again under 9.10; Direct Rendering=YES in the guest

So I will look to see what needs to be done to get direct rendering working. Unless anyone can contribute to help resolve this?


Users / Re: vbox + LinuxMCE 0810-alpha + ui2 = working
« on: November 01, 2010, 08:03:25 pm »
Hi Richard,

I hope to bring you some news. I worked out that the reason opengl does not work is because the nvidia drivers are installed with linuxmce.
I read that having the nvidia drivers installed can prevent X from working for some graphics chipsets, mine being one of them.

So I knew that my intel graphics chipset worked fine for virtualbox guest running Ubuntu 9.10 with Xserver 1.6. So short of having to to much effort I have taken a bit of a quick win approach by replacing the the symlink pointing to the nvidia
I then tested glxinfo and this indicated glx was working, so then ran AVwizard again with UI2, and it all worked perfectly fine.

replace /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ with the one from xserver 1.6 which I You can download here

Now I wont lie to you, your opengl results in virtual guest will vary, mine seems to run nicely once i disable the screen saver, but at least I have a usable UI2 menu, granted its not native speed, but its good enough for what I wanted to do.

Please test and set to Solved if it works for you.

Users / Re: vbox + LinuxMCE 0810-alpha + ui2 = working
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:18:27 pm »
Any one made any progress on this topic. I would be interested to learn how UI2 works in virtualbox.

Many Thanks

Users / Re: 810 Abandoned?
« on: April 03, 2010, 06:42:27 pm »
I love the comment from the guy who says "Should I reinstall 7.10?" - ROFL
Like anyone with any sense would still have thier 7.10 production system working, right ?

Installation issues / Festival Speech Engine Stutter 8.10
« on: November 04, 2009, 01:16:48 pm »

LMCE 8.10

Festival speech engine works fine from shell access or KDE by command line, run as linuxmce or root.
However, when an event triggers festival from the front end Media Director, the speech repeats the text variable twice and it is stuttering or breaking up to the point where you can not determine what its saying.

Given that festival works fine from back end, is this permissions related or festival configuration related to Alsa within LMCE ?


Installation issues / Re: USB UIRT - learn mode stopped working - SOLVED
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:49:04 am »
OK first to check the port of the USB UIRT, locate your USB UIR you know in your case its device 36 which is good.
otherwise open Web Interface, on left hand pane select show device tree, and locate the USB UIRT.
Now when you select this device in the properties pane, you see which USB port has been assigned.
it should do this automatically on first installation, but what happened in my case is that I moved the USB UIRT to a different USB port and it then had a little trouble reassigning the USB port. In my case it had move from port 1 to 2 etc.

2nd question, you can leave the MCE remote. IF you have an MCE remote you can use it to control your orbiter screen.
You can also add other remote controls if you wish to use them to control the orbiter screens. This of course will use the receiver on the USB UIRT to receive teh remote control commands.

3rd question, If you wish to use you logitech keyboard to control the orbiter, and control the TV with USB UIRT transmitter you need to add your Sony TV as an AV device. This device template contains the codes for blasting/transmitting the same codes as sent by the TV remote control.


First of all I apologize if this has already been covered by someone, but I was having issue locating information to find appropriate solution. After checking the bug trac I see similar bugs logged and closed with unable to replicate fault.

Anyway I hope this info may assist you if you have problem getting 5.1 AC3/DTS over SPDIF or Coax with CK804 sound, nforce chipset.

I updated the wiki with information which I hope will be clear enough to aid new-comers in making the move to linuxmce.

Installation issues / Re: USB UIRT - learn mode stopped working - SOLVED
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:00:32 pm »
Worked it out!

Just in case anyone has same problem, the device template had lost the setting for which device/port was controlling it.
In this case the USB port had somehow changed from pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0+2 to pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0+3

Therefor opened the device and changed the COM port to the correct port that the USB UIRT was running on, and voilla can now learn codes again.

