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Messages - Lexje

Quote from: posde on October 31, 2010, 02:19:56 PM
Good point. I will ask fluffy to provide md5sums with the snapshots she makes.

Hi, I'm in the same situation at the moment.
I've searched the wiki but did not find any md5 checksums.

Please put the md5sums in a txt file in the same place as the snapshots?


Users / Micasaverde
April 23, 2010, 07:16:11 PM
Luup is the contraction of Lua (programming language) and UPnP as stated Introduction to Luup development
More info about Lua here and also
a Linuxjournal article about Lua on Linux.

I haven't used it yet, and I'm not (much of) a programmer (yet), but I'm under the impression its a bit similar to e.g. perl and ruby.
Perhaps more knowledgeable programmers can help out here.

Best regards,

Quote from: pw44 on April 20, 2010, 11:52:14 AM
does  it also happens with audio? Did you give a try to mplayer?
it can be related with the samba update. take a look at /etc/samba/smb.conf and see if the unix extension = no. if it states yes, change to no (core/hybrid) AND md, restart samba.
This is what comes in mind now.

Hi pw44,

Thanks for replying, this happened with all types of media.
I deleted the MD and recreated a new one.
This works now, but I'm having issues in getting my ION properly configured with the AVWizard - each time I change my audio to s/pdif, the AVWizard reverts all previous selections and starts from 0...
- I'm not sure, but right now I'm having problems selecting the correct audio card.

Not sure how I got this working previously, but it seems I can't do
cat /proc/asound when I'm chrooted into the diskless MD

Anybody any clues as to how to debug diskless MD audio?


Quote from: lmwashere on April 20, 2010, 07:23:18 AM
I downloaded the 4-8 snapshot and reinstalled. Everything works beautifully on hybrid and MD now.

I like the idea that Beeker had about creating an image of your system when it's working, and then when things run amuck you just put that image back on your machine and your up and running an a few minutes.
Thanks for your reply;
Maybe a stupid question, but what do you mean with 4-8 snapshot?

I would also be interested in Beeker's idea of creating an image as back-up. Do you have a pointer to where this is discussed / solved? (Did search on Beeker, but found no apparent post related to creating a back-up image)

Thanks a lot,

Users / Re: Getting 5.1 surround sound?
April 19, 2010, 01:53:18 PM
Quote from: skeptic on April 18, 2010, 07:06:12 PM
keyboard/mouse - Does this not work for you out of the box?  The big reason I am leaning toward the Acer over the $30 cheaper Zotac is the included wireless keyboard/mouse.  If this doesn't work then I'll probably save the $30 and go with the nearly identical Zotac.

Hi Skeptic,

My R3600 comes with a wired keyb + mouse, so no comparing there.
Personally I'm a little skeptic over wireless keyb / mice, reason being that it's often difficult or impossible to issue key strokes during boot phase. (get into bios etc.)
Apart from that, I guess I'd prefer a Gyration keyb / mouse or keyb / remote as it has the advantage of having gyro...

Best regards,

Users / Re: Getting 5.1 surround sound?
April 18, 2010, 12:06:40 PM

I'm using a Revo R3600 as an MD.
It works beautifully - when and if you get it up and running, which you will if you're persistent.
Maybe it's some lack of linux knowledge on my part, but..

- wireless is not supported by 0810 (at leas not out of the box, there may be other solutions?)
- in order for the diskless MD to continue to setup, I had to blacklist ath_pci (see here:
- as the R3600 has no s/pdif, I have used a Terratec Aureon 5.1 USB adapter which works out of the box. (It might complicate your life with the AVWizard chosing correct settings)
- I have a Sharp Aquos LC-42XL2E; I bought this set mainly following the idea it would be easy to support under LinuxMCE in view of the early demo video. I'm not unhappy with this set, but have found it extremely difficult to get properly configured. (I did use 2 monitors connected, 1 vga  + 1 hdmi)
(Not only with the Revo) The AVWizard offers me vga, hdmi, hdmi2, and LVDS.
It turned out the only connection working was the LVDS one.
I found that my Aquos has a button on its remote to switch WIDE MODE to DOT BY DOT or FULL. In my case this button made all the difference, unfortunately I found (no hard proof) that it often requires a powerdown of the Aquos to kind of reset this WIDE MODE. I do know this WIDE MODE can be controlled using RS232. (I use Sweex USB to serial)
- A distinct disadvantage I find is you can't seem to easily take out the internal HD which could be put to better use in case you use the Revo as a dedicated MD
- If possible check wireless keyb & mouse functioning under 0810...

Conclusion: Do I advise against the Revo? Certainly not, but don't expect everything to work out of the box. Of course your mileage may vary. I would certainly look-up Totallymaxed's posts, I think there might be a similar box of the Asus brand that may be better suited.

Best regards,

Quote from: huh on April 17, 2010, 06:06:57 PM
I think the Vera is a bit of a touchy subject around here...  and I'm certainly not trying to start anything or pretend I know the story, but two years or so ago there were a couple posts about the Vera... after a number of heated posts the thread(s) was deleted.  I think there is a connection between one of/the creator of Pluto and Vera.   This could be all wrong. 

