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Messages - seth

Users / Re: Adding a HD for all media storage
January 17, 2014, 02:12:54 PM
Hello and welcome.

I always keep my media on a different set of drives. That way if you do a complete, full nuke and pave re-install, all your media remains in tact.
I know Ubuntu can usually be upgraded but I have seen with this project that sometimes it is easier and faster to do a complete re-install.

So your media stays safe, and your OS can change at will.

Just my 2 cents.

Developers / Re: Something interesting to watch
October 25, 2013, 03:28:46 PM

I apologize. I know it is trying when "that project" gets mentioned in these forums.
But with my current deployment, I utilize both together.

And I know I shouldn't, but until I have more time to work with phenigma on moon pi, this is the best, economical solution for me.

LinuxMCE still runs my house. Controls my lights, my climate, my media distribution and my telephony. The orbiter is the control interface to pretty much everything we do, including my 4, 6, and 7 year olds. Sometimes the 4 year old plays with the lights too much, he likes the floorplans I have for my house, and he likes to tap all the little light icons, but eventually we find what room he is hiding in, and correct the issue. So simple a 4 year old can work it.

I just watch videos on different interface.
And last night I spun up an Intel nettop MD, so I can start playing around in LinuxMCE 12.04.

The future is bright. And can only get better.

I will refrain from posting about "that other project".

My best to all you people, and especially you Thom old buddy.  :)

Developers / Re: Something interesting to watch
October 24, 2013, 05:57:36 PM
The MD of the future.........
gigabit ethernet

Looks like a nice Holiday gift........
Use it for XBMC backended by The Core.
Use it as an MD into the future.



I agree Thom.
I was hoping to create it as a device, but as I seem to never have time, I am torn between helping with the moonpi, or creating a service for xbmc.

Maybe the forum would like to push me one way or the other.

The raspberry Pi is just such a tasty little device. Low power. Easily concealed. CeC enabled.

Oh my.



This post has caught my attention.
Do you intend to create an Orbiter Remote for an xbmc media device.
I have often thought about this, as I have 3 raspbmc raspberry pi's currently running as low power media centers back-ended by the LinuxMCE core PC (well one is openelec). Sharing media and assigning network addresses and such. As xbmc by default allows for web based control, which is how all the android and iDevices in my house control it, a new orbiter screen, and even possibly two way communications between xbmc and LinuxMCE using xbmc as a frontend and the core LinuxMCE server would be quite the rig.

I have been working on an xbmc screen to set up LinuxMCE functions, lighting, climate, etc. as it is silly easy to skin. But I have run out of available free time. This will be remedied over the upcoming holidays with any luck.

If I get it to a point that it is functional, I can at least attach the code bits for the xbmc > LinuxMCE interface. That coupled with a possible communication interface that is two-way between the two devices......that would be amazing. PI's running xbmc as a media device not unlike the Roku, would be like a Roku to the power of 10.  ;)

I will keep an eye on this thread.


Users / Re: video issues with mce
October 16, 2013, 09:08:11 PM

You can try to ssh to the new MCE server build, after it has come up.

sudo su -

And then go through setup again.

Or if you have a keyboard plugged into it, hold down the left shift key on boot, should acheive the same thing.



Users / Re: Need some dedicated testers.
August 14, 2013, 02:26:55 PM
Count me in. I have the following:

iMac x86 running 10.6.8 Snow Leopard which also dual boots to Ubuntu 13.04
Nexus 7 - Cyanogenmod 10.2
2 off market 7" android tablets running android 4.0
Desktop PC running Ubuntu 13.04, Fedora 19, and Windows 8.1 preview
Laptop PC running Windows 8
Laptop PC running Ubuntu 13.04, Mythbuntu 12.04, Fedora 19, Windows 7, WIndows 8.1 preview
10" Archos 101 multimedia tablet running android gingerbread - cyanogenmod
Fully functional ( except incoming calls on the stinking asterisk (insert swear words here) )
3 Raspberry Pi's running xboxmc, and pidora, set up with berryboot, for times I feel like a change.
1 Raspberry Pi running raspbx for pbx server (see angry outburst above  ;) )

And now I have real DSL internet, so I am no longer limited to the constraints of satellite internet bandwidth hell.

Users / Re: USB-UIRT way to go for STB and TV control?
October 17, 2012, 07:03:50 PM
Hi all.

A note here. Not sure who's STB you will choose, but I can speak for Dish Network, and DirecTV if you have more than one receiver.

By default these two STB's are set for remote codeset 1. As all my receivers are in a closet in the basement, I have had to use the factory remotes the Dish receivers came with to set one to default codeset 1, and the other to codeset 2. Now I had to create 2 different device templates, one for each receiver, as if you use a common template for both, and you change your second box to codeset 2, it updates the template for the first box to use codeset 2 as well. So I learned 2 sets of IR commands using the USB-UIRT.

I have a dual-head emitter and I use 2 different codes. One for each box.
I have the USB-UIRT with the 56K (dish receiver transmitter) and one dual-head ir blaster plugged into it.

Just something to keep in mind.


Users / Re: Using a camera with composite
July 18, 2012, 09:22:18 PM

I use a wired camera solution that I have about $149 US in. It includes 4 cameras, the necessary wiring. They do quite well in darkness or light.

The card I used to hook them up was a Hauppauge ImpactVCB. This card was $50 US.
a link:

The device is not plug-n-play yet, I have been spending far too much time with Android, and neglecting my LMCE duties.

