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Messages - tkteun

Pages: [1]
Developers / Re: GuruPlug
« on: January 23, 2012, 11:42:02 pm »
The AzureWave chip handles WiFi and Bluetooth, I don't think it's capable of 900 MHz operation.

Developers / Re: GuruPlug
« on: May 31, 2011, 12:21:38 pm »
It definitely looks nice, I hope they'll be able to maintain that price when they eventually market it.

But since there already are working prototypes I hope/think there won't be any delays.

One thing though, for LinuxMCE it would be nice to have native networking instead of having to plug everything in a USB hub.

Why do all manufacturers think I really like to shuffle MicroSD's around?

Drop the SD, give back gigabit Ethernet and 2 USB ports. Okay, maybe keep the webcam. Of course in good taste...

Installation issues / Re: Grub error
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:21:23 pm »
I only had little time, didn't want to loose the data on sdd5.
No dual boot though.

I installed xubuntu after that with the same options and it works brilliantly.

Installation issues / Grub error
« on: May 25, 2011, 01:14:53 am »
I tried installing the latest Linux MCE on my PC.
But since I'm too lazy to free up a hard drive or remove other drives I manually partitioned like I always do.

The drive I want to use is an IDE drive which gets recognized as SDD.

I tried it without changing partitions
sdd1 128 MiB ext3 /boot
sdd2 15 GiB ext3 /
sdd3 15 GiB ext3 (originally /home but not mounted in this case)
sdd5 about 80 GiB for data not mounted.
sdd6 2 GiB swap

I tried it with / and /boot formatted and mounted, then I removed both the partitions and installed it on a new sdd1 ext3 partition.

The problem is:

error: file not found.
grub rescue> _

The disk appears twice in grub as hd0 and hd4.

Some pages (like) give some instructions on booting, but I can't really find a .mod file to insmod.

I really haven't got any experience in this because I've never encountered an installed but unconfigured bootloader. Too bad, I really wanted to try lmce, but it'll have to wait till next time.

Developers / Re: GuruPlug
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:47:41 pm »
@Valent: I'd look for the Dreamplug:

This has a lot better housing and removable power supply so it hasn't got all the problems of the Guruplug. Also, it has integrated audio.

In the EU (UK) there's:

Developers / Re: LinuxMCE as dd-wrt variant?
« on: April 13, 2011, 02:34:15 pm »
Thanks for your reply Valent, although I don't really need anything ;)

I already mentioned the Intel Atom platform in my previous post, and indeed, they perform well.
Those nVidia (ion) nettops you have can easily be used as nice media directors too.

What I'm trying to establish here is the difference between the standalone dce and LinuxMCE core.

While dcerouter doesn't have to be more than one application, the functionality supplied by LinuxMCE has to be supplied by a suite of applications and needs domination over your home network.

Standalone DCE would be quite useless if distributed as a distribution independent application (rpm or deb something). LinuxMCE core functionality is difficult to implement without complete control over the system, therefore it's logical to make a distribution of it.

A platform like DD-WRT already supplies a lot of the functionality needed by MCE (except DCE then).
Most people already have DD-WRT capable hardware in control over their home network, if it were to add standalone DCE functionality (without any hassle), it would open up LinuxMCE to a whole new group of people.

I think dcerouter and dhcp server would be mandatory, PXE server can be local.

Would the only bottleneck be the media database? If so, there should be some effort making it distributed.

[edit] @Techstyle: Yes, like I said to totallymaxed: I was hoping to get a response from Hari as he's listed as the moderator here. Maybe I should ask him to respond in a PM?

Users / Re: Is this possible
« on: April 13, 2011, 03:49:20 am »
Maybe you could install a security camera and make a small microphone to infrared LED VU meter?

If you have a cheap VU meter like this: distributor/products/view/?id=352812  (MK146 on google)

and remove all the LEDs, you can take some infrared led and solder it in the required spot. Then place the device in view of the camera and make a camera trigger.

Because the cheap CCD and CMOS cameras are extremely sensitive to infrared light, the LED will turn bright white in the image. This should be able to trigger a movement alarm.

