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Messages - garg_art2002

Marketplace / Re: For Sale FiiRe Remote - $75.00
November 06, 2010, 04:48:56 PM
Quote from: nivag12 on November 06, 2010, 01:25:35 AM
Anil that sounds great can we organise some payment method. Do you accept Paypal?



Fiire Chief and the dongle is sold.

Please let me know how I can delete this thread.

Thanks everyone for your interest and help in quick sale.

Anil Garg
Marketplace / Re: For Sale FiiRe Remote - $75.00
November 05, 2010, 11:39:26 PM
Quote from: nivag12 on November 05, 2010, 11:08:13 PM
is this a fiire chief remote and how much for delivery to UK

Yes it is. I suspect the shipping will cost about $25.00 from US to UK. You can calculate postage using the link below:

It may be a bit more or a bit less. I can send it to you for US$100.00 shipping included. Alternatively, You can send me a pre-paid shipping label and I am happy to use that and then you pay $75.00 for the Fiire chief remote and the USB radio dongle.

Pls let me know.

Anil Garg
Marketplace / For Sale FiiRe Remote - $75.00
November 04, 2010, 12:42:35 AM
I have one Fiire Remote that was hardly used. Its a combo of a remote and a USB radio receiver.

Since we don't have the media center any more, this is surplus. Let me know if anyone has interest.

It also works with Windows including Gyroscopic mouse movements.

Anil Garg
Quote from: mexious2010 on September 07, 2010, 05:35:58 AM
Hi there, well I have been searching around and found that these awsome fiire products are no longer avail :( is there anywhere i can get a fiire remote and fiire invisable? help appreciated.

I have one Fiire Remote that was hardly used. Its a combo of a remote and a USB radio receiver.

Since we don't have the media center any more, this is surplus. What price would be a correct price for this. Pls let me know and I will sell it to you.

Anil Garg
Quote from: LustrousWS6 on April 23, 2009, 09:36:06 AM
This screen comes up (big slew of text, looks not quite similar, I've only seen Debian distros boot up.. this looked different.. but similar lol) after I hit Install Ubuntu WITH the changed parameters Skatingn330 suggested changing, as well as in Safe Graphics Mode.

I'm using the 64bit version - the system has a AMD 2200 Phenom Quad Core 64bit processor.

I'm hoping the disk burned correctly.  The MacBook I burned it off of checked the integrity of the disk after the ISO image burn and it checked out.  It went straight into the new computer's CD-ROM drive.  Ran a successful memory test if that means anything through the CD lol.

I used i386 version and even wrote up a small wiki
Installation issues / Re: Recovery Partition
August 22, 2009, 04:31:03 AM
Quote from: tschak909 on August 22, 2009, 03:27:14 AM
The recovery partition was written at pluto, and i don't think any of us have even audited it. It is not even a part of 0810, at the moment.

I'm sorry, I do not have a way to analyse the partition and I am busy with development atm.

Thanks Thom. Booted my recovered machine 2 hours ago. Its running fine without any glitch and has no swap or recovery partition as yet. My system has 3GB and hardly used and so not having swap wont kill it in next 12 hours or so as I expect a new drive (Bigger) to hold my media. Thanks for responding though.
Anil Garg
Installation issues / Recovery Partition
August 21, 2009, 10:43:07 PM
Hello Guys
I am trying to recover a broken LMCE-710.
If the recovery partition along with the swap partition in the extended area is totally lost.
I have a Tar copy of the recovery partition in backup.
I also think we are able to recover sda1.
Is it ok to load the /recovery in sda1 and what then should we do about the fstab?
Any guidance, before I fire up the machine?

Many thanks. I am not a Linux expert.

Installation issues / Keys dvd.keys.tar.gz
August 21, 2009, 02:16:34 AM
In trying to recover a broken Linux MCE, I noticed that there are many files <movie_name>.dvd.keys.tar.gz

What are these? And what is the significance of their loss?

How can they be recreated from <movie_name>.dvd file which is about 7GB in size?

Many thanks.
Quote from: colinjones on August 14, 2009, 01:04:46 AM
The Fiire Chief gyro remote (the ugly brown thing!) worked brilliantly under 0710, however due to changes in the Linux kernel Human Interface Device subsystem in later versions, this remote no longer works properly in Kubuntu versions 0804 and later. This means the remote becomes useless for LinuxMCE 0810 and onwards.

It requires significant recoding to provide support for this device - and it would be good to know how many people out there have one, are using it, and want to be able to continue using it now that 0710 is no longer supported and 0810 is almost here.
Hi Colin - My Fiire remote worked briefly (and at least partially) in 810 before it got disabled. I initially thought that this may be due to alpha nature of the LMCE810, untill I stumbled upon this note. I think the fiire remote worked with the XBMC when I tried so the drivers may be available somewhere.
Without the Fiire gyro remote the media center becomes a computer!!
Quote from: garg_art2002 on August 18, 2009, 06:14:50 PM
Quote from: colinjones on August 18, 2009, 04:03:42 PM
No they are not gone, they are old-releases, do some searches on the forum and you will find them!