However is is set up automatically by my LMCE 10.04 system as to drivers and such. When the core boots up, you can see through DMESG that it has set it up a /dev/videoX entry.

Configuring it was simply a matter of running the included BNC cables, this particular variant of the card has BNC connectors, to the four (4) ports and then defining them as motion generic analog cameras. The trick is setting up ports, as well as device.

For example my card came in as /dev/video0, bumping my PVR500 card up to /dev/video1, and /dev/video2.

So for the motion camera setup, I chose:

The camera's I bought cost $100 US for four (4) of them. they were on sale at the time. :)

Linke here:

they work great and are configured:

device 0 - backyard including the back door
port 0 (first port on left if you are looking at the back of a standard tower case)

device 0 - side yard
port 1 (second port from left )

device 0 - front yard including the front door
port 2 (third port from left)

device 0 - driveway including the garage and garage entrance
port 3 (fourth from the left)

So if is a card you are looking for, the Hauppauge Impact cards are configured by the system (not plug-n-play yet, will see getting it so with a template and all)
and the cost is less than $55 US. It comes in 3 port, 4 port, BNC, and Composite (rca plugs).

The cameras are very inexpensive Night Owl's - 4 for less than $200 US.

The want to be configured at 320x240 resolution, but LinuxMCE uses them as 640x480

Any tweaks can be made in the /etc/motion directory files.

Best regards,

I am not sure how this device is connected, but I can say with a Linksys WRT54G, I have disabled the dhcp server on the router. Connected port 1 of the integrated router switch to a port on my "Internal" 16 port gigabit switch. Any device accessing the wireless ESSID ( echo1 ) is automatically assigned an IP address from the core.

I required no further configuration. I access the internet through the core, via the "Internal" network on any wireless device connected to the WRT54G.

I use it for android tablets and phones, my laptop and netbook, the wife's laptop, as well as my Wii.

Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Installation issues / Re: mce_usb2 ir blaster broke
June 08, 2012, 02:27:11 PM
Yes this really interests me. I would need to buy 3 USB-UIRT, or use the existing IR Blasters on my MCE remotes, which I boought 4 for the price of one USB-UIRT.

Very interested!!

Best Regards,

Installation issues / Re: mce_usb2 ir blaster broke
June 07, 2012, 05:59:22 PM

What version of LMCE are you running?

Just a question, as I was not aware that the blasters ever worked.

Confused. As usual.  :D

Best Regards,

Users / Re: Where are the Asterisk Files?
May 21, 2012, 03:21:38 PM

Is anyone familiar with asterisk in 10.04. I grow weary of having to use phpmyadmin to change my SIP clients every day.


Best Regards,

Tkmedia's store has the table-top controllers on sale........

I have 4 of these. One on Living Room Table, One on headboard in Master Bedroom, One in my oldest daughter's room om her night stand, and one by the door as you come in to the house.
They are all "Secondary" controllers to the HA09 Handy Remote and the 5th "Secondary" controller is my Core.

They have 12 Buttons, ( two banks of six )and can be used as individual lights, individual scenes, or mix and match.

Hope that helps give you an idea of what is available, and functional.

Best Regards,



I believe your remote must be set as the primary controller.

This is how I do it. I have a Handy remote Intermatic HA09, several tabletop units Intermatic HA07, and an Aeon Labs USB stick, the one with the blinky blue light.
I used the handy remote to learn all of my devices. Then I uploaded those devices into 4 table top controllers, as secondary controllers.
After this was completed, I then do the following:

A.) Make sure stick is plugged into core
B.) Log into the webadmin
C.) From the top menus
     - Advanced > Configuration > Devices
D.) Click the "+" sign to expand the Core
E.) Click ZWave, it should open it's properties in the right pane
F.) At the top of the right pane, click "Send command to device" ( a new window pops up)
G.) in the new "Reset" from the drop down ( a note here, this will remove any associated devices Zwave ) - Click Send Message
H.) do a reload of the router
I.) now repeat C thru F
J.) In the new window that pops up, select "Download Configuration" - Click Send Message
K.) Put your remote in send mode. This is usually done by holding in "Include" until the lights start blinking and then pressing the Number 2 "On"

This should launch Sarah, and you should see that you have added new devices.

This way has also worked for me

Follow steps C thru G
Reload the router
Unplug and plug in the Aeon stick
Sarah will launch
She will show you a video of a table top controller and ask you if you are ready to add your lights.
At this point press and hold "Include" for 5 seconds, the lights will blink on remote, then press 2 "On" and click next in the setup wizard.
Sarah will download the remotes network information, and then ask you to reload, about 40% of the time.

What I do is either way, after the remote stops blinking from the "Send" command, I reload the router, and bingo, all you lights are there.

If Sarah succeeds above, she will show you a screen that says "You have X number of lights , would you like to configure them now" or something like it.
If you say yes, she will go through all of your lights, and turn them on or off , or Dim to Bright, and let you name them, and add them to a room.

My tips here as your mileage may very YMMV

Using your remote as a primary controller, add your light geographically from the core out. Write down which ones you added first, i.e.
1. light one - this room
2. light two - that room
3. light three - the other room

It will add them in the order you add them to the remote. This will save you from having to run all over your house.
I have 30+ devices, over almost 4000 square feet across two stories. Makes life easier.

I prefer method 2 , and let Sarah download your remotes configuation. But either way has worked for me. Sarah is just easy, but don't tell her that! LOL  ;)

Best of Luck to you, I will check back to see your progress.

Best Regards,