Maybe a camera is a bit more useful in a nursery than a phone and is definitely cheaper than any 'Siemens Gigaset'.

Developers / Re: LinuxMCE as dd-wrt variant?
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:42:21 pm »
I would suggest that this is all about scale.  As an example: If you store a lot of media, mysql and updatemedia both run on the core/hybrid, depending on the size of your media collection your cpu usage could be pretty hefty at times.

My guess is that this CPU usage has to do with this updatemedia making thumbnails and such from the media files you have.

Of course with a big collection there's going to be a lot of management which could use a lot of (my)sql time, but using two 3+ GHz processors is ridiculous for a home automation server.

My ideal solution would be:
  • Have a 24/365.25 headless server which ideally consumes about 10 Watt.
    This could be a small form factor computer with an energy efficient processor like MIPS, ARM or Intel Atom depending on scale and functions like security camera processing or audio decoding (including pbx).
    It could have internal storage or access to remote storage like a NAS.
  • Have something like the current Hybrid Core running as primary media device.
    I would have this as the most competent hd playback device, it has to have a good video card and serious processing capacities if it plays the 50+ GiB blue ray movies and it will probably reside near the living room.
    I wouldn't mind having to turn this device on to be able to use other media directors, to stream live television or maybe transcode movies to other media directors with limited hardware.
    I'm not sure whether this device needs to have a hard disk, maybe it could also be pxe'd. It surely can be started with Wake on LAN from the server.
  • Media directors.
    Not sure whether they actually need access to the Hybrid/media core or can run directly on the Standalone core.
  • Orbiters.
    Would be connecting directly to the core server (internal or external over VPN)

The big question is what the difference between the hybrid/media core and the media directors will be.
The easiest way would be to have one updatemedia on that hybrid and one dcerouter on the core.

But what if the media database isn't authoritative? It's no longer a problem that it's redundant, because the inconsistencies can be automatically managed by an updater that searches for differences between filesystem mtime and database timestamp. The media directors could perform this on an on-access basis and should be able to simply play un'registered' files without indexing causing extra latency for the user.

The whole idea is to distribute processing power to machines that aren't authoritative and can be unreliable in availability.
Also to distribute resources like live television or even storage to devices that are only powered on-demand is a great advantage in reducing energy consumption and total cost.

This would mean that except for the core maintaining a best-effort resource inventory the whole media part is modularized and becomes optional. The Core would then become more media unaware and retains to what it does best, streaming.

PS. I'm sorry to have to say I still haven't seen a way to install lmce so I'm still guessing and playing on emotions, please correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
I can tell you the graphical installation of the dvd halt my Panasonic CF-51 (Centrino 1.7 / 2GiB / ati9600) which runs the normal ubuntu flawlessly.

Developers / Re: LinuxMCE as dd-wrt variant?
« on: April 01, 2011, 03:26:45 am »
@totallymaxed: Yeah, that's here right? I was already hoping I'd get some response from Hari, I compiled his image on my Guruplug and have been looking at the installation scripts. I didn't dare installing it because it's in use.

@tkmedia: That's exactly what I'm talking about, except that's a $250 Asus WL-500GP which I can also get locally for € 60. It runs Openwrt with dcerouter on a 240MHz MIPS processor with only 16/32MB, so technically it's possible and already done before.
I don't know if Hari is also active in that project, but they released their source code here:

If it would be possible to release that project on dd-wrt it would open up LinuxMCE to a much broader audience, the ones that thought they could never afford such things.
Now it's quite a niche market, which is dominated by the big electrical installation market and the pathetic Apple and Microsoft attempts that imitate companies like B&O with heavy vendor lock-in.

LinuxMCE could cross that gap to Windows home server like the beloved XMPP project did with the xbox. But Windows home server isn't selling because it's expensive and requires a complete Intel PC to be running 24/7.

I'd like to know why the 'Core' wiki page states the core should run on a dual core 64bit Intel machine?

When the video capturing is moved to the primary media director and no streaming security cameras are needed there isn't really any use for such a processor. If that vera2 is able to run everything described on their website it seems there's hardly any limitation to functionality on a basic and very power efficient processor.