Also take a look at the date of that post... it was 6 months ago.. things have moved on... 0710 is the current stable release but is aging.... most people are installing the 0810 alpha releases now as they are being supported (whereas 0710 is not), and they support more hardware.
Colin, BTW, your webpage is very impressive. Congrats!!
Installed lmce 810 Alpha 2 exactly per the script on the wiki and it went through well this time. Clearly there are some new tweaks for the better. A few issues observed:
1. The slide show is jerky (slightly) and does not glide smoothly like it did in 710.
2. The FiiRE remote and regular mouse both take long time. The slideshow merrily keeps gliding after the clicks. Responds after several second by when other clicks (because one is not sure if the last one worked) would nullify the first click....
3. Frequent gray box for drives found (comes and disappears).
4. Slideshow as well as DVD playback is looking granular... May be a NVIDIA stock driver with kubuntu issue...
Nice touch of mute and pause in the dvd play...!!
Will explore more
How can I file defects and user-experience observations and where?
Many thanks for help from all of you. I hope to be able to write a novice installation guide in a few days...
Users / Re: Adding a second HDD
August 19, 2009, 08:29:02 AM
Quote from: Zaerc on October 26, 2008, 01:59:07 AM
Quote from: garg_art2002 on October 26, 2008, 01:47:24 AM
What is the best way to add second/third HDD.  I first installed on one drive using DVD.

Then I booted it up and found everything working fine and dandy.

Now I have formatted another drive on another machine as EXT3 and filled it up with image of the DVD I own.

Now do I attach that to a IDE port and modify /etc/fstab or is there a more recommended method?

Pretty much, except for the "modify /etc/fstab" part.  If the drive is partitioned and formatted (but not mounted) lmce will find it sooner or later and ask you a few questions, normally that's all that needs to be done.

If I wanted to swap my second drive with a bigger drive, how can I do that. I recall that the second drive wasn't added in the FSTAB.
What kind of metadata/data migration will this involve? Do you have any write up or a pointer?
Quote from: pigdog on August 18, 2009, 09:21:06 PM
Hi garg_art2002,

If all you are doing is watching movies 810 is stable enough for that but LinuxMCE is more than just a video player.

However, you are probably aware of this

You may be better off with XBMC/Boxee if video playback is the only feature in LinuxMCE that you are interested in.

Hi Pigdog, I realize that LinuxMCE is a lot more than that and although I would love to add more but I often worry about a single point of failure besides configuration nightmare that it might entail. Wify will not even go there, if you know my drift.

I did load up XMBC (Not boxee yet) and have to confess that I love it for its simplicity.  It appears more stable and FiiRe can eventually be trained after I am trained.

Back to LMCE, the feature I am most addicted to is the the Ken Burn Effect Slide Show automagically when inactive (edge2Edge). I think it is even more useful than DVD playback because for 70 bucks we can buy us a stupid proof dvd player but not this.....

My whole family used to ask me to buy those small wall frames that play slide show but having that same thing and more on a 52" LCD is intoxicating to say the least.

I realize that this software is available to enjoy because of some very passionate & smart people and is light year ahead of many others. But its not for faint hearted people. The general population is looking for something they can "apt-get install LMCE".

I love the use of this product so much for killer combo to jukebox+burnalized slideshow that if it were made apt-get install simple, I feel it will explode in adoption. My 2 cents.

I am considering throwing in my hat to help - even small things like documentation. I will give a second try to 810 ... Thanks for you help and guidance.
Quote from: colinjones on August 18, 2009, 04:03:42 PM
No they are not gone, they are old-releases, do some searches on the forum and you will find them!

Also take a look at the date of that post... it was 6 months ago.. things have moved on... 0710 is the current stable release but is aging.... most people are installing the 0810 alpha releases now as they are being supported (whereas 0710 is not), and they support more hardware.
Colin, BTW, your webpage is very impressive. Congrats!!

I had a LinuxMCE710 @myhome where all I used was DVD watching/Videos from utube & my camcorder watching. My HDD died.  Should I go to 810? Is it stable enough for what I use?

If not, will DVD_32_Install is still the preferred operating procedure for LMCE-710 install? Even if apt-gate updates will fail to find sources..?
I also did search and think a sources.list mod may solve update problem assuming the the old 710 DVD install will go through without a hitch.

Many thanks for your help on what I consider the best Media Center despite gains from XBMC/Boxee.
Quote from: colinjones on February 04, 2009, 01:40:51 AM
Please read the wiki faq, hardware requirements (like 2 NICs), and the basic get started pages before you go any further. You have already made at least 2 mistakes.

1. LinuxMCE runs on Kubuntu 0710 NOT 810
2. You should be downloading the DVD not the CDs - you boot from the DVD, do NOT install Kubuntu first... blank machine.
3. Use i386 NOT AMD64 for stability.

KUBUNTU repositories are gone. what would/should be the content of /etc/sources.list
If we have to install 710 then it should require updates till such time they published them.

Thanks much.
Installation issues / Re: kubuntu 7.10 Apt services
August 17, 2009, 05:13:56 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on August 13, 2009, 07:39:45 PM
You won't be able to in 7.10. We had to completely re-do the installation mechanism in the 8.10 alphas to deal with this problem. Please install the 8.10 alpha, as we can no longer realistically support 7.10.

Instructions are on the LinuxMCE-0810-alpha2 page in the wiki, which you can click on from the front page.


Hi Thom
I tried installing the alpha2 and it failed in  ./ saying one error. It was such a long step and lined of error scrolled off.
Would it not be better to use archive sources to run APT than to install Alpha2.
I am really think what should I do? Perhaps I will install XBMC in the meanwhile we get the 0810 upto a RC level.
Another idea will be to consider releasing just flikr, dvd rip/play and tv capability. Not sure what percent people use astrix, floor light, security etc. Those can be introduced later on.... Just an idea.