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Messages - mardibloke

Will there be an option to run ZM on a seperate hardware install to the main Dianemo S hardware?
Great update Andrew,  and all working as expected with Web Browsers and iPad app.

Is is a large update though, and even on FTTC internet connection and fast hardware, it took something like 30mins to complete the update.
(my last update was ~7 days ago)

Thanks for the update Andy.
Quote from: totallymaxed on January 18, 2013, 08:50:41 PM
Earlier versions of this version of Touch Orbiter work fine on Dianemo. However I'm not familiar with what was updated in this version and that may be causing an issue. One of my co-workers is testing with some Android tablets so i will ask him to test this.



Did you get a chance to do any testing Andrew - looking for an Android solution for Dianemo, and see the same issue as reported in this thread with Dianemo and the touch orbiter.
From the Dimmer Module guide:

Section 3.1.3 3.1.3 Example Configuration Parameters

I believe I need to set Parameter 14:

Parameter 14
Wall Switch type - mono-stable (press switch) or bi-stable
Default setting:

Any ideas how I set a z-wave parameter using Dianemo / Linuxmce ?
Now trying with an MK LRC14 remote....

Getting same issue, that switch does not function as expected once device added to z-wave network

Reset all zwave network,  and have added devices back in.

Anyone played with Fibaro and Dianemo/Linuxmce?
Users / Re: install advice, purchasing core/md/orbit
December 05, 2013, 09:08:11 PM
Quote from: justinvanwijngaarden on July 02, 2013, 09:10:05 PM
and get this replaced with a proper linuxmce system which only has a few requirements
- using minimum amount of power and as small as possible
- keeping the current functionality

My ideal situation woud be:
- using a low powered, but powerful enough mini-pc as core (something like a intel nuc/brix  etc...) and using the usb ports for a z-wave stick and/or tuners

I too would like to replace my Core, which is a physically big, and power hungry box.

I'm also struggling to figure out what size of processor and memory to support the functions/devices I use.

Is there anything to give a guide - sample systems as mentioned in this thread would be a start.

Sorry I didn't get in touch with Hari and try to sort this out.

I suspect it may work with Linuxmce,  but for Dianemo some of the config panels I appear to need are not available to me.

Will get in touch with Hari in the near future and try again.

Is there a changelog for the last couple of updates.

I think something bad has happened to my mythtv server component,  in that my xbmc/openelc front ends can no longer show live tv or recorded tv.

Any way to roll back to test?

Installation issues / Re: Axis M1011 IP Camera
February 17, 2013, 08:44:41 PM
I'm running Dianemo S rather than Linuxmce,  so maybe the panels are different,  see my attached screenshot for maybe some clues - see that for user (and password) there are dedicated configuration input fields, and I don't put the full server address/path.

Installation issues / Re: Axis M1011 IP Camera
February 16, 2013, 12:37:44 PM
Do you get an image if you pop the address of your camera into a normal web browser:


where 192.168.... is your camera IP address

Any advice at all appreciated, have tried everything I can think of, reset/recreated my z-wave network, checked wiring, tried another new Dimmer module, and exhausted google.

and set config param is the screen shot above,  that appears incorrect.

Looks like a Dianemo oddity,  if Linuxmce is the same as the wiki screenshots.

Thanks for your suggestion to exclude device from network, and include it again.  It didn't fix this issue, but noticed when excluded that the wall switch works fine - see my new thread.

With z-wave Fibaro FGD-211 dimmer module,  *not* included in z-wave network.  The light switch, 1 press to switch on, 1 press to switch light off, hold switch to set dimmer level - works fine/as expected.

As soon as I include the z-wave module in my Linuxmce/Dianemo z-wave network,  the light switch can no longer be used to turn light off.It does switch light on and can set dimmer level.  

Control from Linuxmce orbiters works as expected, allowing off/on/level.

Exclude it from z-wave network again, and switch works fine, allowing to switch off the light.

Any ideas/things to check?