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Messages - bbnd

Installation issues / Re: Hybrid Core and other services
February 23, 2010, 08:45:40 PM
>>Thom doesn't like it when people try to bend things, and gets annoyed when people ask a question and immediately disregard the answer.<<

Umm, OK. (note to self, make sure to stroke thom's ego, you might want to add this to the front page or the FAQ)

I didn't disregard anything. In fact, I thanked you nicely for your response and tried to explain further what I was doing and why. Sorry if that was offensive.

Thanks again for your help.

Installation issues / Re: Hybrid Core and other services
February 23, 2010, 11:57:23 AM
So, you are saying setting up a test system is a bad idea? Am I really looking at this from the wrong direction? If so please share now before I get hours invested in this product.
Installation issues / Re: Hybrid Core and other services
February 23, 2010, 04:00:50 AM
Thanks for your reply,

1) The system I have now (myth 0.22-5 on CentOS and mythdora 10.21) has a high WAF and I was looking to dual boot LinuxMCE so as to not screw that up while deciding if this was or me/us. Of course I do understand that one OS or the other would be unavailable at a given time.
2) You've not seen a 4xquad xeon running vsphere ;) It could/can easily handle this as a core/hybrid along with frontends (MD?) playing 1080p recordings, I would again be using it as a sandbox for testing and was looking for input as to others who might have tried.
3)Yep I get it. But I am not doing any home automation or using anything like astrisk and did not know how much additional load that would add. And what kind of load does LinuxMCE bring to the table itself?
4)OK, support for something and having it work in real life are two different things. Look at X10 itself. I guess I should have reworded it to ask for input as to how well x10 works, used with zwave (whatever that is) etc.

And as my last line read, i am off to read the wiki and docs.

Thanks again
Have the builders drywalled/plastered yet? Just as a CYA I take still pictures and video at the end of each day as a contractor works (or several times a day if I can get away from work). You ought to see the look on their face when there is a discrepancy and you lay the photos/video on them.

Also, in  new build, video/pics are GREAT documentation of where stuff in the walls (pipes, wire etc) is running. You might have a blueprint but you can't believe how many times I have seen a subcontractor make a change on the fly to save a few bucks or minutes.

Users / Re: OT: HDMI connector = weak?
February 22, 2010, 08:12:35 PM
Thanks both. Never SCARTed before (at least that I would admit  :D).

Mandingo: Yes this is exactly the problem. The cable is all together about 3/8" in diameter and weighs a lot compared to that little 5/8" connector. I have some 1/4" acrylic that I hope to fashion into some type holder this weekend to give me something substantial to mount/fix the cable to.
Installation issues / Hybrid Core and other services
February 22, 2010, 08:05:39 PM
Probably asked and answered but if you could take a minute to respond?

I currently have a myth backend/frontend with two additional frontends. I have used MythDora and my own Myth on CentOS in the past and am ready to move beyond the 'Media distribution' aspects of Myth and add the other things LinuxMCE brings to the table. I had looked at LinuxMCE and am ready to give it a spin.

1) Can I dual boot linuxMCE with my current distro/myth?
2) If not #1, has anyone delved into virtualizing the core?
3) I have an Intel 65xx based system with 2G RAM, 4TB external storage. I would use this as the lmce hybrid core and storage. Right now this machine is my myth backend/frontend, samba server for laptops, http for mythweb, and remote iso install for new os's. It has 2 pvr 150's for analog cable and I use an HDHR for clear QAM. Would this Intel 65xx have enough oomph to be a hybrid lmce core for the 4 inputs while maintaining samba, file storage, os installation and http?
4) I have some old X10 stuff lying around, can lmce make use of this type home automation (and I use the term loosly) equipment?

OK, those are the questions for now, off to browse the wiki and docs.


Users / OT: HDMI connector = weak?
February 22, 2010, 06:46:08 PM
I have a couple tvs with hdmi and have noticed that the hdmi connector becomes 'weak' with age. Meaning that the cable seems to be too heavy for the design of the connector to support and the cable will loosen from gravity over time. Are there any kind of 'strain relief' adapters that will help take the weight off the cable off the connector?

The two tvs are an oliva 37" and a samsung 46" Both have connectors that force the cable to come horizonally from the tv and then the cable hangs down by its own weight.

I have noticed the same thing on two video cards that have hdmi. Both seem to be quite weak and the connection is 'loose' because of cable stiffness and weight.

No doubt I can rig something using enough duct tape and bailing wire, and I think the WAF would be extremly low on an iron bar bolted to the wall the height of the connector to support the cable or a metal chain from the ceiling doing the same. If you have any other, more elegant ideas (commercial or diy) I would like to hear your comment.

(Why can't the standards orgs just put a couple retaining screws on the connector like vga or serial and be done with it?)


Tridum, earlier you posted that you would be taking pictures of the install. Have you done that? Are they available anywhere for public viewing? If you need some storage space, I would be happy to make a public album for you on my website.
