Installation issues / Re: Failing Nvidia Drivers
« on: April 19, 2010, 09:03:47 pm »
dkms status output:
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-15-generic, i686: installed
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-7-generic, i686: installed
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-17-generic, i686: installed
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf output:
Section "Monitor"
identifier "configured monitor"
end section
Section "screen"
identifier "default screen"
monitor "configured monitor"
device "configured video device"
defaultdepth 24
Section "Module"
load "glx"
Section "Device"
identifier "configured video device"
driver "nvidia"
option "NoLogo" "True"
sudo dpkg -l /*nvidia/* output:
all lines followed by <none> and (no description available) except for three. Those lines begin with ii
nvidia-common Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
nvidia-glx-195 195.22-0ubuntu NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
nvidia-setting 190.36-0ubuntu tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driv
To me it looks like the problem could be that I have the 195 driver but somehow my system is set on 190?
Does this give enough information to help solve the problem or is there something else I should try.
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-15-generic, i686: installed
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-7-generic, i686: installed
nvidia, 195.22, 2.6.27-17-generic, i686: installed
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf output:
Section "Monitor"
identifier "configured monitor"
end section
Section "screen"
identifier "default screen"
monitor "configured monitor"
device "configured video device"
defaultdepth 24
Section "Module"
load "glx"
Section "Device"
identifier "configured video device"
driver "nvidia"
option "NoLogo" "True"
sudo dpkg -l /*nvidia/* output:
all lines followed by <none> and (no description available) except for three. Those lines begin with ii
nvidia-common Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
nvidia-glx-195 195.22-0ubuntu NVIDIA binary Xorg driver
nvidia-setting 190.36-0ubuntu tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driv
To me it looks like the problem could be that I have the 195 driver but somehow my system is set on 190?
Does this give enough information to help solve the problem or is there something else I should try.