I would respectfully like to ask for opinions towards the micasaverde project.
Indeed I don't want to be disrespectful towards anybody, but I have come to following conclusion:
- I pay way too much for my power consumption, hence I consume too much power. (BE / EU)
- My electricity bill can grossly be subdivided in 3 parts:
  a) 1/3 to H²O bed heating (<-> I will solve this by implementing a solar boiler)
  b) 1/3 to all my CPU's, NAS & little homeservers etc. (<-> getting much more aware of this each day,and looking into low-power   solutions s.a. Atom CPU etc.) I realize here lies my main opportunity to save.
  c) 1/3 remainder of life, cooking, laundry, light etc. (<-> some improvement may be made over time using better lighting appliances)

Previously I had my DCErouter running on 2.6.28-11, after doing a new install, reverting back to 2.6.27-17, I noticed an increase of approx. 10W in power consumption... (see image attached)
Overall, this makes me think more & more towards distributed power, only using it when really needed, and having one low-power controller always on.
In this regard micasaverde seems like an interesting combination?

Is there any REAL objection to combining / using with LMCE? Or does this intervene with PPL licencing?

Thanks for your ideas!

Users / Re: EnOcean + DALI + LinuxMCE, doable ?
April 18, 2010, 10:03:56 AM
Quote from: Crab on April 13, 2010, 01:03:45 PM
solution like DALI would be optimal (since some new power wiring is needed so DALI wiring to light fixtures would create little extra trouble).

FYI: The DALI system is purposed for LARGE installations, and focuses only on lighting. It's purpose is to indeed have a single control cabling; each light device would have its own ADDRESS. This way, one could, at random and at any time sub-divide e.g. 300 light devices into, say, left alley-way, middle alley-way and right alley-way, or whatever grouping you'd see fit.
Basically this is really for hotels, government buildings, universities and such.

If you insist on a wired solution, and certainly if you're within EU, I would advise to go the KNX route.
You'd be following the same principle route, i.e. each light appliance will have its own ADDRESS. For KNX there is also only 1 signal cable which is included into the KNX 30V power supply line.
Depending on the cabling of your apartment, you could also use PL KNX (PowerLine), in which case you wouldn't even need the 30V KNX power supply cabling.

As Hari already stated, KNX is integrable with LMCE.
KNX may ultimately have other advantages such as ease of interconnection with ...

KNX may be a little more expensive as Zwave, prices are coming down these days.
It may also be worthwhile considering power monitoring..

Best regards,

Hi everyone,

Due to my own mistakes I had to setup LMCE completely from start.
I previously had my Revo R3600 running as a diskless MD.

In the new installation, the Revo works fine so it seems.
Unfortunately, when I try to play some media, Xine seems to die..

Any pointers at how to remedy / debug this situation?

Here's my log:
linuxmce@dcerouter:/usr/pluto/diskless/37/var/log/pluto$ cat 42_Xine_Player.log
05      04/17/10 21:21:33.760           Going to rotate logs... <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.978           Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() called for id 1004 filename: /home/public/data/pvr/1006_20100412200                                 500.mpg () <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.984           Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() stopping PSS <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.985           Xine_Stream_Factory::GetStream streamID is 0 <0xb6dc6b90>
Return code: 134
3       04/17/10 23:13:00       42 (spawning-device)    Device died... count=2/50 dev=42
Sat Apr 17 23:13:00 CEST 2010 died
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       04/17/10 23:13:10       42 (spawning-device)    Starting... 3
1       04/17/10 23:13:10       42 (spawning-device)    Found ./Xine_Player
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.025           Xine_Player::GetConfig default zoom 100 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.029           Custom xine functions status:  xine_seek=(nil), xine_start_trick_play=(nil), xine_stop_trick_play                                 =(nil). Trickplay and seeking support: absent <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.235           Count of screens at this display: 1 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.236           XMapWindow returned: 1 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.315           Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() with corresponding stream id 1004 (nil). <0xb6d0fb90>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.315           Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() stream is NULL, aborting - init failure? <0xb6d0fb90>
linuxmce@dcerouter:/usr/pluto/diskless/37/var/log/pluto$ cat 42_Xine_Player.log
05      04/17/10 21:21:33.760           Going to rotate logs... <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.978           Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() called for id 1004 filename: /home/public/data/pvr/1006_20100412200500.mpg () <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.984           Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() stopping PSS <0xb6dc6b90>
05      04/17/10 23:12:58.985           Xine_Stream_Factory::GetStream streamID is 0 <0xb6dc6b90>
Return code: 134
3       04/17/10 23:13:00       42 (spawning-device)    Device died... count=2/50 dev=42
Sat Apr 17 23:13:00 CEST 2010 died
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       04/17/10 23:13:10       42 (spawning-device)    Starting... 3
1       04/17/10 23:13:10       42 (spawning-device)    Found ./Xine_Player
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.025           Xine_Player::GetConfig default zoom 100 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.029           Custom xine functions status:  xine_seek=(nil), xine_start_trick_play=(nil), xine_stop_trick_play=(nil). Trickplay and seeking support: absent <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.235           Count of screens at this display: 1 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.236           XMapWindow returned: 1 <0xb7591970>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.315           Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() with corresponding stream id 1004 (nil). <0xb6d0fb90>
05      04/17/10 23:13:11.315           Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() stream is NULL, aborting - init failure? <0xb6d0fb90>

Thanks for your help!

