« on: October 28, 2009, 08:53:33 pm »
Ok heres the thing and I don't want to sound insane or dumb or both. Currently I have almost 0 knowledge with Linux of any kind. I have downloaded the DVD install and am ready to really make a jump into using MCE because 1) its free 2) seems to do what I want in the future (home automation). Now my issue is that currently I run a file server using Windows XP home headless in my living room. My main system which is my gaming system runs Windows 7 RC, my laptop runs the same, my wife runs XP on her Asus One. The file server needs to stay simple and I know how Samba works and have done it before when I was fiddling around with Ubuntu. I need to keep the server side where my wife can access our family photo hard drive and not be angry I changed stuff so she can't access it without jumping through hoops. The file server I was hoping to turn into a hybrid for now with switching to a dedicated core later down the road. I also havr an XBox 360 I would like to still stream music to.
So I guess in all that I guess my big thing is can I run LinuxMCE and still access the drive like I do with Windows? And if I can how?