I will post the steps I am taking while waiting for response:
(I will come back and edit this post window)
History to my first post above:
0. Prepared hard drive: Divided 330GB drive in two, making a NTFS partition, and leaving swap part and PCLinuxOS installed (Later, LinuxMCE would wipe out the Linux dual boot I was planning on).
1. Installed the snapshot DVD, using manual partition choice, I gave it SDA1, and the swap.
2. Updated the install by the prompts on the gear Icon, bottom right, except for 9.04 upgrade.
* This may have been a mistake, later I read 'open a term and type apt-get update, apt-get upgrade'.
3. I do not believe I immediately installed the nvidia proprietary driver. I had problems with this in my first install in Sept.
4. Then I ran the LinuxMCE install script from the shortcut on the desktop. This took a good chunk of an hour, and the term said it was ok to reboot.
[Here I made a Clonezilla copy to the 2nd drive partition I made just for this purpose]
5. I followed Sarah's wizard process, without any peripherals, and without asking to setup mythtv media, I was just working on the house setup, which was going ok.
6. Sometime in that process, I noticed mythtv stuff being downloaded as per the activity popup.
7. I went away for some time before coming back to setup media part with Sarah.
8. I went through the media-mythtv selection, and I was prompted for my location, which popped up correctly, my provider, Schedules Direct user and password, and apparently finished.
9. Later, after letting it settle down, I went into the Mythtv service menu as I call it from my ISF days, and left most everything at default except of course when it needed my details.
10 . I selected my HDHomerun tuner, which the system saw, its ip and serial etc for the two tuners.
11. I ran through the channel setup, the tuner locking in ok to the expected analog channels on my cable.
Then I edited the channels properly and made sure the starting channel was a valid number.
12. I never saw any prompt regarding mythfilldatabase, So I opened a term and ran sudo mythfilldatabase, which took around a half hour, and looked like it was downloading my schedule ok.
13. Later I tried to run Mythtv on the hybrid and failed, mostly myth could not find backend, mythfilldatabase, backend is having trouble, reset? and the like.
14. Believing I only had a few loose ends in Mythtv to set up, I ran the /usr/pluto/bin/Create_DisklessTBZ.sh and waited the eternity.
15. Connected the main MD (living room or dragon box as I refer to it), and allowed it to boot with PXE, as it had done ok in previous install.
16. It promped it was doing diskless install, and I let it run.
17. I tried some mythtv access, but it would go to dark green screen with just mouse pointer, and other failures, so I Clonezilla'd it at this point to avoid running diskless hours of setup.
18. I just read about using apt-get in a term, and running apt-get update, I get all manner of failed to fetch...
This is a link I also noticed it was just posted today in the 'Installation' thread, it is not easy to figure what to do:http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Installing_0810.
As I mention above, running the apt-get update fails with failed to fetch, etc again my snapshot 23436.
19. 1:09p est This is my list, is it ok, or what is to be done?
deb file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/ intrepid beta2
http://debian.slimdevices.com/ stable main
http://packages.medibuntu.org/ intrepid free non-free
http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse
http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse
http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main universe multiverse
http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/ 20dev_ubuntu main