Installation issues / USB UIRT - learn mode stopped working - SOLVED
« on: September 21, 2009, 02:26:49 pm »

Installed USB UIRT fine and was over-joyed when it just worked.
I created a new device, added commands and selected add new code, and hey presto the USB UIRT just learnt the new remote code 1st time.

Just recently when I now go into the template to add a new remote code the radio button will move from "learn new code" to "add manually". If i try to select "learn code" it will refresh and flick back to manual, thus I can no longer learn new codes. Sometimes it will just pop up a message saying "new code learnt" even though you have not had chance to input or press the button on the remote control.

I have tried remove and add the USB UIRT device again but this made no difference.
The only thing I can think of that may have changed is that I have added a PVR150 device, which I will remove next to test.

I cant see any errors for the USB UIRT, has anyone seen this symptom before and can help me resolve?

Many Thanks

« on: August 05, 2009, 04:34:21 pm »
I was just reviewing some motherboards and CPU, as one of the common questions asked is about power consumption for a core/hybrid.

When comparing the dual atom 1.6Ghz to a dual core Athlon 64 LE-1640 with (GA-MA78G motherboard)
it appears that the Athlon 64 outperforms the Atom while being almost identical on power consumption.

It becomes interesting when comparing Intel Duo 2 Quad. Sure most of you are gonna say Quad core and more than 2Gb RAM is overkill for LMCE core/hybrid. However, when you take into account that a Quad core can optimize CPU power consumption when combined with the right motherboard/chipset you can achieve double the performance again at the same power consumption levels.
It has been said that running LMCE hybrid only requires marginal more power draw when compared to running separate core/MD.

Therefore one aspects that interests me is the possibility of consolidation. Low power requirements and enough RAM/CPU to run virtual machines as well.

One such system that caught my attention was the Aleutia D2. On inspection this is a Core 2 Q8200 SKT775 CPU and using Zotac GeForce 9300 ITX motherboard which is capable of HD playback as a core/hybrid. Its typical average power consumption of just 40-45 watts, and a maximum power draw of 65 watts.

So I guess I am interested to know is :
1. Has anyone built linuxmce 8.10 on the Zotac 9300 and can confirm any issues with NIC's sound etc,
2. Confirm HD playback capability
3. Anyone got any data regarding backing up the power consumption with the Zotac board with any core 2 duo or quad cpu.
4. Interested to know what power supply you have used, as the Aleutia D2 must be using a pretty efficient PSU to achieve 40 watts. (I know its an internal AC brick of some sort).

Users / Re: LG 42LG50 rs232 control
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:01:50 pm »

I have followed same guide for LG LCD TV. Its pretty good guide.
The learning curve was finding out some codes are slightly different for the LG7000 series TV inputs, need to use xb instead of kb and had to convert the binary to HEX values. Some of the legacy codes still work for inputs 1-6 using kb, but to get the HDMI inputs you really need to use the correct xb command.

Best thing to do is connect your cable and test from the konsole
/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p /dev/ttyS0 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "ka 00 01\r"
this should at least power the TV on. and you get a result 01 OK01

Now my problem is it works from konsole, but from LMCE im still getting error
Ruby was unable to handle the command in reasonable amount of time <0x40800950>

I have set the video pipes etc, but MD not powering on TV,

If anyone has suggestion, would appreciate it.

Users / Re: Virgin Media STB
« on: September 12, 2008, 02:26:59 pm »
I have got this partly working.
I have got the blaster working, but only with RAW codes.
The problem I have is that I dont know the RAW code for the OK/Select button.
This is important because the change channel script is a bit flakey, and sometimes doesnt always except a response from a number key press.
Therefore it would be useful to send an OK response to clear/reset the STB so it can accept a new input.

As for the radio time xmltv grabber I got this working a treat.
Its fairly easy once you know how to do it. You can modify the channels directly using the mythweb interface and enter the correct channels and xmlvid. You can then export the channels sql to use as an xml file for your source.

If you still want help give me a shout. Or if you found an answer I would be interested in knowing what config you used for the remote, so that I can sort my OK/Select button

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