Developers / LinuxMCE as dd-wrt variant?
« on: March 31, 2011, 06:20:18 am »
Could it be possible to have dcerouter run on such limited hardware as commercially available routers which have extremely limited amounts of Flash, limited RAM and CPU. But are power efficient high level networking devices that usually operate reliable and are built for throughput.
Code: [Select] are many different versions of dd-wrt with the big and mega variants also include big applications like asterisk, samba, sftp and VPN etc..

I don't believe it will be possible to have standalone dce as an independant daemon any time soon, there are too many different tasks that now (initially) requires absolute control over the server.
Many people already have a cheap router that's online 24/7 and is configured as a home gateway, with usb and uart/gpio it is relatively simple to connect home automation and storage. These devices don't have the processing capacity to modify the data they transport, those tasks could be handled by another system like a living room PC which has to be capable of HD decoding. I also have to pay my energy bills and don't really like to keep those things switched on, but for a telephony application and home automation server this is inconvenient.

On dd-wrt they use Optware for loading services from external memory, maybe standalone dce could be an alternative configuration featuring dcerouter and a configurable number of services.
Code: [Select]
I must say that I don't really know more about linuxmce than I've read in the wiki and seen on youtube, but if I'm assuming things or if this discussion has already taken place, please excuse me.

I only hope to see more interest from people that have more time than money. When it's possible to experiment on something you already own, you'll have a better understanding of the requirements and are more likely to invest in useful devices.

Feature requests & roadmap / Re: Control PLC with LinuxMCE?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:52:57 am »
If you start hacking protocols and such, maybe it's better to hack the bus protocols.

I've spent some time with Siemens S7's and I can tell you there isn't much to gain from using PLC's except as a failsafe.

It's much more interesting to be able to drive the external IO units like the ones on Profibus (tm), which is of course prohibited by licenses.
If you can engineer an open source profibus driver it would really become nice.
Most PLC's use a proprietary protocol for programming and debugging, but most can also communicate with others on a multiple master network or just control dumb IO units.

This way you can make/use any $5  'RS232 / RS485 converter'. Which still is the underlying technology for DMX512, Profibus, KNX, CAN and such...

Developers / Re: GuruPlug
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:32:28 am »
Wow, I was looking for this.
I have a Guruplug which is my router/storage/pbx and I felt like it's time to add home automation and media streaming to that list.

When I got the unit I turned it on and it immediately started heating up, after 30 minutes of uboot I burned my finger on the usb ports. So I took the 30 day warranty sticker off it and noticed how the power supply is choking the processor leaving absolutely no ventilation room. After some craftsmanship I came up with this: teunkloosterman/Guruplug?authkey=Gv1sRgCLalltCt6Z7JxAE (not allowed links on first post ;)

Cost me about € 7 and it has been running eversince. At first I tried it without the fan but it got above 50 degrees C. within minutes, now it has quite a nervous fan in it, almost like the old xbox, but no heat problems what so ever.

I am using e-sata II (2TB 3.5" external PSU), 2,5" 320GB (usb powered, 500mA), 8GB Class6 microSD (mounted on /usr for apps), 2x Gigabit bridged with Wireless WPA2 AES, Bluetooth.
Also, I'm currently running iptables (about 60 rules in 5 tables), squid (transparent port 80), apache (with webmin), asterisk (landline), OpenVPN and SabNZBd+.

The only thing I'm quite disappointed about is the CPU performance on gzip/bzip etc., it drives the CPU wa time to 100%. I tried gzip'ing 50MB, took about 10 minutes or so. Funny thing is that unrar'ing with sabnzbd really doesn't take that much time. I guess the unrar application uses the CPU, while gzip makes use of the cryptographic coprocessor, never really tried.

I also have the 'professional' upgrade kit which consists of a tiny fan between the psu and usb ports, 3/4 of the fan is blocked by plastic, so I didn't use it.

I really urge people to do something like I did!!! DO NOT USE THE ORIGINAL UNIT!

Anyways, I'm glad I found this topic, somebody should link the Guruplug wiki site to: Category:Cores

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