Users / PXE boot problem - SOLVED
March 13, 2010, 11:32:42 AM
The solution to below problem:
blacklist ath_pci
If you don't know how to do it, have a look here:

Be sure to modify according to your setup:
where ## is the number of your media director / moon##

--------------------ORIGINAL MESSAGE------------------------------------------------------------
Hi everyone,

This week my core was sadly borked :-(
What happened? As with good testing practises, my core stood with its case open. Particular about this case, is it has room for 6 hd's, and has a really easy slide no screw fixing mechanism. Unfortunately this means that cabling sits at the side of the case, yes, the open side.. And then, the keyboard, laying on top of the case dropped while cleaning. In it's way it ripped of the IDE data cable of the core's hd.
After reattaching, all seemed to work well, but much less was true...
Long story short, I think my databases got screwed, so in order to be up and running again quickly, I just threw in another hd and reinstalled using the webinstaller.

So far so good.
Now before all this I had my Acer Revo 3600 running smoothly as a Media Director.
Now what's the problem you'll aks? You need to know that I'm running 2.6.28-11 (in order for my HVR-4000 to work well)

Well, I let the Revo PXE boot, next I copied over the necessary kernel boot images, and modules (as per the upgrade your kernel article on the wiki) and reboot the Revo.
Now it always hangs at ath_pci blah blah -> IRQ19. See screenshot attached.

I've tried disabling acpi in the bios to no avail. I find some notes on the web about problems with the Revo's wireless, but have not used this at all, neither were these problems present before.

What could I do to get past this booting problem?

Thanks for your precious help!

Users / Re: Need testers
February 17, 2010, 04:53:24 PM
So that you know what we see :-)
C:\Documents and Settings\erwin>nslookup
*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent domain
*** Default servers are not available
Default Server:  UnKnown

Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:
Users / Re: Need testers
February 17, 2010, 09:47:01 AM

I'm in Belgium, hence my reaction about Germany amongst others. Over here we are off course aware of this... We also have no Schedules direct, which is a pity...

The disc scenario:
Most of the time that would be ripping DVD1 & 2 & n, yes
One of the disadvantages, even if you have proper metadata, is usually you only have ONE DVD sleeve or jacket.
I guess it would be a really 'handy' feature just to be able to stamp '1' '2' etc right on top of this sleeve jpeg or whatever. I know that some people scan the disc image and use that as JPG or PNG, but I'm not very fond of this method. It's really tedious to get them properly straightened out, and mostly hard to read, since it will end up pretty small, so I'd prefer a plain simple number.

I have the same analogous idea with music - say you rip a triple CD , with something like 50 or 60 songs. They will all carry the same image...

As far as iso is concerned:
Are you suggesting we could embed the metadata (ID3 if you like) into the iso?
I guess that would be very nice. I would also 'wish' for this to be available as a cmd to add metadata to already existing iso files instead of re-ripping.

Be glad to (try) to help out on any of these :-)

Users / Re: Need testers
February 17, 2010, 01:06:42 AM

I don't follow you:

As far as dvd discs, if you could post the filenames, that would be awesome. However, in the case of you ripping the entire dvd as opposed to the individual episodes...that would require some code changes but TVDB does list dvd seasons and discs so it may be possible.

What do you mean: post the filenames?
Should these be posted to TVDB?

The website says:

Back On-Line Soon

February 10, 2010

We have taken our website off-line for a while, to conduct some much-needed maintenance, and to make some improvements to the back-end of our website.

We hope to be back on-line in a few weeks.

Thank you for your patience.

I guess I'll have to wait to find out what and how its all about :-)

Users / Re: Need testers
February 16, 2010, 11:07:27 PM

I've had a quick look when you posted initially but had no time to react yet.
At first sight this can be an EXTREMELY positive addition to LMCE - Frankly I'm disappointed to see so little reaction.
After initially reading your post, I immediately headed over to or org only to find out their site is being overhauled or such, so I really lack information from that side. I know the forum is up, but don't know for the rest.

My main question would be re: TVDB - will it work worldwide? For German users, Belgian, Dutch, French, Spanish...?

Another question:
Can the script treat DVD collections style Stargate Atlantis S1-D1 ... S1-Dx / S2-D1.. S2-Dx etc. (you get the idea)

Users / Re: How "Media" are treated - FRESHUP NEEDED?
February 14, 2010, 05:53:09 PM
Thanks! Perfect that's what I needed to know :-)
